
Five soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder, their weapons faced towards the place they had come from, sweat streaming down their faces, their fingers twitching on the triggers.

Their faces were a mixture of terror and determination, as if they were ready to face the devil himself. The metallic scent of blood and spent ammunition filled the air as they braced themselves for the coming onslaught.

Not far away, a blond-haired man approached the ebony mask leisurely laying on top of a pyramidal structure. The mask was an ominous blend of black and red, with strange inscriptions written on it. It was designed to cover only the lower part of the face, hiding the mouth, cheeks, and so on. The mask radiated a strange, eerie aura, as if it were a forbidden artifact. Despite the unnerving presence of the mask, the man reached out with a firm resolve and touched it.

The screeches of the monstrous creatures increased in volume and intensity, and the team of five began to unload their weapons at the nightmarish swarm that was closing in on them. Suddenly, the group heard a cry behind them.


The man touching the mask began to bleed profusely from his nostrils, eyes, and ears. Yet he kept holding onto the mask, his unwavering will driving him to place it on his face. As the mask secured itself around his lower face, the air around the man started to ripple and distort. Stones, air, and even light itself began to bend and float around him.

His closed, bleeding eyes shot open, revealing a bluish hue aggressively emanating from them, glowing in the almost-dark cave. He began to float in mid-air, losing himself in the power he now wielded. The pleas of his comrades, begging for help, snapped him back to reality.

His heart raced faster than it ever had before. The half-masked soldier floated towards his team, who looked at him in awe. He moved past them, raised his right hand, and faced the relentless swarm. One creature lunged at the man, ready to cut off his head, but it was stopped mid-air by an unknown force. The man made a vertical slashing motion, and the creature's body was cleanly cut in half.

The floating soldier stared at his hands, then clenched them and began to move his arms. He was the maestro of a deadly symphony, and with each movement of his arms, multiple members of the swarm were cut down. They were either sliced apart by an invisible force or brutally ripped apart by gravity itself.

The man reveled in the power he commanded, indulging in the destruction he wrought. Meanwhile, behind him, the remaining group watched in shock. They had scoffed at the idea of magic when they were first told, but now they bore witness to a reality they could not deny. They had to accept it and, being professionals, set out to find an exit while their teammate provided a godlike distraction.

Time passed, and the man continued to learn, growing more powerful with each passing moment. Yet the longer he fought, the more he felt an unsettling drain on his very life essence. It was as if his vitality was slowly leaking out through an unseen hole. Before he realized what was happening, his body began to age rapidly. In a matter of seconds, he went from a fit and experienced soldier to a frail old man.

Sensing an opportunity, the creatures attacked en masse. Despite his best efforts, the floating soldier was overwhelmed, ripped apart, and devoured by the swarm. One of the creatures picked up the mask with a leg from one of its deceased brethren, then moved it to a container attached to the back of another swarm member.

The mask carrier quickly retreated, hiding within the army and securing the prized treasure. The remaining team members watched in despair as their newfound hope was shattered. With no visible exit, they resigned themselves to their fate. One man turned to a woman named Amanda and exclaimed.

"Hey, I wish I could have invited you for a coffee before we left. Maybe you would have finally fallen for me."

He smirked nervously. Amanda smiled, her eyes filled with tears.

"Who knows, maybe I would have."

Her Glock firing at the incoming wave, she added, "Not that I would enjoy your narcissism." The man grinned.

"Narcissism? Who's that?"

As the swarm drew nearer, the group shared their final moments together. They fired at the wave, cracking jokes and reminiscing about their pasts – the good, the bad, and the weird. Eventually, the last soldier fell, and the sounds of the swarm filled the cave, signaling their victory.

With their mission accomplished, the creatures began to feast on the remaining soldiers. Some stayed behind while others dug through the earth to move on to previous places, eager for the chance to sink their mandibles into fresh corpses. In the consciousness of the creatures, they heard words of praise from their creator.

"Good, Stane's contacts were a great harvest."

They stopped momentarily to listen. "Feast, rest, and head towards the next location." Clitters of delight resounded in the poorly lit cave as the humble creatures saluted their god with all their might. The swarm was on a mission, and they would not stop until their god said so.

With the mysterious mask in their possession and a powerful force driving them, they continued their relentless pursuit of destruction, leaving only death and chaos in their wake. The fate of the soldiers was sealed, but the impact of their discovery would reverberate far beyond the confines of that dark, foreboding cave.