Chapter 8 Dorms

Me and him met in this very club. Dasha. He was of course a stripper owned by the previous boss, 'till I killed him for Casantro so he can have control of this place, every club needs a new and more powerful pimp every few years, or else they'll be a bit more... abusive of their control. My reward wasn't Paws, or free drinks, but to rightfully own a stripper. There were a lot of cute, small and medium-size dogs... but when I saw him, I fell in love with him. He even offered a private dance on that day too. Why the hell would I refuse an offer like that? Though, he challenged me to not get a single erection, and I obviously accepted it. If I get an erection, I would have to eat a mouthful of burnt dirt outside of Red Wire. If I don't get an erection, then I would have to claim him with a bite mark. Who won? Me. I have self-control... that's a lie, I HAD self-control, but he didn't, which lead from a private dance to an erotic private scene, I was surprise he can handle me just for a cat.

I always... think that he is watching me; eyeing me closely in hope for my dumbass to not make a wrong move. Maybe that was him that told me to not kill his killer. Maybe I should let that happen to everyone. As in, let the Legend Himself take care of the bad dog's fates while I sit and grieve over my dear Dasha, knowing that he'll never come back, and knowing I'll never sleep due to this painful insomnia. And ya know, thinking back through my killings in these burnt lands, this time, I'll let the Legend take care of the bad dogs. I mean, I'm glad that I'm now banned for a whole year to not kill anyone, but to this very night, back in court, I agreed to myself that I will not kill again, there is no point to it anymore. I don't kill anyone in Red Wire, it's my hometown after all, and other towns would just go to my app and ask for my services, but the mayors of those towns probably got their daily news from Lady Luzi, and now the app won't be useful until next year; but the power I had of me killing those bad dogs, it was literally within my power whatsoever, and I was really the one choosing their fates faster than the Legend; but THIS time I will let the Legend choose their fates. Were the killings for the Paws? Is it for the fame? No. It's for Dasha, and every other innocent lover that loved their bad dog 'till they're death from their paws, or the abuse from their anger and sexual frustrations. Besides, I wouldn't say I'm slaughtering in the name of love, but I'm slaughtering in the name of fairness, as all bad dogs don't deserve a second chance. So, if I'm being honest, for what I've been doing for twenty-six years, I was doing the right thing. Every good canine should be grateful of their second lives rather than using it to harm the innocent that didn't do a single bad thing in this world, or even back in Earth.

Sure, I am a bad dog myself, but I never hurt the innocent. I remember all those wolves that would just harass and take advantage of my pups and mates when they get the damn chance, and I'm over here fighting for their lives to live with them another day! But I did all I could to protect them. My dearest pups, and my beloving mates back in Earth. If only they can see what kind of a monster I became, rather than them remembering what a great, protective father I was to my pups, and a lovely, dominant husband to my harem. Hell, I wanted to show that kind of love and respect to Dasha, but... instead, he was gutted and raped on our bed in his own home. Yet, I still wonder to myself: was it my love that led my dear Dasha to his fate?

Now look at me, I... I can't love anyone anymore... because I'm too afraid that it will happen again, no matter how many times I try to change... I- I only left Dasha for just a few hours, I never... I wish... I should've... I could've...

Sniffle. Sniffle.


I quickly pick my face from off the floor to look around my surroundings, tears slightly trailing out of my eyes, and my heart pounding painfully at a considerable speed. I forgot that I'm in the dorms, or at least, a long hallway that has numerous doors that will lead me to each stripper's little cottage if they end up needing a place to stay. Sadly, the only stripper that needed a dorm was only Klassic, but also, this is where some reservations would happen at, while some of the other reservations would end up at the client's home.

The door that catches my blue eye the most is the door that leads to Klassic's room, which should still be locked up since there is a simple lock that is at the same height like Klassic, as she was a poole. The key is hidden in Casantro's room, but I won't needing it anyways, what I do need is to get inside of Klassic's room so I can remember his scent. A victim's scent is very important and should be the first thing I need, so that way, I can figure out who that dog is, their possible habits, their whereabouts, and a lot more than can be of usage.

I walk up to door, then afterwards I face the lock before unsheathing my metal claw, and I move one of them into the lock like a lockpick, while also putting my ear near the lock before closing my eyes.

