SHIELD vs Thanos

Thanos looked at the SHIELD agents who had infiltrated the warehouse, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. Suddenly, knives escaped his soldier's clutches and began revolving around him, some launched themselves past Ulysses Klaw's mercenaries without harming them, continuing their trajectory towards the SHIELD agents, hitting the most unfortunate ones, agents survived, while others died as the knives penetrated their vital parts.

With this simple move, Klaw understood that Thanos and his team had not set him up, and ordered his mercenaries to take cover and aim at SHIELD. Thanos' team was also in action, taking cover behind objects found in the warehouse and firing at the agents. They also protected Klaw's men, not wanting to lose a valuable business partner. Some of Thanos' team members with powers either directly faced the fire with their tough skin or avoided attacks and launched fire from their hands.

Others lifted objects with their minds and launched them at the SHIELD agents. While standing menacingly not far from the crossfire, Thanos wondered how SHIELD had known about the transaction. It couldn't be him or his team because they were careful not to attract any attention to themselves. And SHIELD seemed more prepared to intercept a vibranium arm dealer rather than a purple giant. He focused on reading the minds of a few cornered SHIELD agents, and quickly learned the truth.

"The world is so small,"

He murmured. Thanos then began moving. The SHIELD agents couldn't help but notice the behemoth slowly advancing towards them, each step bringing them closer to their death. Revolving daggers flowed around him, ready to stab at any given order. Suddenly, he began to run. The man leading the agents panicked and screamed, "Fire!" A barrage of ammo launched at Thanos, but he kept running, the objects around him revolved faster and blocked most of the bullets, but a significant amount still managed to pass through. the titan exclaimed, "It's not perfect yet."

The voice in his mind notified him that it wasn't bad, and with a few more years of training, he could even stop bullets with his own mind. Thanos chuckled at the thought while squeezing a red tissue-covered hand onto a man's head, causing blood to flow. He continued his massacre, spreading devastation in the heart of his enemies and allies alike. As Thanos continued his advancement, killing anything crossing his path, Ulysses Klaw couldn't help but gulp.

He had really done a good job for not attacking Thanos's team when he believed they had set him up. Patting himself on the back, he instructed his mercenaries to continue firing at the SHIELD agents. The battle, or rather the slaughter, continued amidst screams and despairing shots of bullets. Thanos killed the SHIELD agents in brutal, gruesome ways, the voice in his head cackling at the death surrounding him.

He used his daggers to impale them, his bare hands to crush their skulls, and his strength to tear them apart limb by limb. The air was thick with the stench of blood and gunpowder, and the warehouse floor was slick with the viscera of those who had fallen. As the battle drew to a close, Thanos stood amidst the carnage, his chest slwoly heaving up and down. He looked around at the devastation he had wrought and chuckled to himself.

"This is just the beginning,"