Living Conditions


Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun were both dumbfounded after hearing Jing Jiang's explanation of what happened not long ago.

But soon, a surge of joy washed over Lei Mingxing.

So her arrows hadn't been failures this entire time? And she really had a certain talent in artifact creation?

After so many 'failed' products, she had gradually begun to wonder whether Jing Jiang's initial judgment of her was false.

She had felt it to be too good to be true from the very start. After all, there had never been anything outstanding about her, except for her special physique.

But this time around it was different, and Lei Mingxing was immensely glad that she could experience this change.

Although, a small part of her expected something to happen which would dampen her mood. Regardless, the sense of refreshing lighthearted joy drowned out most of her deeply ingrained doubts.

"I'm sorry. As your boss, I should have seen the quality of your work and encouraged you to improve, but instead, I thoughtlessly judged your work."

Jing Jiang apologetically bowed his head, clear regret in his voice.

"It doesn't matter."

Lei Mingxing quickly forgave the other. She didn't really care about Jing Jiang's supposed mistake, rather, she wondered why the other was making such a big fuss about it. The most important part for her was that she actually had a future in artifact creation. Something like this was nothing.

Relieved that Lei Mingxing wasn't the proud grudge-keeping kind and would remain his apprentice despite his mistake Jing Jiang raised his head again.

"Ah, I was wondering, how come you arrived so late today?" Jing Jiang finally asked the question that had haunted his mind from the moment they stepped through the door.

Lei Mingxing glanced at Chang Liuyun.

The other returned a casual gaze in response, letting Lei Mingxing recount their story while he hopped over to the stool that wasn't too far away and sat down. He was sure that Lei Mingxing would be much better at knowing which aspect of their adventure to include and which to conceal.

After all, she seemed much more familiar with the whole subject of Chaos Physique and the like.

So, Lei Mingxing began to recount what happened in the last few hours.

And although Lei Mingxing's way of storytelling was a bit hard to follow, Jing Jiang listened to her words intently, growing especially pale as she mentioned their encounters with the Horned Red Jade Tiger and the group of mercenaries.

After she had finished her tale, of course brushing over the riskier details, Jing Jiang heavily patted her shoulder with a grim expression.

"You are really lucky you survived. You shouldn't go hunting in the Dark Spirit Woods again, that's far too dangerous for First Stage cultivators."

Lei Mingxing reciprocated his words with an equally serious nod, recounting their experiences had caused her to remember the matter of that young master again. Instantly ruining her arduously improved mood.

A short moment of silence passed, all of them individually in deep thought before Jing Jiang abruptly opened his mouth.

"How about you two stay here in the forge? Or rather in the guest room upstairs? It's only me and my father here so there is more than enough space, also, you could cut some of your daily expenses."

This was the solution Jing Jiang came up with after pondering over what had motivated Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun to risk their lives in the Dark Spirit Woods.

And the reason appeared crystal clear to him.

Obviously, she and Chang Liuyun were struggling to come up with the money for their living expenses! And that's why they had to hunt beasts even after Lei Mingxing finished her workday in the forge.

Staying in an inn wasn't cheap after all and a noble daughter probably had a certain living standard she needed to keep up, even if she was currently in hiding.

Oblivious to Jing Jiang's convoluted thought process, Lei Mingxing looked over at Chang Liuyun.

In her opinion, Jing Jiang's offer wasn't half-bad. At the very least it was a big upgrade from their current place in the highest-risk area of Dark Spirit Town dominated by people like Dong Huo or the original house owner.

And it wasn't like they had anything to hide, except for their physiques, although she put a lot of effort into keeping it a secret.

But in the end, the place where they stayed wasn't her decision alone, she also had to consider Chang Liuyun's opinion.

Fortunately, the other agreed after a bit of consideration.

"Alright, but we still have to get some of our things."

"Yes," Lei Mingxing nodded at Chang Liuyun before turning to Jing Jiang to explain, "our hairbrush and my candy are still there."

Jing Jiang was a bit confused by Lei Mingxing's words, wondering if it was some kind of code between the two, still, he felt happy that she agreed nonetheless.

"Great! Do you want to take a look at your room first or do you want to pick up your luggage? I can help you if you want, you're injured after all."

Jing Jiang continued enthusiastically, but Lei Mingxing quickly shook her head.

"No need, it's not that much, we will go ourselves."

No matter from which angle she looked at it, bringing Jing Jiang to the home they had hijacked with the deceased homeowner still inside probably wasn't the best idea.

With this, Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun left to gather their remaining two belongings and eliminate any evidence they might lead to them before they never returned to that house again.

After the two stepped out of the forge, Jing Jiang looked at the door for a moment more before he left the storefront and began whistling a cheerful tune in a good mood.

He was about to walk up the hidden stairs at the end of the workshop to the first floor, hoping to clean up and organize the guest room a bit while Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun were gone.

Just then his father returned.

Jing Hai's expression was a mixture of disappointment and disheartedness, he stretched his back that was aching from weaving through the crowd while craning his neck in search of the two teenagers. Although, it was for naught in the end.

"No luck, I didn't see them even after walking down the entire market," Jing Hai admitted while entering the workshop in search of his son.

But instead of finding a sad expression on his son's face, there was a clear cheerful aura around the other, which startled Jing Hai.

"You just missed them. But it doesn't matter, I've some great news!" Jing Jiang paused for a moment, "They will be moving in with us!"

A smile spread on Jing Jiang's lips as he said this.

Stunned, it took Jing Hai a moment to understand what his son meant, finally, he let out a short laugh, and a smile appeared on his face as well.

"Haha, that's great, a bit of youthful energy was exactly what we needed. Although I didn't expect to become a grandfather after walking around the market for a bit," Jing Hai teased his son.

Jing Jiang was instantly turned speechless by his father's shameless teasing and he seriously explained.

"What are you saying! Lei Mingxing is my apprentice! As her boss, of course, I will try my best to support her and her partner!"

Having said his piece, Jing Jiang disappeared upstairs, leaving his father in the workshop.

Jing Hai gently shook his head.

His son hadn't been this lively in a very long time, it was certainly a relieving sight for this old man.

Jing Jiang seemed to be really invested in this new apprentice of his.

Well, he looked forward to meeting her.

Small theater:

Jing Jiang: What kind of horrible person would I be if I didn't help such a pure and innocent couple?!

Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun: *pure and innocently living at a murder site for several days*