Tik-tik, cling, tik, tik-tik, crack. Tik-tik-tik-dink. Shuffle-shuffle. CRACK!

Open sesame.


I perk up my ears high and look over at the exit to see Birdy walking up to me. I slightly frown at him and pull my metal claw out of the lock. "What do you want...? I'm busy." I grumbled before looking away from him and put my metal paw on the door.

"D- Don't open it yet, please, just hear me out." Birdy barked hurriedly before he got close enough to headbutt my left leg softly. "I know who the killer is."

"I'm listening..." I said reluctantly before I roughly push the door open with my metal paw, and instantly, a wave of Klassic's old scent splashes in my face, and for one thing, it reeks with murder, but I'm just letting all that scent go through my nose without flinching, and memories of me and Klassic start to come back to me. And not going to lie, I kind of liked him, he wasn't bad at all for a poodle stripper, as he had all the qualities of a girl poodle: sassiness, glory, and can treat a horny dog well.

"It was the DJ!" Birdy suddenly blurted out.

I look down at Birdy, looking up at me with a serious look on his face, and I slightly raise an eyebrow at him. "The DJ...?"

"I didn't stutter! It was the DJ who did it, you remember in the book that he reserved for Klassic?"

"That's... not what I remembered in the book, Birdy, I know who reserved who in the top of my head, and I can reassure you that the DJ never had reserved anyone in that book." I explained with a sigh. "And besides, I know for a good fact that Casantro would never be suspicious, which means that the information you're giving me isn't real, and that you're still keeping the information from me. Do I really need to say more?" I asked with a small glare, and he just stares at me, speechless. "That's what I thought." I added before looking back into the dark room, and I slowly walk inside with caution.

"W- Well, then let me be REALLY honest to you then!" Birdy squeaked while he follows me inside of the room, and immediately starts gagging. "F- Fuck..."

"Fuck indeed... this smell isn't exactly what I had hoped." I sighed.

Klassic's dorm is made of wood, which is consider to be the second luxurious room in Lusties, the first being Casantro, with its colorful, electrical lanterns hanging on the walls and ceiling, her king-size purple bed on the right is covered with dry blood on the covers and pillows, and on my left is her little makeup stand, and a built-in mirror attach to the makeup stand to show a reflection of my muscular physique with mixtures of gray and brown, thick fur. I have a lot of grays actually, all on my chin, chest, shoulders down to my paws and legs, a few on my numerous whiskers too.

"W- Woah..." Birdy gasped while walking over to the makeup stand. "This stuff is really expensive, all from Clazzies too. Klassic never told anyone that he was from Clazzies."

"Is that so?" I asked while walking over to him and Birdy, and I dip my head on Klassic's bottled perfumes and weird makeup shit that I don't even know a single name of. "Hmmm..." I slightly glance at Birdy, and I can see him staring at me intensely with his yellow eyes, blushing a bit through his black furred facial cheeks. I gently sigh and look at myself in the mirror again, and I can see Birdy looking at me rather than himself at the mirror. "...What's the big idea?"

"N- Nothing, just... thinking..." Birdy whispered before looking up at me. "I'm... sorry about what I said, b- back there. Please, you have to forgive me..."

I look back down at Birdy, and I couldn't help but smile a little. He just... reminds me of my different lovers I had back in Earth that are just as small and cute as him. "It's alright... it was mistake I'm sure." I said with a sigh before looking over at Klassic's bed, then I walk over to it.

"I- I'll make it up to you..." Birdy winced gently at me as I hear him following behind me again.

"You don't have to, I don't deserve it..." I barked before hopping on the bed, and I slowly start sniffing it. "Dry blood. Klassic. An... individual..."

"A- An individual? Who?"

"It was... his client. And..." I lift my nose off the bed to get a look around at the whole bed, then I slightly tilt his head. "There's too much blood, a poodle doesn't bleed that much, which means both the client and Klassic were dead. But that doesn't make sense, because in the news that was all about Klassic, it never mentioned about the law-dogs finding the body of the client. And his name was... was... waaas..." I then start to snarl in frustration. "The fuck was his name?"

"Disco!" Birdy squeaked.

