Chapter 1 P2 ??? 3282Dys, 46 Years Old, Waves 

First comes the bone, then comes the skin, after the skin comes with the fur, and there ya go sonny, ya got cha self a tail!

Big Bad Beaaagle. Wake up, old man! Wake UP!

"Ouch!" I yelped suddenly, and my eyes open up with a painful feeling on my blue eye. However, my vision is blurry, and my memory feels wiped out. "Fuuuuck..." I groaned out.

"That's a baaaaad word!"

"H- Huh...?" I mumbled as I softly run my normal paw on my eyes thoroughly, then as my vision goes back to normal, I see a pup in front of me. He has small, flat ears, small white tail, beige coated body, and dark, brown eyes. "Woah... haven't seen little ones like you in so long..." I slowly start to look what's in front of me, noticing how damp and small the room is, as it is all fully made of cracked concerte, and there are also iron bars blocking my way out. "Am I... or, are WE imprisoned..." I then look back at the smiling pup. "Little one?" I finished my question.

"Yeah! Papa wanted me to watch you until you're awake while he spends time with Fee, but I wanted to wake you up faster so I can play with my friends!"

"Fee...? Why does that name sound familiar...?"

"Are you new here, mister?" The pup giggled. "But don't worry though, Papa said that once you're awake, you're going to be given a room better than this, then that'll be everything you'll need!"

"Everything I'll need?" I barked skeptically. "The hel- who is your 'Papa' exactly? What's his name?"

"Is your body okay?" The pup asked suddenly without even answering my question. "It's bandaged up."

I try to tilt my head to his response, until I feel a sharp pain around my neck. I repositioned my head. "C- Crap... is there a mirror around 'ere...?"

"It's behind you, mister."

I slowly start to get up from off the ground, my bones cracking painfully as I rotate myself to face the mirror. I have a lot of bandages wrapped around my neck, and my underbelly up to my back. My eyes look like shit for some reason, less bright, more dimmed. I'm confuse too, as I can't remember much that led me here... except for that name the pup mentioned about. Fee.

I cautiously rotate my body again to face the pup again, and I watch him trotting in a big circle while dancing a little. "Erm... do you know who exactly is Fee, or-"

"Second comes the bones, then comes the skin, after the skin comes with the fur, and there ya go sonny, ya got cha self ears!"

"Kid, listen, do-"

"Third comes the bones, then comes the skin, after the skin comes with the fur, and there ya go sonny, ya got cha self a body!"

"Kid, please, I-"

"Fourth comes the bones, then comes the skin, after the skin comes with the fur, and there ya go sonny, ya got cha self legs!"

Yeah, I'ma just quit now. With a sigh in defeat, then I slowly walk over to the iron bars up ahead. Afterwards, so far, I can only see a concerte wall up front, but I move to a different angle to observe the left side of the hall, and I can see an endless amount of cells on my left, and lanterns hanging above the wide hallway. Next, I try to look to my right, but I end up facing the end of a slim barrel of some kind of weapon.

"Back. Up." A male dog growled from behind the weapon.

With a grumbly growl, I slowly back up, and the pup runs out of the cell I'm in by going through the iron bars. Speaking of the iron bars, they start to burrow themselves into the ground in a matter of seconds, and a large, dark brown German Shepherd reveals himself with some kind of rifle I've never seen before on his two, front paws. The base of the rifle is as slim as the barrel, but it has a large stock attach to the back of the rifle, and for some odd reason, the rifle is made of some kind of material that looks a lot like rusted metal, but throughout my decades of weaponry... I never underestimate the enemy's weapon.

"Would cha lookie 'ere..." the German Shepherd snickered lightly. "Waves Young Waverly, in the flesh."

I glare skeptically at the German Shepherd. "Where am I...?"

"In our prison, old man." He answered with a small grin.

"Not what the hell I meant..." I snarled angrily to his response.

"Should've been more specific then..."

With some rage in me, I attempt to run at him, but then I easily collapse onto the cold, hard concerte floor from a sharp pain on my back and underbelly. I weakly look up at the German Shepherd, who is looking down at me with a hint of worry in his face.

"Oh Darkness..." he sighed before holstering his rifle on his back, then he walks up to me. Then, he puts a paw on my bandaged neck, then a leash suddenly appears around my neck. "I'll just leash you to our exit."

"No..." I grumbled. "I don't need a fucking leash..."

He sighs again before the leash disappears from its existence. "Fine, I'll carry you then."

"No." I revolted. I try to slowly get up all over again despite the pain throbbing inside of my body.

