If you wanna read ahead UP TO 30 CHAPTERS, go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer
Today for me, or tomorrow for some, this novel ends on patreon. Timezones are a bitch.
Now, a quick voting event. For next week.
If we reach 1st place, I'll post 3 extra
chapters. Maybe 4, probably 4.
If we reach 2nd place, I'll post 2 extra chapters.
If we reach 3rd place, I'll post 1 extra chapters.
[Adam C. POV]
After making sure every fight had ended, with more of the Espada surviving in this outcome instead of the canon one, Starrk being one of them, seeing Shunsui hadn't killed him by the time Urahara and I returned, we regrouped to return back to the soul society.
The journey back to the Soul Society was a quiet one to say something, the silence only punctuated by the soft hum of the Garganta Urahara had opened.
As we stepped through, I was immediately met with the familiar sights of the Seireitei.
From that point on, it didn't take long before we were summoned to report back to Captain-Commander Yamamoto.
And seeing I wanted to go home as soon as possible, I obliged to the summons as fast as possible.
"Adam," he began, his deep voice resonating through the room, "You have done a great service to the Soul Society today. Aizen's ambition was a threat to the balance of all worlds. With his demise, that threat has been neutralized."
I nodded, taking a moment before replying. "I did what I said I would."
Yamamoto nodded in acknowledgment. "Indeed. And for that, we are all in your debt." There was a brief pause, the weight of his gaze assessing, measuring. "But there is one matter that remains. The Hogyoku. What became of it?"
Before I could answer, Urahara stepped forward. "It was destroyed in the battle, Captain-Commander. The combined forces and the sheer intensity of the clash led to its annihilation."
So that's the avenue he's gonna take on this.
A flicker of doubt crossed Yamamoto's eyes, but he simply nodded. "Very well. It's a dangerous artifact, and it's best that it's no longer in existence."
As the conversation continued, I couldn't help but mull over Urahara's words. Why had he lied about the Hogyoku?
They couldn't feel it, but I had it, tucked safely away… perhaps he feared others would use it as Aizen had, others more corrupt than Aizen himself.
Eventually, as I zoned out, the meeting concluded with Yamamoto expressing his gratitude once again, emphasizing the importance of the unity between worlds and things like that.
As we left the room, I glanced at Urahara, a question burning in my eyes. Why did you lie, and why didn't you tell me you would?
He met my gaze, a small, cryptic smile playing on his lips. "All in good time, Adam," he whispered.
All in good time… I swear to God, I'm one second away from slapping him.
[A few hours later.]
The vibrant hues of twilight painted the skies of Seireitei, signaling the onset of evening; as lanterns began to glow and illuminate the courtyards and streets. After the news of Aizen's demise had spread out, The Soul Society erupted in happiness, and with it a massive party that expanded across the divisions broke out, a party I had been invited to as my farewell party.
And despite all things, I had to admit, things felt very familiar, Fairy Tail like. I mean, and how could it not? After all… Laughter, song, and the clinking of glasses filled the air as the Shinigami rejoiced over their hard-fought victory.
It was like watching my guild, but through a different lens.
In the midst of all this, I found myself seated at the edge of the festivities, a cup of sake in hand, lost in thought. The intoxication from the drink was mild, but my mind was heavily burdened by the memories of my fight with Aizen, especifically the part where he had trapped me inside his Bankai.
"Adam," a deep voice resonated next to me, pulling me from my reverie. I looked up to find Captain-Commander Yamamoto standing there, a rare, soft expression on his aged face.
"Old man," I greeted with a nod, taking another sip from my cup.
He took a moment, surveying the celebrations around us before turning his gaze back to me. "You seem... distant. Despite the victory, there's a weight on your shoulders."
I chuckled, "Just processing everything, I suppose. It's been... a lot."
That was an understatement. It would take me a while to deal with what I had seen.
Yamamoto nodded, understanding evident in his eyes. "War has a way of leaving scars, not all of them visible. But we must stand strong, that is the duty of those born with strength."
I smiled, appreciating his words. "Thank you, sir."
He paused for a moment, the weight of his next words apparent even before he spoke them. "Have you thought about staying, Adam? The Soul Society could benefit from someone of your caliber. You have proven your worth, time and time again."
Ha! As if!
I miss my world way too much to even consider such an offer.
"I'm honored by the offer," I began, choosing my words carefully. The old man had been… kind to me, in his way, and I didn't want to offend him. "But I have my own world to return to, my own duties to fulfill."
Yamamoto nodded, accepting my answer. "I had a feeling you might say that. Nevertheless, the offer stands, should you ever change your mind."
With nothing more to say, we shared a moment of silence, taking in the festivities around us.
[A few hours later.]
Once the party ended, I asked Urahara a small favor, which was to open a path back to Hueco Mundo for a few minutes.
Using the Garganta provided by Urahara, I found myself back in the familiar desolation of Hueco Mundo. The pale moonlight casting long shadows on the endless white sands, but my focus was on a particular silhouette waiting in the distance.
Her frame was graceful, with long, flowing hair that mirrored the color of the sands around her, and her very presence seemed to harmonize with the world of Hueco Mundo.
She looked up as I approached, a soft tired smile gracing her features. "Didn't expect to see you here again so soon," she remarked, her voice gentle.
I chuckled. "Well, we have a lot to talk about, don't we?"
