Unseen Threads of Fate

Thanos and the elder, a man known as Wu, were seated across from each other in a room of rustic elegance. The sturdy wooden table between them bore the weight of an array of refreshments and food, offering a stark contrast to the intense atmosphere that pervaded the room. The simple room, adorned with sparse, earthy decor, resonated with an unspoken tension that quivered in the air.

The elder, Wu, was casually stroking his beard, his eyes sparkling with an indecipherable glint. His smile, lighthearted and carefree, added an air of tranquility to the charged environment. On the other hand, Thanos, the gargantuan titan, bore a stern expression, his gaze locked onto the old man with an intense scrutiny.

Their quiet showdown was disrupted by the soft, rhythmic tap of sandals against the wooden floor. A woman with a cascade of azure hair stepped into the room. Her graceful silhouette carried an assortment of food and beverages, the aromas of which filled the room. The sight was an odd contrast to the two powerful beings sizing each other up.

"Elder Wu," she greeted with a reverence that hinted at the respect Wu commanded.

The old man responded to her greeting with a casual wave, his jovial demeanor not faltering even for a moment. "Hohoho, Little Mei, no need to be this formal," he chuckled, his hand still absentmindedly stroking his white beard.

Near the entrance, two children peeked in curiously. They watched the interaction between the powerful titan and the revered elder with stars in their eyes. They were Jin Yu and Min Yu, the children of Mei and Xiao Yu. A blend of anticipation and respect painted their faces as they observed the unusual interaction. They knew that the titan, their "Uncle Feng," was not an ordinary man, for he had emerged unscathed from the deadly forest. But to face Elder Wu, a figure they regarded with great reverence, was beyond their imagination.

Their father, Xiao Yu, shared their sentiment. Watching the combat prowess of his friend had added a layer of respect and awe for the titan. After a few moments of cheerful chatter, Mei left, guiding her family out of the room, their faces a blend of reluctance and obedience.

As the door closed, Thanos felt a familiar shift in the air. The sensation he'd felt during his fight with Wu - the formation of a barrier around them - returned. A silent notification that their conversation was now private.

"We can now discuss peacefully. Nobody will disturb us, nor hear us," Wu declared, still maintaining his casual demeanor. The playful tone was slightly replaced by anticipation, adding an element of intrigue to the situation.

"What do you want from me?" Thanos broke the silence, his voice resonating with an underlying current of wariness. The old man seemed to ponder over the question, his eyes twinkling with an unreadable expression.

"Why do you think I want something from you?" he shot back, maintaining his nonchalant stance.

"Because you haven't killed me yet," Thanos retorted, his voice level and controlled. Wu chuckled, the sound echoing around the room, and said, "Maybe I will tell you later." An awkward silence followed, stretching out and filling the room.

'Is that guy senile?' The voice in Thanos' mind chimed in and began to launch profanities at the elderly.

A moment passed before the old man broke the silence again. "I am more curious about your existence, and having you as an ally might be more beneficial for me." This statement took Thanos aback. Before he could question the old man's words, Wu continued, "You, my friend, have a very powerful existence behind you."

This caught Thanos off guard, "What?"

A bombshell. The words rang in Thanos's ears, reverberating with a potent meaning that threatened to shake his world.

"Usually, people within my realm and beyond can see the true 'essence' of everything... Their true nature, the very core of their existence, their soul in a sense, are naked in front of our eyes." Wu paused for effect. "But your true 'essence'... it is shielded by something that even I can't fathom."

The elder's words caused a whirlwind of thoughts in Thanos' mind, past his theories slowly aligning with Wu's words. The puzzle pieces of his existence started to come together. He always suspected something was shielding him from the omnipotent beings in the Marvel universe, but now that it was confirmed, it sent a shiver down his spine. He felt like a pawn in a grand cosmic game, a mere character watched and manipulated by an unseen entity.

"I could have tried to force my way and try to see what lies behind but..." The old Man took his cup and drank some of the beverage. "I don't think the 'entity' behind you would appreciate that."

The silence grew oppressive, suffocating, as Thanos absorbed the revelations. The silence was so profound it was as if sound itself had fled from the room, leaving only the occasional crunch of a cookie bitten by Elder Wu. The room seemed to shrink under the weight of Thanos' revelation, the air growing thicker with each passing second. Even the voice in his mind fell quiet, leaving him alone with his thoughts. It was a silence so profound it seemed to echo.

"From your reaction, I believe you were not aware of this fact," Elder Wu's words filled the silence, his voice seeming to reverberate through the stillness. The simplicity of his observation made it all the more disconcerting, underscoring the magnitude of what Thanos had learned.

As the titan sat in quiet contemplation, Elder Wu continued to munch on his cookies, seemingly oblivious to the tension radiating from his companion. Thanos could hear the rustle of Elder Wu's robe as he reached out to refill his cup, the clink of pottery against wood puncturing the silence. Every minor sound seemed to echo in the silent room, magnifying its significance.

However, just as the silence was starting to become unbearable, Elder Wu shattered it with a simple, yet striking proposition, "I want to offer you a deal." His words hung in the air, their promise intriguing and unnerving in equal measure. Thanos finally looked up, a grim tone, yet his azure eyes gleamed with an chaotic and unshakable might as they met Elder Wu's gaze.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice steady despite the tempest brewing within him. Elder Wu, gazing back at him, let out a soft chuckle, "Interesting, truly interesting." His words, deliberately ambiguous, made Thanos bristle with anticipation.