A slight whimper comes out of the German Shepherd. "Listen... I'm a fan of you and your work, okay? I don't want to watch you all hurt like this, nor do I want to force myself to aid you, otherwise you'll get redder, but... please, let me help you." The German Shepherd beckoned, but I couldn't help but scoff.

"Help me?" I grunted while standing up fully. "I don't need anyone's help... y'all are the one who need help... even if it results in pain, at least I'm soaking it all up and y'all ain't experiencing it. That's all that matters..."

"I... f- fine..." the German Shepherd hesitated. "Follow me then." He barked before he walks off. I slowly walk out of the cell, and I see him standing in the hallway looking over his shoulder at me, patiently waiting for me. Why is this German Shepherd all kind to me? He doesn't even know who the hell I really am other than a murderer to everyone in these lands.

Anyways, the two of us begin walking side by side at a slow paste because of my wounds. I wonder what happened to my collar, whether if these "doctors" threw it in the trash or worse.

My ears slightly perk up in realization. "Erm... you know anything about this... Fee?"

The German Shepherd glances at me. "How do you know him?"

"I... I ain't bullshitting ya, but I really don't know how I still know the name, but I can't even remember what he looks like, what he sounds like. Hell, even that pup knows him as well as I do."


"What's your name, young one?" I immediately asked.

"Shield." He barked with pride.

"Right, so..." I soon start to trail off by the sight of a huge animal we're going towards that is blocking our path, and I'm talking the size of the Legend at best! It even has two big heads judging by its two helmets with no eye holes, but if anything, it looks like the Red Sun's doing that made it bodily huge with two heads. This animal is also holding some kind of weapon with a long, metal rod and a metal circle in the end with spikes coming out of it, it looks a lot like a blunt weapon too, I'm surprise the thing is carrying it with both of its front paws while sitting perfectly still, staring us down with no eyes through the helmet.

"Warden!" Shield shouted. "This prisoner is going to meet the Alpha!"

That name also rings a bell too, this Alpha figure.

The Warden scoots to the side to reveal a large opening that is half of the beast's size, then me and Shield resume walking through the large opening that. There is now a set of stone stairs that leads us up to another large, but bright opening, and the sound of barks and movement is erupting up there. Even for how eager I am to see what is up there, I carefully, and paw-first, walk up to the stairs at a slow paste, and for each step of the way the barking grows louder.

"Waves, I think I should be up front." Shield warned.

"No." I simply replied.



"Fine, better hope you won't get shot first then." Shield huffed.

"That won't happen..." I reassured.

I finally make it up to the stairs, and in front of my dimmed red and blue eyes are dogs in hundreds of sizes in a tremendously huge cave.

My ears perk up, then I cock my head back to dodge a thick blade that almost went through my head on my left side. I quickly glance over to see a big, fully armored animal that is wielding a long, thick, metal blade with two front paws on a wooden handle, and it is also on its two-legs.

Shield suddenly appears beside me to face the armored figure. "I have him under control." He barked calmly, then in response to the armored figure, it pulls the weapon back to itself, puts it on the wooden floor in front of itself, then sits down properly while it looks back into the crowd with a perfect posture. Shield looks back at me with a sigh. "Or gutted since that almost happened."

I slightly roll my eyes and soon start to look around the place again.

Above me reveals no roof but just dark clouds, and bright lanterns hanging above a few metal catwalks that lead into different openings with different sizes, and there are dogs walking on the catwalks.

In front of me, not only there are hundreds of different kinds of dogs all around the huge cave, but there are also a bunch of different kinds of wooden stands that has a variety of scents, like fresh meat in their wooden food stands, which is odd since there isn't real meat, but instead just printable but edible meat that almost takes away the flavoring of the printable meat. But not only that I smell food, but also different perfumes in their beauty stands, and also the different scent of flowers, which is also odd since there isn't a spec of nature in our burnt land, but I ain't judging. But overall, the stores just go on like an endless plaza filled with different kinds of scents that are highly recognizable to me.

On my right, there is a row of department stores for specifically guns, according to the glowing, metal signs that just howls about weapons in bold texts, like that sign that says "Blow a Kiss" with a female dog with two blue X's on her white eyes, and another blue X on her forehead... wait a damn sec, it's XXX; a damn strip club in the open! What about the pups?! If anything, I'm probably the only dog in this damn place who gives a shit 'bout children, 'cause I am more than willing to burn this BUILDING to the ground.

Then finally, on my left... wait a fucking sec'!

I immediately look back at the German Shepherd, who is slightly gawking at a group of female dogs. "Shield, quit fucking gawking and look over there! Who the hell is he?" I barked while pointing my metal paw in front past Shield's face, and he follows my metal paw closely with a bit before perking his ears up gently.

