Chapter 2 - Imperfect Family

The night was long and cold. She wandered for hours, having no idea where she was going. Her steps followed a zigzag pattern over streets and through residential areas. She seemed lost in her thoughts, each step accompanied by sips from a bottle of rum concealed in a brown paper bag.

Suddenly, a small red car pulled up beside her on the side of the road. The driver's side door swung open, and Dymphna emerged, chasing her down the sidewalk. He swiftly grabbed her wrist, pulled her toward the car, and then shoved her inside. He hopped into the driver's seat and sped away, determined to avoid being seen.

"I was worried about you. What happened? Did you take care of it?" he asked urgently.

Haisley curled up in a ball in her seat, facing Dymphna. "Yeah, I did," she replied softly.

"Go straight to bed. I'll take care of Gulliver tonight."

In the distance, the sun slowly rose from behind the mountain tops. Dark clouds scattered to reveal a beautiful sunrise. Haisley cried silently throughout the ride home. No words were exchanged between them. She was deeply hurt by what she had done. When they finally arrived home, she crawled into bed and cried herself to sleep for a few hours. In the morning, Dymphna had to wake her up, sitting her down in front of the television and cradling her. Her eyes were swollen, and she felt completely numb inside. Nothing seemed to matter anymore.

Haisley stood up, her steps slow and deliberate. "I'll be right back," she said, trembling.

"Hurry up, you're gonna miss the best part," Dymphna urged her.

On her way to the bathroom, Haisley saw Douglas walking by. He carried a bag on his back; she couldn't muster the strength to look at his face. A wave of nausea washed over her, but she reached the toilet just in time. As she threw up, she strained to listen to the conversation between Douglas and her boyfriend.

"Everything good?" Dymphna inquired.

"Yeah, grand. Any chance I could borrow the car? Going a bit mad up there in my room," Douglas replied.

"Where are you going?" Dymphna asked.

"Just to clear my head."

Dymphna reached for the key from a stand beside him at the end of the couch and handed it to Douglas. "Remember what I said, yeah?"

"Thanks a million," Douglas said before leaving the house.

Haisley returned to her boyfriend, moving slowly. She settled beside him, seeking comfort and warmth. The other girls watched her intently, curiosity evident in their eyes. Something had happened, and she wasn't sharing it with them. Dymphna tenderly brushed his fingertips through her hair, savoring the silkiness of its texture.

"You alright? You're looking a little green around the gills," Dymphna asked, his concern evident.

"I'm fine," Haisley replied weakly. "I just need some food, is all."

"I'll make you something, hold on," Dymphna brushed her hair behind her ear and headed straight to the kitchen.

The other girls watched Haisley struggle to find a comfortable position on the couch. She grabbed a blanket and laid down, looking as if something was seriously wrong. Nausea gnawed at her, and her head throbbed mercilessly. It was clear that something was amiss.

The girls exchanged glances and whispered, their curiosity piqued by Haisley's discomfort.

"Did you take your bra off?" Charlotte giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

Haisley sighed, her voice strained. "Those darn pieces of fabric and wire don't even fit me anymore. I feel like a cow right now. I'm just so tired and too sick to eat. Tell Dymphna I'll eat later."

"Fuck..." Lisa said.

"What?" Charlotte asked.

"She's pregnant..." Christina said.

"Don't tell Dymphna. We don't know for sure..." Lisa added.

The girls averted their gazes from Haisley, pretending to be engrossed in the television rather than observing her sleep all night. Dymphna returned with a light snack of grapes, cheese, jams, and crackers, perfect for nibbling while watching the screen. He noticed Haisley had dozed off and carefully set the plates on the coffee table. Gently, he moved her and sat at the edge of the couch, planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Haisley stirred and opened her eyes, greeted by his affectionate smile.

"Sorry to wake you, but Hector wants you to handle some sales today and tomorrow, just to see how well you'd do out in the field, especially given your recent experience."

Haisley sighed, her concern evident. "What exactly does he want me to do?"

"Talk to our clients, take the cash, and hand over the supply. Quick and easy, no need for lengthy conversations."

"I'm not sure, Dymphna. What if something goes wrong?"

"I'll be right there to protect you. Plus, if we don't do this, Hector will come after all of us. There's too much at stake."

Haisley shook her head. "Fine. As long as I get the money to properly care for Gulliver, I'll do it."

Dymphna grinned. "Hell yeah. We'll have enough money for more little ones. We should have another child to keep us on our toes."

All the girls on the couch abruptly stopped munching on their snacks, their faces reflecting deep concern. Dymphna glanced around, puzzled. "Am I missing something?"

Haisley sighed and responded, "No, they just think you're a little...impulsive, that's all. If you really want another child, we should consider moving out of here."

He nodded in agreement and casually tossed a few grapes in the air, trying to catch them in his mouth. He succeeded several times, but any remaining grapes landed on Haisley. In good spirits, she playfully threw them at his face and chuckled. Her nausea had dissipated, and she felt much better, reassured that her boyfriend would always be there to protect her and keep her safe in his own unique way. Fannigan had been right; Dymphna was different from the other dealers in town.

