A Titan's Therapy

Thanos and Ava walked through the underground base, surrounded by scientists and advanced equipment. Thanos led Ava to a man who was completely engrossed in his research. The man, Dave, had been given the important project of creating a suit for someone with the ability to phase through objects, and he was surprised to see Ava in person.

Thanos introduced Ava to Dave, and the scientist showed her the suit he had been working on. The suit had not yet been finished, but it was already serving its primary purpose of stabilizing the host's situation. Ava asked if she could try it, and Thanos gave his approval with a nod.

Dave helped Ava put on the suit, and she immediately felt a relief she hadn't experienced in years. The pain that had always plagued her began to fade, and she took ragged breaths as she savored the feeling. Dave asked how she felt, and Ava responded with a smile on her face, admitting that she had never felt that good in a long time. Thanos saw the genuine smile on Ava's face and smiled as well. In his mind, he realized that this was how one gained loyal allies - by promising and delivering what they sought, not through fear or violence as his voice had suggested.

Thanos glanced at the clock on the wall and announced that he would be waiting for Ava in his office in two hours to finalize their contract. As he left the room, various gazes followed him, some of admiration, some of curiosity, and even some of fear. Thanos took the elevator to another floor and entered a room where he had an appointment with Mr. Samuel Samson, a therapist.

Samson sat across from Thanos, his pen poised over a notepad as he listened intently to the titan's words. Thanos spoke in a calm, measured tone, revealing only the necessary details about his life and experiences. He was enigmatic, and Samson couldn't help but feel there was more to the man than what he was sharing.

As the therapy session continued, Samson carefully assembled the clues Thanos provided, piecing together a picture of a man who had suffered great losses and was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. There was a coldness in Thanos, an unyielding determination that bordered on ruthless. Samson couldn't help but wonder what those goals were, and what kind of person Thanos truly was behind his calm demeanor.

Despite his enigmatic nature, Thanos seemed to be making progress in the therapy session. He was opening up more than Samson had expected, sharing his thoughts and feelings in a way that suggested he was truly invested in the process. And yet, there was always a sense of reserve, as if Thanos was holding back something important.

As the session drew to a close, Thanos stood up and thanked Samson for his time. Samson watched as the titan left the room, wondering what secrets he was keeping hidden. He knew that Thanos was a complex man with many layers, and he couldn't help but feel that there was more to him than what he had revealed in their therapy session.