New Beginning

Rain pelted the booming city, streaking the dark, ink-black night with shimmering droplets that glistened in the streetlights like diamonds. Life refused to sleep, defying nature's laws with the vibrant pulse of human activity. Sounds and lights resonated, making the city even more lively. Yet, despite the cacophony of urban life, the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of despair. People cried that night, clutching the lifeless bodies of their loved ones or writhing in agony as they faced a slow, painful death.

Burning cars cast an eerie, flickering glow across the crumbling buildings, and the echoes of sirens and cries of anguish hummed a haunting symphony of desperation. Amidst the chaos, people of all walks of life moved around, trying to help as much as they could. The piercing wail of emergency vehicle sirens punctuated the soundtrack of the night.

A grizzled firefighter, his face etched with the lines of a lifetime of saving lives, yelled over the din, "Here! There's someone!" A few of his comrades rushed to his aid, wielding axes and other tools to pry open the mangled door of a crashed car. Inside, they discovered a trembling child, embraced by a bleeding woman, who in turn was held by a strong, imposing man. The adults showed no signs of life, their once-bright eyes now glassy and vacant.

The firefighters, professionals through and through, quickly extricated the car's occupants and laid them on stretchers. Though they knew it was unlikely, they checked for a pulse. Moments later, the oldest firefighter solemnly closed the eyes of both parents and cast a sorrowful gaze at the trembling child, who stared blankly.

The old firefighter crouched down to meet the child's gaze and spoke softly, "I'm so sorry, kid. Your mom and dad... they fought so hard to protect you. They were very brave." His voice cracked with emotion, but he continued, "It's not fair, but sometimes, life throws us the hardest challenges. We're going to take care of you now, okay?"

He gave a nod to one of his fellow firefighters, who scooped up the child and carried them towards the secured zone. As they moved through the chaos, the world around the child blurred and distorted, their surroundings fading into a haze of indistinct shapes and sounds. The last thing the child saw was the firefighter's reassuring face before everything went dark.

In an unknown place, far removed from the turmoil of the city, the Mad Titan suddenly opened his eyes. A familiar sheen returned to his gaze, but now, it contained a hint of ancient power. The Titan took a moment to savor the sensation, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. Then, with an exhale, he said in a voice that was somehow even deeper than before, "I am alive."

His voice now had the gravitas of Thanos himself, the infamous executioner of half the life in the universe. All around him, the Titan felt the gentle caress of soft grass on his rough skin. Opening his eyes again, he took in the sight of a sky painted with vibrant shades of blue, dominated by not one but two brilliant suns.

The Titan stood, carefully assessing the state of his body. As he suspected, he had grown. He resembled the original Thanos even more closely now, his once-flowing blood long since coagulated. Exhaustion and vulnerability weighed on him, but he knew he had made a crucial gamble. It had cost him years of his life, but he had obtained something of immeasurable value in return.

"Giving up time for power," he mused.

"Whoever designed this cosmic game is a lunatic." The Titan spotted an ominous half-mask, glowing in the red grass nearby. He picked it up and fastened it to his belt, a reminder of the bet he had won and the price he had paid.

As he surveyed his surroundings, he was struck by the breathtaking beauty of this alien world. The land was a kaleidoscope of colors, with floating islands dotting the horizon like jewels suspended in the air. Strange creatures roamed the earth and sky, some taking the form of serpentine beasts that defied description.

In the distance, a figure stood atop a colossal sword that pierced the heavens. The sword sliced through the air with incredible speed, bearing its rider towards unknown territories. A gentle breeze wafted over the Titan, and he opened his mouth to speak. But before he could utter a word, a voice in his mind conveyed his thoughts with perfect clarity.

"Holy fucking... shit!"

The Titan sighed at the unexpected communication from his companion. He knew that new possibilities lay before him, and he was ready to take the first steps in this exciting, alien realm. With renewed determination, the Mad Titan set out on his journey, eager to explore the mysteries of this new land and unlock the secrets of the power he had gained.

His footsteps left deep impressions in the multicolored grass, marking the beginning of a legend that would soon send ripples across this realm.

(That's the end of the first arc, thanks for following me so far. Hope you like the next one :)