Ch99. Bloody memories

Clifford's POV

He breathed in, and out.

Slowly, rhythmically.

Until the hospital room around him was nothing but a silent void.

The sensation was like drowning, although still being able to breathe.

Clifford's body felt heavy, but not uncomfortable, as he tried to move, little by little.

Ever since he took that injection, everything felt clearer, less daunting, like he was finally capable of doing anything.

'Whatever it takes...' The thought crossed his mind as he slowly opened his eyes, taking in the view of his room once more.

The medical equipment orderly scattered around the place, and in the middle of the back wall, his bed.

Which he hadn't used in a long while, since he found out that he was able to actually rest while meditating.

While mulling over the next step of his plan.