Chapter 1744

Crackling and popping!

Countless lightning bolts fell, hitting the defensive shield with a loud boom. The intense silver light was somewhat blinding, and the shield cracked slightly, but it managed to block the numerous lightning bolts.

However, it was far from over. The black clouds in the sky continued to churn and surge, with grim silver arcs flashing through them. A terrifying aura of destruction spread out, causing one's body to feel ice-cold. The sky was brewing an even greater punishment.

As time passed, the sky was already filled with arcs, carrying a power that could destroy everything. It seemed as though countless thunderbolts were about to fall.

At this moment, Zhao Fu opened his eyes and shot out two beams of colorful light. His eyes seemed somewhat mechanized, and the defensive shield around him disappeared.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and struck with force at the lightning in the sky.


A massive alchemy power surged forth, forming an enormous mechanical arm that struck fiercely at the sky. A terrifying force so powerful that the void seemed unable to bear it, constantly distorting.


That dreadful force hit the sky, emitting a loud noise. It directly pierced through countless thunderclouds, revealing the blood-red sky. It was as if a hole had been punched through the sky. The forceful wind carried by the punch also surged upwards, forming a powerful thrust that scattered the thunderclouds that had gathered.

The thunderclouds in the entire sky slowly dissipated, revealing the blood-red sky. That oppressive and terrifying aura disappeared without a trace.

The mechanical arm dissipated into numerous alchemy auras, and Zhao Fu stood up with a slight smile. He had successfully mastered the power of alchemy, but he had yet to condense the Philosopher's Stone.

Due to Zhao Fu's high level of strength and the special nature of his runes, it wasn't easy to condense the Philosopher's Stone. However, once it was condensed, the power would be extremely frightening.

The main objective this time was to understand the principles and composition of the twenty-four runes, which Zhao Fu had achieved. It was also the biggest gain this time. Now he could begin experimenting and creating the Philosopher's Stone for his empire to use.

Zhao Fu returned to the Heaven Awaken world and immediately ordered his men to prepare various things. The first thing was to find the twelve types of elemental crystals. Finding the other eleven was easy, but the time attribute was relatively rare.

However, with the methods available to Great Qin, it wasn't too difficult, and they soon found all twelve types of elemental crystals.

At this time, Zhao Fu was carving an alchemy array. This alchemy array was not the same as the one in the alchemy world. It was the Formation that Zhao Fu had created based on the alchemy array.

This array no longer needs the power of alchemy, but the spiritual energy of the Heaven Awaken world. Now that he has obtained the power of alchemy and it's bloodline, everything came much easier.

Zhao Fu held twelve elemental crystals and a large amount of yin-yang elemental crystals.

The first thing Zhao Fu did was to use alchemy to extract some yin power from one of the yin crystals and inject it into the twelve elemental crystals.

Zhao Fu exerted his alchemy power to form twelve silver energy shields that enclosed the twelve crystals, and then extracted a large amount of yin power, injecting it into one of the twelve energy shields, creating a gray energy cluster within it.

Because there could be conflicts between different types of energies, alchemy made it much easier to handle.

The silver energy shields absorbed Zhao Fu's power, emitting a faint light, and a power of alchemy diffused. The crystals began to melt, transforming into twelve types of energy that slowly fused with the yin power under the control of the silver energy shields.

The process went smoothly without any surprises, but the appearance of the crystals changed drastically. They became twelve seemingly metallic stones that were smaller in size, now resembling lychees. Each stone had one of the twelve colors.

Next, Zhao Fu used the same method to inject yang power into the twelve crystals, also creating twelve lychee-sized metallic stones.

Now, Zhao Fu was simulating the twenty-four types of power in the world of alchemy. He placed the stones on the alchemy array and went to the outskirts of the array, placing his hand on the array and injecting a force into it.

The alchemy array was directly activated, and a force spread out. The energies surrounding it gathered at the center of the alchemy array like columns of gas.

The energies converged and crystallized, finally forming a crystal cube the size of a thumb, emitting white light and floating in mid-air, exuding an alchemical aura.

Zhao Fu was somewhat surprised to find that the Philosopher's Stone in this world looked different from the one in the world of alchemy in terms of appearance and power.

The Philosopher's Stone in the world of alchemy was metallic and spherical, while the Philosopher's Stone in the Heaven Awaken world was shaped like a crystal cube. Zhao Fu believed that the two worlds had different rules, so the items they produced would naturally be different. He reached out and grabbed the crystal, checking its power. He found that the power of this Philosopher's Stone was slightly weaker than the one in the world of alchemy and was not too mechanical, but had strong spiritual power. It also had the same power as a normal Philosopher's Stone, but had its own special advantages.

Overall, the Philosopher's Stone in the world of alchemy was stronger. This may be due to the fact that the power attributes were not pure and the array was not advanced enough. However, the successful appearance of the Philosopher's Stone still surprised Zhao Fu because Great Qin also had Philosopher's Stones. The strength of the soldiers would be enhanced, their vitality would increase, and they would also possess mechanical power and spiritual power…

Zhao Fu called over a soldier to formally test whether the soldiers of Great Qin could possess Philosopher's Stones, so as not to create something that could not be used.

This is somewhat different from the Philosopher's Stones in the world of alchemy, which condense on their own, while the Philosopher's Stones of Great Qin are made using alchemy arrays.

"Present, Your Majesty!"

A soldier dressed in black armor, looking a bit nervous, came to Zhao Fu and respectfully saluted him, calling out.

Zhao Fu responded and handed him the Philosopher's Stone, "See if you can refine it and then use its power."

The soldier took the Philosopher's Stone, obediently sat down on the ground, and began to refine it. The process took almost half a day, and the soldier finally melted the Philosopher's Stone into his body, though the speed was somewhat slow.