"That's... Birdy, I swear to fucking Legend, it's NOT the DJ!" I snapped, looking back at him with fiery eyes as he looks up at me with fear on his face. "Please, fucking enlighten me, how the hell could it possibly be the DJ?"

"W- Waves, please, calm down..." he whimpered gently.

"Then shut up about the DJ and let me concentrate! You hear me?"

"Y- Y- Yes..." Birdy said before looking down at the floor, loudly sobbing in the room we're in.

I stop snarling at him and look back down at the bed, then back at Birdy with a sigh. "I don't need all that, Birdy, I really don't..." I barked regretfully before hopping off the bed, then I got close enough to Birdy to lower my head down on him to nuzzle between his ears. "Shut up, please, I don't want to hear you-"

"T- Then just kill me then!" Birdy snarled upsettingly, and I immediately bring my head back up.

"The hell are you- what? Just what? Are you- I can't even- I don't want to!" I said in disbelief. "The hell the matter with you? Damn."

Birdy then finally looks up at me with a lot of tears on his face. "I- I said I was sorry, a- and I was going to do something to resolve my hurtful words to you! S- S- So please... let me do that now?"

"Birdy, I need to-"

"Hey Birdy!" A familiar male dog barks down the hallway. "Geez, it reeks in these halls..."

I quickly look over at the open door, then back down at Birdy. "Why the hell is the DJ in the-"

Birdy immediately turns away from me and runs to the door to pop his head outside. "Disco baby, I've been waiting for ya..." he said seductively, then uses his right, small, pointy ear to point behind the door. He wants me to hide perhaps?

"I've been waiting to pound that pretty face of yours for a long time, but I had to work on some music as always."

He's getting close, and I'm already hiding behind the door, patiently waiting for Disco to come in. Maybe Birdy is even right that he could be the killer, but for now, I'll have to let this play.

"I can even see how huge you are down there, pent up huh? You wanna grind that hunk of meat all over this body?" Birdy giggled playfully, as finally, I can hear and sense Disco that he is in front of Birdy.

"More than just that..." Disco snickered, before I start to hear... quite some erotic fucking kissing. Oh Legend, why can't that be me?

After the kissing, I start to see Disco, a furless longdog, carrying Birdy by the scruff before he puts him on the bed, and I start to slowly come out of hiding and creeping up on them as Disco climbs on top of Birdy's small body.

"B- Been thinking a lot of me, h- hm?" Birdy stuttered submissively while looking up at Disco with lustful, yellow eyes.

"Oh hell yeah bitch, been wanting to stick this dick up yo-"

Pounce! Thud! Yelp!

I have Disco pinned on the bed with my metal paw on my neck, not taking any chances of letting Disco go as this is pretty... ironic so far. I look over at Birdy, who is already back up, watching me carefully. "Care to explain?"

Birdy happily gives me a toothy grin. "I told you he-"

"Disco has never reserved for your or any other stripper's service, and he needs to in order to have your service, but he hasn't since the last time I checked the book, which means that this is illegal activity within Lusties."

"I- what?!" Birdy groaned in annoyance. "That isn't important, he's been texting me that he wanted to have sex with me in the first place!"

"Yeah Waves." Disco chuckled at me. "Also, I did it."

I perk up my ears and look back down at Disco. "You... did what?" I questioned.

"I... I just did it man."

"Disco, come on, the hell do you mean you DID it?" I asked worriedly.

"W- Wait!" Birdy gasped. "You killed Klassic?!"

"Yeaaaa- wait-"

"Hold the fuck up!" I snarled. "Birdy was right?!"

"W- Wait!" Disco yelped. "I d- don't know what you're talking about, B- Birdy wanted me to say it! He's lying!"

"Birdy?!" I look back at Birdy, and he is snarling at Disco.

"Why the hell would I kill Klassic?! Just because I hate him doesn't mean I would kill him!"

"You know what? Fine! I was the one who killed Klassic!" Disco howled out, and I look back down at the DJ in shock. "You happy now? We all happy? Now where's my rewa-"

I quickly lift him up from the bed, then I easily lift him up from the air and soon throw him at Klassic's makeup stand. "You son of a bitch!" I snarled aggressively before hopping off the bed, then I unsheathe both of my claws fully while walking up to Disco, who is surprisingly out cold.

