The Maximoff Dilemma

Thanos stepped cautiously through the Hydra base, his senses sharp and alert. He could feel the weight of his own power, the hum of his own strength, and he knew that he could do anything that he set his mind to. He moved silently, his footsteps light and deft, as he navigated through the labyrinthine corridors and rooms.

As he moved, he encountered a few guards and cameras, but they posed no obstacle for him. He read the guard's minds and quickly learned the location of the Maximoff siblings. He continued on his path, moving as if he had known the place for years. But as he turned a corner, he came face to face with a patrolling guard who was also turning in his direction.

Without hesitation, Thanos grabbed the man's neck, silencing him before he could utter a word. He snapped the guard's neck with a quick, practiced motion. The voice in his head urged him to drop his sneaky approach and turn on the slaughter button, but Thanos refused. He did not kill unnecessarily, and his goal was to take the siblings and leave as soon as possible.

Thanos finally arrived at an intersection and saw two doors at the end of the alley, two rooms next to each other each closed by a blackish metallic door. He approached the first door and took a slow, deep breath. This was his first step in building an army that would serve his cause. He had to be ready to impress, to shock, and to appeal.

The voice in his head taunted him with memories of the time he had been so stressed in the mental asylum because the supervisors wanted to take away his tv privileges. He was so desperate that even tried to bribe them with his stock of precious milk. But Thanos ignored the voice's jeering and knocked three times on the door.

A young, immature male voice asked.

"Who is it?"

Thanos recognized the low, female voice that followed as Wanda's, and the first voice he heard as Pietro's. He waited in silence for a moment before replying.

"Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, son of Oleg and Iryna Maximoff, I want to make a deal with you."

The voice in his head erupted with laughter and obscenities, but Thanos paid it no mind. He waited patiently for their response. Wanda asked him who he was, and Thanos answered after a few seconds later.

"I am someone who can help you accomplish your goals, someone who knows things that few people are aware of. I am Kai, but most people know or will know me as... Thanos."

Hearing the Titan's words, the siblings argued for a while, with Pietro speaking in disbelief in russian to his sister. Finally, a young Wanda exlaimed, "We don't want your help, go away."

Thanos pondered at the sibling's answers and decided to try something bold.

"Before the Sokovia's bombings, Your familly used to watch The Dick Van Dyke Show in your movie nights."

Thanos could hear their breathing grow more difficult.

"During that special day, you would exclusively speak in english"

The Maximoff completely turned silent.

"Then when everything hit..."

Thanos suddenly sent a powerful punch towards the door. The punch pierced through the door and he ripped it from its hinges. Using both hands, he dropped the door with a loud crash next to him.

He looked directly into the eyes of the siblings, his gaze giving them shivers. Wanda still had the will to stare back however, but Pietro looked away. Thanos proclaimed, "Pietro brought you under a bed, and you guys somehow survived."

Their minds a rollercoaster of emotions trying to overpower each other; Fear, Disbelief, Confusion. But the strongest feeling quickly consumed all the others: a pure unaldulterated hatred for the one who destroyed their lives, the one who sold his weapons and killed countless lives, the one and only, Tony Stark.

"Now you choose, come with me to have the chance to achieve your goals, or stay in this base where you will be abused and potentially die, before you could even have the chance to enact your revenge."

A determined Wanda looked at a young and scared Pietro and held his hands. Calming her brother down, she looked at the towering figure of the titan and said.

"Will you really help us if we join you?"

The hooded Thanos answered, "Yes, and even more."

Thanos streched his hands towards the female teenager and showed his palm.


Stunned by the man's pigmentation, she halted her movements, but eventually, she shook his palms.


That day, a mad Titan allied himself with a future scarlet witch and a grey speedster. The titan smiled at the future, while a voice kept rambling, obscenities in his mental world.