She woke up when the movie credits began flashing names on the screen and reluctantly stood up.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready," he replied.

Together, the couple headed downtown, visiting one client's home after another. Some lived in apartment complexes, while others resided in single-family houses. Dymphna waited by the car, ready to step in if a deal didn't go through or if someone needed to pay double for past debts. They continued these transactions all day, and by late afternoon, a significant stack of money had accumulated in the car. Dymphna wore the biggest smile as he carefully counted each bill, stashing them away in his duffel bag. Their final stop was at a mini-mansion in an isolated area on the edge of town. This time, Dymphna remained in the car, observing from a distance. If Haisley needed him, she knew how to signal.

The muscular man at the mansion greeted her with a brusque tone. "What do you want?"

Haisley approached him diplomatically, "Hey, man. We can't give you more until you pay up. That was the deal. You didn't pay last time."

"Fuckin hell, they send a pregnant woman to do their dirty work."

"They don't know, so keep ya mouth shut. I need the money to help my children go through college. So fuckin pay up, or you will lose our business."

The man pulled out a roll of hundreds from his pocket and handed it to her, "This should cover it. Now give me what you owe."

Haisley pulled out a small baggie of white powder and discretely handed it to him in case someone else watched. He nodded to her and went back inside his vast front door. She runs back into the car and hands Dymphna the small rolled stack of bills to him. He was so happy he kissed her on the cheek and chuckled like a little girl.

"You did a grand job today," Dymphna cheered, "He even gave you more than we asked him to give."

"He paid extra as an apology for the inconvenience. He told me to keep the change to help out my son through college."

"Is that what you're doing? I was wondering how the fuck ya were convincing these poor souls to pay up without a fight. Give me a kiss."

Haisley giggled and kissed him, "I know what I have to do to buy my baby a car seat."

"Gulliver doesn't need one, the pillows work like a charm."

"If you want a baby I suggest you start saving. Put some money away in our own personal locked safes."

"You're right, as always. Speaking of babies, my baby sister is having a birthday party tonight. Cook up something nice for the family and start decorating before it gets dark, ya."

"I'll see what I can do."

In hours, Haisley prepared a grand feast for her family while the other women cared for her son in the living room. Today, she had been excused from her usual responsibilities, but Dymphna would push through any obstacle.

First, the uncles and their close relatives began to arrive, warmly greeting those who lived in the house. They brought powdered gifts and booze, ready to make the most of the night's festivities. Before long, Dymphna brought his dealers into his sister's party, adding to the merriment and discussing more business matters. Despite his busy schedule, he spent most of his time sitting by his girlfriend's side, playing with his son. On the other hand, Hector was dancing merrily, fueled by the alcohol he had consumed in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, now, Salutations, and cead mile fuckin fail te to you all. To me family, whom I love so much and to friends." Hector cheered.

"Here, here," The crowd replied.

"I see Dympna's brought fair fiendish-looking skins. Always been a good judge of character, our Dympna."

"Forget about the boys," Lisa said, "Heck, what about us beors?"

"Oh, no, no, no the beors too. We couldn't do nothing without the boys, and we couldn't do nothing without the beors neither." Hector said.

"Fuckin right." Christina said.

"Charlie!" Hector asked, "Would you join me up here, please?"

"No..." Charlotte said, drinking her juice.

"Come on girl," Hector said, "Come on."

"Go on, sweetheart, your uncle is waiting for you." Hector's woman said.

Charlotte placed her drink on the table and quietly stumbled around the red cups of drinks and food. She stood beside Hector, and he proudly held her in his arms with a big grin.

"Good girl." Hector said.

"Now we Devers, have been through some tough times, and we've the scars to prove it. But we're out the other side now, yeah? And we're here now celebrating young Charlies birthday. So I say fuck 'em all and lets tear the absolute ass of of it. Slainte!"

"Slainte!" The crowd cheered.

Dymphna handed Haisley a red plastic cup of whiskey, "Here, you haven't taken a sip of anything other than water all night."

"Not tonight, I have to look out for Gulliver..."

Dymphna nodded in agreement, "Are you sure you're alright?"

"I would rather talk privately about this tomorrow."

"Should I be concerned?"

"No, it's not bad."

"If you say so."

Hector waved them down from the room next door, "Dymphna, come. You too."

A group of Dymphna's dealers gathered in the adjacent room, indulging in drinks and cocaine. Dymphna occupied a couch with Hector, who was cheerful and intoxicated. Hector's gaze was fixed on Haisley, and it seemed he was pondering whether he had detected something different about her compared to their last meeting at the barn. Feeling anxious, Haisley clung tightly to Dymphna, gripping his arm for protection, her face reflecting deep sadness.

"It must have been quite a task for you," Hector remarked, his tone carrying gratitude. "I appreciate your service to this family. How did it feel?"

Haisley simply shook her head and rested it on Dymphna's shoulder. The young men in the room watched her with knowing looks as if they were privy to a secret that no one wanted to openly discuss. Haisley couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was aware of something except for Dymphna.

"I understand, I do," Hector continued softer. "But my brother will want more details. Please, don't disappoint him."

Haisley let out a small, pained whimper, "I wouldn't dare."