Ch80. Plan

Johan gritted his teeth, taking one step forward and seizing August's arm.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!?"

"Ah... The impostor finally shows up..."

The tone in August's voice was cold and merciless, and Johan knew that the man had figured it out.

"Do you want to fight it out, or can we go outside and talk?"

Johan's heart was heavy and filled with uncertainty, but he stood his ground as the huge blind man tried to break free from his grasp.

August grunted, and after a few attempts, he finally managed to break free from Johan's hold.

Only when Johan noticed that the giant of a man had calmed down, even if ever so slightly.

"Whatever." August stomped his way out of the cell.

Johan looked at Lauritz, and even though the boy seemed calm, Johan saw his hands shaking.

His eyes landed on the Shadow Physician, then.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a snitch."