Shadows and Subterfuge

As the squad approached their base near Jersey City, the aircraft descended gracefully, barely stirring the air around it. The jet's hatch opened, and the team emerged, their bodies weary and battered from their recent ordeal. Upon entering the base, they were greeted by various personnel who attended to their injuries, some light, others more severe.

A team of scientists approached the squad, their eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. The executive of the Genetics department, Tilda Johnson, sidled up to Frank, her voice dripping with innuendo. Frank, unfazed by her provocations, dismissed her advances. "I want a good night's sleep after what I just experienced, and no, I sleep alone." He gestured to his men to hand over the samples and vials to the scientists waiting eagerly behind Tilda.

Thanos, ever watchful, oversaw the operation while engaging in casual conversation with Chloe about mundane topics, such as how to effectively dispose of bodies or the prospect of using small needles to pierce their enemy's trachea. Suddenly, he paused, his attention drawn inward. 'You felt it too?' he asked the voice in his head.

The voice cackled in response, 'Yep, who has the balls to track us like that?' Thanos strode towards Frank, who was still fending off Tilda's advances, and tapped him on the shoulder. Frank turned, his expression betraying nothing.

Thanos executed a series of subtle body language cues, which Frank understood immediately. The realization that someone was spying on them sent a shiver down his spine.

Frank covertly relayed the information to the rest of his team, using seemingly mundane phrases that held hidden meanings. The team members, though outwardly appearing to carry on as normal, were now on high alert, their senses primed for danger.

Thanos, meanwhile, focused on the elusive presence that flickered in and out of his awareness. He sensed that their mysterious observer's life force would disappear, only to reappear moments later in another location. The titan theorized that some form of teleportation was being employed.

Oblivious to the silent alarm that had been raised, the base's scientists and support staff went about their tasks, their minds on the job at hand. However, a few seasoned veterans among them couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. They exchanged concerned glances but decided against prying further, opting instead to return to the safety of the base once their duties were complete.

As dusk settled over the compound, a palpable tension hung in the air. The team members moved cautiously, their eyes darting about, searching for any signs of the unseen threat. Despite the heaviness that weighed on their hearts, they maintained a veneer of normalcy, determined not to alert their foe to their awareness.

In the gathering darkness, the mysterious figure continued to observe from the shadows, their sleek black suit blending seamlessly into the night, and the slightest flicker of a smile playing on their lips.