Chapter 1754

At this moment, Zhao Fu thought of something and asked, "Now that the power of heaven and earth is declining and grains and rice is greatly affected, what about other fruits, vegetables, and spiritual medicines?"

Li Si answered seriously, "They are not doing any better, they are effected equally if not even more."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fu frowned deeply and along with Li Si and the other ministers and god had disappeared before reappearing a great distance away.

There happened to be an old farmer with dark skin who had thrown his hoe aside and was crying loudly. Zhao Fu walked up to him and asked, "Old man, what's wrong? Why are you crying here?"

The old farmer, upon seeing the young man helping him up, was frightened and immediately tried to hold back his tears, bowing and saying in a choked voice, "Greetings, Your Majesty! All the vegetables I have been growing for three months have died. They were my three months of hard work, and now they are all gone. I couldn't help but cry. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Zhao Fu responded lightly, saying, "The court will handle this matter, and you don't have to be too sad."

The old farmer looked grateful and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for understanding the people's situation."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You are the people of Great Qin, and your affairs are the affairs of Great Qin. How could I not care?"

The old farmer immediately thanked him.

Zhao Fu didn't say much and led the group towards the vegetable field.

Vegetables could only be vegetables; they could not replace grain and were not as important. However, they were still necessary and could not be overlooked. Great Qin also needs to grow various types of vegetables to meet the needs of its people.

Now Zhao Fu was looking at many farmers who were digging out each rotten vegetable. These vegetables looked fine on the surface, but their roots had already rotted and emitted a foul odor, making them inedible.

These vegetables had also developed some diseases, some of which they didn't have before, but now they all broke out together.

As he watched those vegetables being thrown aside and piling up into small mountains, Zhao Fu asked Li Si, "Is this the same everywhere?"

Li Si responded, "Yes, this situation is pretty much the same, and the situation in the border areas of the empire may be even worse. However, the population there is sparse, so even if the situation is serious, the impact is not significant. Your Majesty, you don't need to worry too much."

Zhao Fu nodded and continued with his entourage to a fruit orchard.

Fresh fruit was not as important as grain and vegetables, but it was also one of the essential goods, and they had spent a large amount time and effort in their cultivation.

The situation here was similar, with some fruit trees already withered, and the fruit produced by some fruit trees was small and had a significant decrease in output.

Zhao Fu also picked a fruit and tasted it, finding it not very tasty and somewhat bitter. furious he threw the fruit beyond the horizon.

Although this fruit had not yet fully ripened, it should still have some sweetness at this time. Zhao Fu had eaten it before, and it did not taste like this.

After inspecting the orchard, Zhao Fu walked towards the most crucial place in the Great Qin Empire, which was the medicine garden.

The medicine garden was no less important than grain. All of Great Qin's soldiers relied on it to make pills for cultivation. If they didn't have it, they could only absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth to cultivate, and their progress would slow down.

If the medicine garden was also heavily affected, it would harm the foundation of the empire. This world needed strength, and without strength, no matter how much food or treasure they had, it would be useless, and they would ultimately die at the hands of others.

Arriving at the medicine garden, Zhao Fu saw many beautiful flower spirits who were casting blessings, and countless colored lights fell from the sky like a shower of light, very beautiful.

Countless points of light fell on each of the spirit herbs, making each one emit a shimmering green light with a powerful life force.

Zhao Fu approached to inspect them and breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was some impact, it wasn't too significant, and was within an acceptable range due to the effect of the spirit medicine.

Mei mei, Bai Bai, and Tao zi, three flower fairies, flew out happily from the side and exclaimed, "Zhao Fu! It's great to see you, why did you come here?"

Zhao Fu briefly explained the situation.

Mei mei raised her small head triumphantly and said with a smile, "Zhao, you can trust us with the spirit medicine. We use blessings with many fairy sisters every day. Do you see how well these spirit herbs grow?"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile.

Mei mei also happily said, "Then you have to reward us well! I have a lot of things I want."

Zhao Fu also promised to reward her with a smile, and then teased her with his hand before returning to the palace in Great Qin to review the memorials sent from various places.

Now, all the memorials sent from various places were also related to this matter. Zhao Fu realized that the further away from Imperial Capital, the more severe the situation was, while the closer it was, the lighter the situation was.

It seemed that those temples and buildings had some effect, giving the crops a little bit of strength to reduce their damage rate, but it was not as obvious as before and had been greatly weakened.

These buildings in Great Qin were relatively concentrated, forming an invisible protective circle. However, their ability was limited, and they could only protect the most vital areas, not every inch of his territory.

Mainly because the power of these gods was not very strong, although Great Qin had given them a lot of faith, it still required a process to absorb such a huge power of faith. If they absorbed all of Great Qin's power of faith, the effect they would play would be even greater.

Zhao Fu didn't plan to separate them. Although the coverage area would be larger, the effect produced would be weaker, and they would be affected comprehensively. Moreover, many important things in Great Qin were planted near the capital.

There were also some memorials about places outside Great Qin, and the situation was similar to that in Great Qin, with no exceptions. They were also trying to find ways to deal with the situation.

After reading these memorials, Zhao Fu summoned many ministers and let them handle various things caused by this. If the losses suffered by the farmers were too severe, they could be compensated to avoid causing any unrest.

Later, Zhao Fu also summoned many scholars to study how to deal with the situation. They could not let it continue like this, because the food produced like this could not support every person in Great Qin. They would have to use their reserve food, which was their last resort.