"W- Waves! Don't kill him!" Birdy yelped, and in an instant, Birdy is already in front of me, which caught me off guard and made me stop walking up closer to Disco. I didn't know Birdy was that damn fast, but hey, small dogs can be full of surprises. "Don't kill him, you can't do that or else you'll be in jail!"

I slightly frown down at Birdy. "Don't kill him?! I don't give a fuck! He needs to die for killing Klassic! He even admitted it to my face like it was a damn joke!" I snarled down at Birdy. "

"Waverly! Are you even listening to what you're saying?! You said back in court that you're done killing, you even said you would never kill anyone in Red Wire!" Birdy snarled back up at me. "I DON'T want you going to jail by the VERY slightest! You hear me?!" Birdy yipped loudly, and I just look back at Disco's unconusious body that is pouring a bit of blood.

"Birdy..." I snarled lower than louder. "Move out of my way." I demanded coldly before I try to walk over Birdy without stepping on him, but he gets on his hind-legs to press his small paws and body against my chest, while also using his hind-legs to stop himself from being moved from being pushed by me.

"Are you fuckin' dense?! Don't-"

"Who the hell you calling DENSE?!" I suddenly snapped uncontrollably at Birdy's face. "Who, the hell, you calling, dense?! Are YOU fuckin' dense?! He was our DJ, our BEST DJ in Lusties, a deep friend to Casantro, and he would rather much love for him to die because of such betrayal! I don't know what kind of relationship you got going on with him, but he gotta go! I am more than glad to rip him apart and go to damn jail, knowing that I killed Klassic's killer!"

Birdy stares at my hatred face, many tears coming out of his glistering yellow as his body suddenly stiffens, and I stop moving again and just looked at him, understanding his emotions and my emotions. My very own emotions.

I slowly lower my ears in realization to what I have said to him, and to what I have to said to myself. This grief I'm feeling, it feels memorable... Dasha. "...B- Birdy... list-"

"NO!" Birdy snarled aggressively back at my face before he suddenly slaps me across my face hard with one of his claws unsheathe, and I didn't see that one coming, leaving me a clean claw mark with blood trinkling out of my facial cheek, and I can feel it, yet I can't feel the pain. "You listen to me for fucks sake!" Birdy sobbed before he puts his whole face on my chest, and I just stood there emotionless while he sobs continuously on my chest, and I just stare down at him with my ears flattened and my claws sheathed.

A few seconds past, and Birdy looks up at me with his precious, tearful, radiant yellow wolf eyes and I just kept staring down at him with all of my emotions containing themselves in my body, and just remaining emotionless with a straight face. "D- D- Does killing... make you h- happy? C- Careless even...? Do you even care about who you kill...?"

I remain quiet, then suddenly, I start to get emotional, and I immediately look away from Birdy with a hesitating sigh.

Birdy lets out a small sniffle. "You're better than this. I know you don't kill to make yourself happy, you don't kill because you don't care. I know there's a good reason you to do it." He then gets back on all four paws. "Promise me..."

"Promise... n- no, I can't promise anything..." I said with a bit of panic in my voice, looking back down at him, and I dip my head down closer to Birdy. "I am who I am... I deserve to be in jail at this point- NOTHING will change me."

"...Well..." Birdy then slips a small paw on my chin cutely, then he presses his small nose against my nose. "Lemme try to change ya..." he whispered, when suddenly, he pushes his small lips against mine, and my ears slowly perk up with passion, and my old body starts to slowly jolt with joy of joyfulness. But it was only temporary when he pulls back himself back from the kiss, and I just stood in front of Birdy all motionless while looking at me with a tiny crack on my smile. "Any better...?" Birdy whispered with a playful coy in her tone.

"It's... a start, I guess..." I barked gently with a small shudder of pleasure, and he just slightly giggles.

"Listen, I... I gotta go back to stage... please, don't kill Disco, just... dispose of him. I'll tell Casantro what happened in fact so I can give you time to think about what you can do with him, then afterwards, come and watch me perform, yes?"

I slowly start wagging my tail before looking back over at Disco, then I simply smirk weakly. "Sure..."