Primordial War

With the last echoes of the bustling city fading away, Thanos, the stalwart titan, and Lee, his azure-clad servant, found themselves on the outskirts of civilization, their path leading them into the untamed wilds. Memories of their encounter with the enigmatic Old Man still hung heavy in the air, imprinted in their minds.

Inside his head, a voice was ecstatic, skipping around like a child at Christmas, incapable of suppressing its glee. It was as if a new toy had been presented, ripe for exploration and indulgence. But on the outside, Thanos kept a stern face, his focus unwavering.

His massive boots tread on the rough, uneven path that led into the forest. The leaves underfoot crunched, releasing an earthy aroma into the air. The density of the surrounding flora muffled the sound of their steps, filling their senses with the primal essence of the wilderness.

The road they were on gradually lost its definition, becoming nothing more than a dirt trail swallowed by the wilderness. They pushed through thickets and underbrush, the foliage brushing against their clothes, leaving traces of dew and pollen. Overhead, the canopy of towering trees dimmed the sunlight, casting a dappled pattern of shadows that danced around them.

As they journeyed deeper into the forest, the memory of the Old Man's words replayed in Thanos' mind.

He was back in the dim alley, feeling the ancient cobblestones underneath him, hearing the old man's raspy voice over the whispering wind. He could see himself sitting across from the frail figure, his titan's form looming over the petite man as if protecting a precious secret. The words tumbled out from the Old Man's lips, each one adding another stroke to the spectacular narrative he was painting.

"The Leader of the Unorthodox alliance, Fang Yuan, did not merely rely on inherent talent or luck, like the stories tell," the Old Man had begun, his voice laced with an odd mixture of nostalgia and respect. "His power... his unmatched might... was all due to a martial art he invented himself. It was a cultivation technique derived from the deepest roots of the dark arts, a method to absorb the power of those he slayed."

He had paused then, allowing the words to sink in, his cloudy eyes reflecting the shadows of his past. "Only a few trusted allies were privy to this secret, and they swore a Heaven's Oath of silence. In return, they received a lesser version of this cultivation art, a sign of their loyalty."

The Old Man's voice had wavered, taking on a somber tone. "One such ally was my ancestor," he revealed, his voice barely more than a whisper. "He was considered Fang Yuan's most trusted confidant, but even he wasn't spared Fang Yuan's wrath when he erred."

Thanos remembered the shock that gripped him and Lee at the revelation. The Old Man had carried on, "Fang Yuan punished him with a fate worse than death - eternal suffering in this realm, with every breath he took, every step he made." A chill had run down Thanos' spine at the Old Man's words, the vivid picture of Fang Yuan's ruthless nature etching itself into his consciousness.

"Our family survived by the skin of our teeth," the Old Man had continued, "Our ancestor passed on the knowledge of the cultivation art to us, allowing us to scrape by in this unforgiving world. But with each generation, more and more of the art was forgotten, leading to a series of unfortunate side effects."

That's when the Old Man had unveiled his hand, bandages falling away to reveal a grotesque sight that had Lee gasping in horror. A hand, painfully red and disfigured, sprouted several unsettling eyes - a sight that was enough to churn the sturdiest of stomachs. Thanos remained impassive, but the voice in his head roared in shock and disgust.

"Ayo! If I had a body I would have puked on him!"

The Old Man's words echoed again in Thanos' thoughts, "What do you have to lose with your already incomplete form?" The blatant challenge had hit him harder than any physical blow, igniting an inner flame of determination. Despite his inner turmoil, Thanos didn't lose sight of his ultimate goal. He was well aware of the dangers the martial art presented, but his yearning for power didn't waver.

Of course, he was wary of the request the Old man had asked him to fulfill in exchange for the information about the Martial art. It was not an easy task, nor an innocuous one. The Old Man had asked him to kill somebody. And this was not just anyone, but someone who wielded immense power. A figure who was influential, feared and respected in equal measures.

This was not an ordinary contract kill; it was a task that could have severe repercussions, tipping the balance of power and changing the course of history itself. Thanos was no stranger to conflict or challenge, but even he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about this mission.

He understood the gravity of the Old Man's request, the implications it held. A shiver of anticipation ran down his spine, a chilling blend of excitement and trepidation.

'With enough power, anything is possible.' This thought anchored him, spurring him on his current path away from the city, plunging into the heart of the wilderness.

Lee trailed behind him, his sharp eyes wary as they navigated the dense foliage. His master's stoic silence did little to ease his concern, but he understood the gravity of what they had learned. Their path forward was steeped in uncertainty, and the prospect of power, however tantalizing, did not guarantee safety or success.

Yet, they pressed on, their footprints leaving a faint trail in their wake. The end of their journey still hid in the distance, veiled by the interplay of shadow and light in the wild. But, with the echo of the Old Man's words and the promise of power driving them, they forged ahead into the untamed wilds, towards an uncertain future.

(Quick notice to avoid confusion (also because I don't want to rewri-), the old man's ancestor managed to snatch the completed version of Fang Yuan's cultivation art and hid it somewhere, which is why he was punished for it.)