Hi guys, just wanted to let you guys know today I'm officially getting discharged from the clinic, thank god for that, the food was terrible and the fucking bed its so hard I'm pretty sure it's used for military grade shit.

Anyways, the pain is completely gone by now, and all and all, I'm good. That being said, I'm extremely lethargic.

Don't be alarmed, that's normal, just my body recovering from the antibiotics. For those that don't know, antibiotics attack all bacteria, good and bad, and well, the good bacteria in my body took a heavy hit with the treatment.

That alongside the fact I haven't slept, like really slept in the hospital because… well, obvious reasons, one of them being the terrible, terrible beds they have, have me in… a pretty exhausted state.

The doctors said I should go back to normal, energy level wise soon, that now it's just a matter of my body recharging.


I know I said I would start posting today, and know I really wanted to. But, I can't, so I will take your words to heart.

99% of the comments were you guys telling me, take more time, so I will.

Allow me to elaborate.

I'm sleepy most of the time, and I don't know if I will… be able to sustain this week's daily update, this is not to say I won't write.

I will write during this week, but…. With my energy as it is, I rather build some backup chapters in the old pa-treeeeön before committing to the daily grind that is webnovel.

If anything it's for my peace of mind and yours, once I start updating I don't want to stop.

So thinking on that, and the fact I require some extra time to recharge, I will restart updates next week. One week it's more than enough to recover, and this is not me talking without knowing, the doctors said I should be fine in around that time, so, yeah.

Thanks for all your support, and sorry for any bad moments guys.

Updates restart the 23.

By then I'll have a big sum of chapters stocked, and the voting competitions and stuff will be able to start once again.

See y'all later!