Chapter 1756

After dealing with the agricultural problems, Zhao Fu planned to rest for a while because recent events had really been giving him a headache.

However, within a short while, reports from various sides arrived.

In East Hill Province, thick dark clouds covered the sky tightly without revealing any gaps, as if they were about to press down from above. It gave off a very oppressive feeling. the very wind began to howl, shaking the trees.


A flash of lightning first sliced through the sky, followed by a clap of thunder, and then the heavy rain poured down, making a splashing sound.

At first, many people didn't pay much attention, thinking it was just an ordinary rainfall. But after raining for a long time without any signs of stopping, the river water turned into a muddy yellow color and began to rise rapidly, becoming more and more turbulent.

In some places around the city walls, water began to accumulate and continued to grow deeper and deeper.

The people began to worry. They had been living here for so long, but it was the first time they had encountered such heavy rainfall. If the rain continued like this, it would definitely trigger a flood.

A man with an ordinary appearance and a sturdy build, holding a raincoat and a bamboo hat, was about to open the door and go out.

The woman inside the house looked at him in confusion and asked, "Honey, where are you going in such heavy rain?"

The man replied, "I'm going out for a while to check nearby villages. This rain might trigger a flood. If it's true, we must report it to the court as soon as possible."

The woman worriedly said, "The rain is too heavy now. It's better to wait until it gets lighter before going out to check!"

The man angrily rebuked her, "How can we wait for something that concerns the safety of the people? As the observer of this place, I am recommended by the people and trusted by the court and the emperor. How can I let them down?"

The woman lowered her head after hearing this, understanding his reasoning and his tendency of stubbornness, however, she still did not want him to leave.

The man put on his raincoat and cloak and walked towards nearby villages with a few people. The situation was very unfavorable as some low-lying areas were already filled with water, forming miniature lakes, while some trees in some areas were also submerged.

This has already threatened the nearby villages. Some farmland has already been flooded, and if this continues, the villages will also be flooded, and the villagers living here will suffer.

The man's face turned serious, and he immediately spoke to the people behind him, "We can't continue like this. Quickly evacuate the villagers through the teleportation array and report this to the city lord to petition the court."

In Four Sided Mountain County, the people were going about their business as usual. There were vendors selling their wares on the streets, pedestrians walking by, customers looking to buy goods, and people laughing in their rooms. Everything seemed so ordinary.


The ground began to shake violently, causing all the buildings on the ground to tremble. The amplitude increased, and some tiles slid off the roof, and some pillars and walls collapsed.

The people were all panicked and avoiding the scene. Some people were hit by the buildings and screamed, while others cried out in fear. The scene was chaotic.

And the situation was not over yet. The ground continued to shake more and more violently, and a huge crack opened up in the earth. Buildings collapsed on a large scale, birds flew up into the sky in a panic, and countless wild animals ran away.

Although the shaking only lasted for two hours, it caused great destruction.

Seeing this scene, the county governor, an old man in Confucian robes, looked unhappy. He immediately mobilized many soldiers to rescue the people and check the extent of the damage. He also quickly wrote a petition to report what had happened to the court.

In Flood Eye County,

"Daddy! Why is the sun so big today? It's so hot!" a little girl in a red dress pulled the hand of a man carrying a hoe and said.

The man looked up at the sky. The sun was particularly dazzling, and there were no clouds in sight. The temperature was much higher than yesterday.

What's going on? The man couldn't understand, so he just smiled and said, "Don't worry, the weather is just a little hot today. You shouldn't come to the fields to work with me. Stay at home and play. Your mother will make you something delicious tonight."

The little girl nodded happily and ran back home with a smile.

A man arrived at the farmland and started to hoe for a while, but soon he began to feel uncomfortable. The scorching sun seemed to burn his skin, and beads of sweat as large as beans kept coming out. His skin also turned red.

At the same time, the man also felt thirsty and couldn't help but swallow his saliva. The saliva became thick and sticky, and his head started to spin. He felt like he was going to have a heat stroke.

The man lifted his head and looked at the glaring sun in the sky. He blocked it with his hand and couldn't understand why the sun was so big today.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore and went to rest under a big tree with his hoe. He knew that it was impossible to work with such a big sun. After a moment of thought, he could only bring his hoe back home.

The day was like this, with the scorching sun emitting strong light and heat, baking the earth. There was no wind, and the weather became extremely hot, as if it could be ignited accidentally.

At night, the ground was steaming with heat, but there was still no coolness. Many villagers could not bear it and went to the village chief's house, asking, "Village Chief! What's going on? Why is it so hot today, this has never happened before?"

The village chief was a thin middle-aged man with a mild attitude. He said, "Don't worry, everyone. I just asked about it in the city. The nearby areas are all like this. It is likely to be a drought."

What? A drought?

Upon hearing this, the crowd became restless. Disaster had always been something people feared. A drought could cause water sources to dry up and all crops to wither.

The crowd became worried and asked the village chief, "If it's a drought, what should we do?"

Facing the crowd's gaze, the village chief smiled and said, "Don't worry! The county governor has already reported this matter to the court. Our respected and great emperor will definitely solve the problem. You don't need to worry about anything."

Upon hearing this, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief. Now that their great emperor knew about it, he must have a solution. The villagers trusted their emperor very much, so they were not so worried.

Then, the villagers dispersed and went back to their own homes.

A little girl ran over and hugged the man's thigh, asking curiously, "Daddy! Did you go to the village chief's to find out what happened?"

The man smiled and replied, "Yes! It seems that a drought is about to happen."

In the house, a beautiful woman was cooking. She glared at the man with a hint of anger and said, "A drought is coming, and you still laugh. Aren't you afraid that everything we grow will wither?"