White and Grey

Kai-Thanos sat at his desk, the Scarlet Amulet hidden beneath his clothes, his features altered to resemble an Asian man with black hair. The transformation was seamless, hiding his true purple, bald-headed appearance. He held a jug of milk between his hands, sipping from a straw with intense focus. Sometimes, he drank slowly, savoring the flavor and delicacy of the milk; at other times, he gulped it down, eager to immerse himself in the creamy liquid.

After what felt like an eternity for the Mad Titan, he finished his drink, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "Delicious," he murmured. He opened a secret compartment beneath his desk, revealing a collection of bottles, jugs, and bricks of milk, a treasure trove of the white delicacy. He replaced the empty jug with a new one, then opened the lid and spoke.

"Any updates on your task?"

A few seconds later, Ava Starr materialized next to his desk. Her suit was futuristic, woven from a sleek, grey material that shimmered as it caught the light. The suit's design was streamlined and efficient, a perfect fusion of form and function.

"How do you always detect me?" she asked, slightly annoyed by her inability to sneak up on Thanos.

The Titan merely shrugged. "I have good senses." He took another swig of milk.

Ava sighed and reported her findings on Stark Industries. Thanos's company, which specialized in construction and stock acquisitions, had piqued the interest of those at Stark Industries, particularly Obadiah Stane. While Tony Stark remained curious, he was more focused on reforming his company. Ava mentioned that Tony was working on something resembling an armor.

She also warned Thanos that Stane was likely to contact the company soon, seeking to negotiate over the shares. Given Stane's greed for power, he might try to seize control of Thanos's shares.

Thanos chuckled at the prospect. "Then it's a good thing the 'owners' of Thanes Inc. are on a 'business trip.' As a major executive of the company, I should welcome Stane myself." His expression grew mischievous, as if he was looking forward to a delightful game.

Ava eyed the Mad Titan warily. His odd behavior and penchant for milk were as strange as the stories she'd heard about him. Though he was fair with his subordinates, his methods of dealing with enemies were both disturbing and creative to say the least.

She had thoughts about betraying the titan the first time she arrived, but the more she stayed, the more she feared the consequences, and at the same time, she began to make new relationships with people, which was extremely hard before she joined Thanos' organization because of her unstable powers. The woman lost in her divergent thoughts, heard Thanos's voice.

"Well done, take some time for yourself; you've earned it."

She nodded, smiling, and vanished from the room, eager to enjoy her hard-earned break.

As Thanos gazed out at the magnificent view of Jersey City, he pondered his next move. "Should we torture Stane a little?" he asked the voice in his head.

The enthusiastic, ecstatic voice chimed in. "If that guy has the same shitty personality as in the movies, he should be beaten to death. Why don't we turn him into a smoothie?"

Thanos cackled, considering the myriad cruel and unusual methods he could employ against Stane.

"What about using your powers to crush him inside his armor? I want to see what kind of liquids would come out of it." The voice happily suggested.

As the purple man laughed, seemingly alone, he continued to admire the radiant cityscape, his mind filled with schemes and twisted plans for his adversaries.