Ch105. Blood

Johan's POV

With the night vision goggles, Johan was able to see that there were other platforms below them, so he jumped, and let gravity do the work for him.

As the darkness around him became just a veil of wind and free fall, he hung on to one of the platforms before he could lose control of his fall, and felt the guard rail underneath his hand crumple like a paper sheet.

Skill, ability, experience.

Nothing mattered now.

All Johan could feel in his heart was pure, bleak anxiety.

If what Crane told him was right...

Even if he could entertain the minute possibility that he wasn't, Johan couldn't simply deny the fact that he didn't know Crane, and parting from that fact, the leader of the Blood Skulls didn't have a single reason to deliberately lie about such a topic.

Even more because...

Crane didn't seem to know them or to even be aware of their motives.