The Titan's Farming

The morning sun cast its warm rays on the alien landscape, casting long shadows across the undulating terrain. The Mad Titan, with his distinctive purple skin, found himself drawn to the daily tasks of a simple farmer. He had taken to assisting Xiao Yu, a farmer who had welcomed him into his home, with the various chores that came with tending the land. As they worked side by side, He helped Xiao Yu plow the lands, his mighty hands guiding the plow with ease, breaking the earth beneath to make way for the sowing of seeds. He found solace in the repetitive motions, the scent of damp soil filling his nostrils, and the squelching of mud beneath his feet. The alien plants fascinated him, with their varying colors of red, brown, and others that defied description.

Xiao Yu, with the patience of a master and the passion of a father, taught him about the uses and properties of each plant, and the Mad Titan listened intently. As he learned about the family, he decided to give himself a name - Fang. "I think people used to call me Fang," he told the family, wary that using his true name could be used by some mystical force to harm him. The voice in his head called him paranoid, that he read too many novels, but he shrugged it off.

As he continued to work the land, the Titan could feel the earth's blessings in his hands. The sun beat down on his purple skin as he used a hoe to break up the soil, sweat dripping from his brow. It was a far cry from his previous life of violence and conquest, and he wondered if the original Thanos ever felt this kind of tranquility after decimating half of the universe's life.

Despite his newfound sense of peace, the Titan's ultimate goal remained the same: to achieve immortality. For now, he was focused on mastering the Space Stone and unlocking its full potential, to wield the same power that had enabled the original Thanos to use a moon as a projectile. He was both ecstatic and cautious about the prospect of wielding such power, especially considering the potential risk to his own life force.

While the Titan was lost in thought, a presence approached him from behind. With a small smile, he allowed it to draw closer. When the moment was right, he sidestepped to the right and caught a young, black-haired boy in midair. The child, Jin, laughed and asked, "How do you always notice me, Uncle?"

The Titan grinned and replied, "Giggling doesn't help in ambushing people, Jin." The boy protested, saying he hadn't giggled this time, but the Titan simply shrugged and returned to his work. Jin, determined to figure out his mistake, began planning his next attempt at surprising the Titan. His father, Xiao Yu, watched with a mixture of amusement and exhaustion, planning to put his son's boundless energy to use on the farm in the coming days. Jin, sensing his father's intent, shuddered and ran off as if his life depended on it.

Suddenly, the tranquil morning was shattered by the appearance of a man clad in white robes. The Mad Titan's instincts roared to life, and he launched a devastating punch at the stranger. The man, his hands behind his back, widened his eyes in surprise but made no move to dodge. The wind howled as the shockwave from the Titan's blow rippled through the air, but the old man remained unscathed, held at bay by only two fingers pressed against the Titan's massive fist.

The wizened stranger finally spoke, his voice a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Hoho, what an interesting fellow. This level of strength is at least a 3rd, if not a 4th stage, and what is most impressive is…" He removed his fingers from the Titan's fist and approached him. Despite his smaller stature, the old man seemed to tower over the Mad Titan, an overwhelming sense of power emanating from his very being. "I feel no Qi coming from your body. Truly interesting."

The Titan's face betrayed his apprehension and wariness toward the unknown opponent. The voice in his head grumbled, "Man, did we waste all our luck in the Marvel Universe? Well, give that old fart a good fight before he kills us at least."

The old man and the titan locked eyes, each trying to gauge the level of power that lay hidden within the other. The titan's eyes burned with a fierce determination, like the fiery heart of a star, while the old man's eyes were as deep and inscrutable as the abyss. Their gaze was akin to two titanic forces colliding, the tension between them palpable and electrifying.

The wind howled around them, whispering secrets and foreboding tales of the impending clash. It seemed as if even nature itself held its breath, anticipating the cataclysm that would soon be unleashed. The air crackled with a mixture of awe and fear, as if it knew that the meeting of these two powerful beings could reshape the very land itself.

As the old man studied the titan's physique, his gaze was as sharp and focused as a falcon's, dissecting every inch of the titan's massive frame with an almost clinical curiosity. The titan, in turn, scrutinized the old man, searching for any sign of weakness, any chink in his unblemished clothing that could be exploited. Their silent exchange was like a deadly dance, each trying to gain the upper hand before the first move was made.

In that moment, the two fighters stood like ancient monuments, one a towering obelisk of raw strength, the other a seemingly frail statue that hid a power as old and mysterious as the cosmos themselves. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two combatants and the unspoken challenge that hung heavy in the air.

Faced with this sudden challenge, the Titan steeled himself, preparing to use every ounce of his power to survive the ordeal that lay ahead.