Thanos the Pilot

As Thanos sat in the cramped jet, he couldn't help but complain about the small size of the chair. It didn't fit his large frame comfortably, and he felt as though he was being squeezed by the metal contraption. He turned to the pilot, a fearful man who was trembling in his seat, and asked when they would arrive in Sokovia.

The pilot stuttered out a reply, his voice shaking.

"I-In a few hours, sir."

Hearing the man's reply, Thanos decided to pass the time by reading his mind, learning everything he could about the man. The voice in his head playfully suggested different ways he could kill the pilot once they arrived in Sokovia, but Thanos dismissed it with a casual reply that he would kill him as painlessly as possible.

The pilot was useful to Thanos, after all, and he wanted to grant him a quick death. He would have spared the man altogether if he didn't have to hide himself. Thanos didn't want to reveal himself to the world just yet. The voice in his head laughed, saying that he had an unfunny way of killing. Thanos ignored it, his mind preoccupied with other thoughts.

Suddenly, the jet shook violently, causing Thanos to jolt in his seat. He heard the jet's communication system being activated, and a voice was suddenly heard.

"Attention, aircraft. This is S.H.I.E.L.D. You are transporting a suspect wanted for questioning in connection with a serious crime. We are ordering you to land your aircraft immediately and allow us to take custody of the suspect. We will not hesitate to use force if necessary."

The voice in Thanos' head cackled.

"How can you hide from the world if one of the biggest pain in the arse already knows about your existence."

Thanos ignored the voice's ramblings and began to ponder what might have given him away. But his thoughts were interrupted by the SHIELD agent repeating the order to land. Thanos then decided on an insane plan. He pushed the fearful pilot aside and took the controls, Using the mad titan's intellect to his advantage, he applied what he saw when he observed the pilot. His movements became quick and efficient, as if suddenly honed by countless hours of training in an aircraft.

He then accelerated the flight speed, and the agent of SHIELD started firing. The mad titan made dangerous maneuvers to escape the barrage of bullets, plunging the jet downward and dangerously approaching the earth. The voice in his head laughed madly.

'That's it! That's how you should live your life! Fearless and fullfilling!'

Thanos stabilized the jet just before it crashed and continued the flight. His heart beat harder and faster than before. He had always feared death, but right now, he was in the body of Thanos, and he laughed in the face of it.

He knew he could take these risks because his new body was incredibly resilient. The voice in his head cackled and told Thanos that this is what he wanted to see in him. However, before Thanos could respond, the jet was hit by a projectile, and then crashed into a luxurious forest.

The SHIELD plane landed, and 6 agents emerged from it. The superior of the team acrivated his communicator and made a call.

"Yes, Director Fury, we met a few... complications, but based on the target's informations, he should still be alive."

The man ensued a conversation while 5 others surrounded the wreckage of a jet. Armed with large caliber weapons, they were ready to face whatever would come out of the destroyed aircraft.