She tilted her head, studying me for a moment. "I suppose we do."
There was a brief pause as we shared a comfortable silence, both lost in our thoughts. It was weird, yet welcomed, from enemies to begrunding allies.
Many would say I should hate her, but without her, I wouldn't be… here, alive, so despite how much of a shitty ride this adventure had been, I was grateful for what she had done.
"So, you wanna go back to our world?" I said, breaking the silence. "One of my… acquaintances has a working portal back to Earthland, and I really don't mind giving you the lift."
Her gaze met mine, a mixture of surprise and contemplation in her eyes. After a moment, she chuckled softly, "I appreciate the offer, Adam, but now that Aizen is gone, I can return without any help. Besides," she added with a hint of mischief in her tone, "If you wanted, I could easily take you there."
Right, she was all about portals, and that kind of magic, and if she was able to reach this world then, going back should be a piece of cake for her, especially now that she was vastly stronger.
I smiled, shaking my head. "Thanks, but I've got my ticket home with Urahara."
Selene sighed, looking up at the moon. "Very well."
"So, what now?" I asked. Her entire reason for coming here was finding the power to destroy Acnologia, however, I had already done that, so the question remained, what was her goal now.
She seemed lost in thought for a moment before answering, "I had a purpose when I came here, a vendetta, if you will. But now, with Acnologia gone and Aizen defeated, I find myself at a crossroads. I'm free from the chains of revenge and hatred, but also aimless."
I looked at her, understanding her plight. It's not easy to move forward when the driving force behind your actions is suddenly gone. "Maybe it's time to find a new purpose, Selene. A new beginning, perhaps?"
She smiled wistfully. "A new beginning... that sounds nice."
"Earthland is vast, with countless opportunities and adventures awaiting. Maybe it's time you explore it, this time being nothing but Selene, discovering the world and herself along the way."
Selene chuckled softly. "You make it sound so simple."
"It's only as complicated as you make it," I replied, with a shrug.
She pondered on my words, her eyes reflecting the myriad of thoughts running through her mind. "Perhaps you're right," she finally said. "Maybe it's time for me to truly live, not just exist."
I nodded, smiling. "That's the spirit. And who knows, our paths might cross again."
Selene chuckled, walking towards me with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I wouldn't mind that at all."
I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"
She leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. "You know, I think I need something to unwind."
I felt a shiver run down my spine as her warm breath caressed my ear. "Sleeping with me, won't win you any favors, Selene."
Selene laughed, clearly amused by my reply, her breath; hot against my skin. "Who said anything about favors? I just want to have a good memory of this place, and a way to thank you for everything you did, so let me be a good girl."
I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to pursue this. I might not hate her, but fuck... she crossed me many times, not only that, but I was also... struggling with my memories of Aizen's Bankai, memories where I had a life with Erza.
But before I could protest or think on it more, Selene's lips were on mine, her tongue demanding entrance. I hesitated for a moment longer, but the temptation was too much to resist, showing me, I also needed this, a good time without any expectations.
I succumbed to her kiss, my hands finding their way to her waist, pulling her closer to me.
She smiled, and started to undo the buttons of my shirt, her hands trailing over my chest. I reciprocated in kind, my fingers tracing the curves and arches of her body, feeling the heat radiating from her skin.
We broke away from the kiss, gasping for air, our eyes locked in a silent agreement. We both knew it was just a way for us to forget, even if just for a moment, our troubled thoughts and realities, and that it wouldn't mean anything more than that.
Carnal desires overwriting all logic, I pushed her into the sand, ripping the rest of her dress off, her breasts free from their constraint. She gasped as I kissed her neck, my hands exploring her naked body. I could feel her trembling beneath me, a sign of pleasure and anticipation, her breaths shallow and quick.
I felt her nails digging into my skin, her soft moans echoing in my ears as I continued to touch her.
"Just for tonight, tell me I'm yours," Selene whispered breathlessly.
I leaned in and kissed her hungrily, my words a mere whisper against her lips. "Just for tonight."
[Kisuke Urahara. POV.]
It had been a little while since Adam had stepped through the Garganta. Given the events of the day, I didn't expect him to take too long, but sometimes the unexpected could happen in Hueco Mundo.
Still, it wasn't like him to be this tardy, especially when the thing he was being tardy to was going back home.
Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to take a peek, thinking perhaps he was caught up in another unnecessary skirmish. I activated the Garganta, my senses immediately attuning to the stark and desolate atmosphere of Hueco Mundo.
Barely a few steps in, my hat shadowing my eyes, I could make out two silhouettes in the distance. Squinting a little and adjusting my hat, the outlines became clearer. Adam and Selene, face to face, engaged in what looked to be an intense moment.
Curiosity peaked, I took another step, preparing to intervene if necessary. However, just as I was about to call out, the space between the two began to close, their lips moving slowly towards each other.
That quickly escalated to them ripping their clothes apart, like animals.
A blush painted my face, my eyes widening in surprise. "Well, that's... unexpected," I mumbled to myself, immediately realizing that my timing, as impeccable as it usually was, had, in this instance, utterly failed me.
A strangled noise escaped my throat. Hoping they hadn't noticed me, I quickly but silently backtracked into the Garganta, shutting it behind me.
"I guess I can wait a few hours," I chuckled softly, hoping Yoruichi didn't ask what I had seen.