"Oh, you mean the one sitting on the golden throne?" He asked. "That's the Alpha, she rules-"

"No! Him! The one sitting next to the Alpha!"

"Ohhhh, that's one of the Alpha's warmongers, Adolpha, he may look like your average gray beta wolf, but-"

"No, idiot! Pay more attention!" I storm past Shield and over to a big, silver throne with skulls popping out, and there is a highly familiar beige Kangal sitting on his throne with a huge grin on his face while staring me down with its dark, red eyes.

"Alive and well, Waves!" The Kangal laughed lightly. "I knew someone like you wouldn't be dead so easily."

"Shut your fuc-"

"No!" A female Doberman barked out at me, and I immediately shift my focus on her as she leans on her golden throne. "It's about YOUR time to shut your ass up!"

I snarl before soon being quiet, standing still in front of three different dogs sitting on their different metaled thrones. Apparently, this Doberman is most likely the Alpha, considering that her throne is made of gold, and her tone is a dominantly strong. She has long, reddish-brown hair covering her left shoulder, not to mention that her hair has specs of glittery gold on her hair. She also has reddish-brown eyes with a strong face, which goes along with her radiant, muscular, brown furred body. To be fair, this is my definition of a strong queen.

"The Big Bad Beagle." The Doberman huffed. "And you shall call me Alpha. I have been informed that you were brutally captured and later taken into major care from my doctors due to one of my warmonger's brutality, specifically Dariuz, the one on the left."

I look to my left to see a seemingly weak, but slim, gray wolf on an iron throne. "Bullshit!" I exclaimed. "That thing captured me?!"

"No, darling!' The Alpha sighed in disappointment. "I meant MY left!"

With a sigh of relief, but also disappointment because of her calling me "darling", I look to HER left, which is MY right, to look at Dariuz shooting me a cunning while chilling on his silver throne. I snort at Dariuz before looking back at the Alpha. "Can you possibly jog my memory? I really don't remember much."

"Oh Darkness, are you shitting me, Dariuz?" The Alpha growled while looking back at Dariuz. "I told you to inflict SOME pain, not make him be close to death and have a concussion!"

Dariuz only scoffs at the Alpha's response. "Oh please, he's probably screwing with us."

I glance over my shoulder to see if Shield is still around, but he is nowhere to be seen. I look back at mainly Alpha and Dariuz. "All I know is Dariuz, Alpha, and Fee, I can't even remember when I was locked up in here."

The Alpha looks back at me with a small smile. "You were locked up in here yesterday when my doctors managed to resurrect you, Waves."

Dariuz glares at me aggressively. "Who the hell are you to mention my mate's name, bitch?" He barked aloud.

The Alpha softly gasps. "Dariuz, quit it!"

"Hell no!" Dariuz snapped while keeping his eyes on me violently. "Motherfucker thinks he can just come here and mention MY mate in my presence?! It makes so much sense why Fee was talking to fucking weak ass Big-Bad-Bitchy-Bitch-Beagle!"

I laugh, hard too. "Childish much?"

Dariuz growls furiously before he attempts getting off his throne, but then these weird, magical, thin, black ropes tether his whole entire body, pinning him against his throne. It is the Alpha's doing, as one of her front paws is pointing at Dariuz with a black hue glowing on ominously on her paw while she looks at me, and I immediately shut my ass up.

"I'm terribly sorry for Dariuz's disobedience, but please be more careful of mentioning his mate around him. But anyways..." the Alpha then squeezes her glowing black paw, making the thin ropes disappears from Dariuz's body. "Dariuz here will respectfully lead you to your room so you can get situated and be ready to work the fields at some point. And, of course, welcome-"

"Wait!" The gray wolf yelped abruptly from his throne. "I haven't even got to say anything to this Legend!"

"Adolpha!" The Alpha yelped while shooting a glare down at him. "Your excitement is spoiling his future, plus, he needs proper rest! And a shower too!"

With a confuse look on my face, Dariuz hops off the silver throne. "If you'll follow me..." he snarled lowly at me before walking over to the crowd of dogs, then as I start to follow him with some distance away from him, the Alpha shouts out to me.

"Welcome to the Elusive! May Darkness shadow you in our glorious mountain!"

The Alpha, Fee, Darkness, Dariuz... even the mountain, all that was from yesterday I assume, and now today I am in some kind of... mountain? I knew something was a bit odd with that mountain being untouched, yet now I'm in one, plus that was the last thing that crazy Doberman barked about too! But either way... I need to get out of here at some point, I need to heal, get a gun, and get the hell out of here before I overstay my welcome.