Ch70. The fastest way through, is up

Johan immediately sprinted towards the cell, and when he got inside, he saw that Lauritz was awake, but he didn't look good.


He looked even worse than when he had passed out.

His right arm and left leg were bound by a tourniquet, and they were already starting to look slightly reddened.

'He's going to lose both limbs...'

"August of the Iron Hammer and his men are outside?" The Shadow Physician asked, without looking at Johan.

"Yes. What's going on with Lauritz?"

"He got his right arm and left leg broken in several places, the arteries have been pierced by the broken bones, so I'm doing the best I can to stop the bleeding and keep the hemorrhage from happening. But I don't have the right equipments to mend him for real here."

"Do they have what you need upstairs?" Johan didn't even hesitate before asking.

"Yes, but-"