Chapter 1768

A beautiful girl with a hint of evil smile squatted in front of a sinister woman, reached out to touch her face and said, "Your face is quite beautiful. If someone else comes, you might have a chance to live, even to serve our king."

"Unfortunately, you met me, and I won't let you become the king's woman. There are too many of them, so you must die!"

Although the beautiful girl said so, she didn't immediately kill the sinister woman. With a cruel smile on her face, she used a knife to cut open the sinister woman's face, then cut off her ears and nose, and gouged out her eyes.

The sinister woman kept screaming, her voice filled with extreme pain and hoarseness. Anyone who heard her voice couldn't help but feel pity.

But the screams did not stop, becoming even more miserable and piercing to the nerves.

The beautiful girl cruelly smiled and said, "Your body is also very good-looking," then used a dagger to cut off each of the sinister woman's fingers. She also stripped off the sinister woman's clothes, looked at her chest, and cut off what was there with a knife.

Starting from the chest, she slowly cut open the sinister woman's chest and belly, exposing the internal organs as fresh blood flowed out continuously.

Finally, the sinister woman let out a piercing scream and died on the spot. The beautiful girl, not satisfied, cut off her head and put it in her storage ring before leaving.

The entire family was slaughtered, with not a single person or even animal left alive. It was truly an extermination.

In a stronghold, three people sat on chairs above the others. They were the leaders of this stronghold, and there were many people below them, all looking happily at the three leaders. The scene was very lively.

A big man with a smile on his face said, "This time, our stronghold has obtained such a precious treasure, and you all have contributed. Later, I will reward you with a large sum of money. You can do whatever you want with it."

"Thank you, boss!"

Everyone was waiting for this, all smiling and thanking the big man. Some were already planning to use the money to gamble in nearby cities, while others were thinking of finding some women.

This stronghold was the largest group of bandits in the area, surviving by robbing and killing. Their strength was not weak, and the nearby cities had failed to eliminate them several times, making them even more arrogant.

It was these subordinates who discovered the Disaster Sealer. During a previous earthquake, they were living in the stronghold when countless rocks and soil fell. At that time, the Disaster Sealer appeared nearby and absorbed the earthquake. They immediately reported it to the three leaders, leading to the scene that had just happened, where they chased and killed the disaster-sealing master together.

A group of people arrived quickly, also wearing long robes and with cold eyes.

At this time, most people were still near the hall and hadn't sensed any danger, so the attack was sudden.


The sound of air being torn apart rang out as arrows with powerful force flew out like black shadows, piercing through the group of bandits.

Blood splattered and countless screams rang out, causing chaos. Countless people looked frightened and quickly sought places to hide.


Seeing the chaotic scene, the attackers shot out arrows, killing many bandits. Arrows pierced through their bodies, causing them to die instantly.

Three powerful figures rushed out from the hall and were surprised to see so many people in long robes appearing near the stronghold. They all seemed powerful, and their aura was cold.

Could it be the nearby cities coming to wipe them out? But nearby cities couldn't possibly have this strength. What kind of force were these people from?

Before they could figure it out, three black shadows appeared behind them. The three leaders were startled and quickly chose to defend themselves, barely blocking the attack. Then the two sides began to fight.

The other people in long robes turned into black shadows and quickly rushed towards various places in the stronghold.


Screams rang out as these people were slaughtered without much resistance. Their throats were cut, hearts pierced, and some even had their heads cut off.

In fact, there were some people in the stronghold who were not bandits but were related to the bandits, such as their parents or wives and children. But they were not spared and were mercilessly killed by these people.

An old man knelt on the ground and begged, "Please don't kill me, I haven't done anything wrong, I beg you."

A black shadow appeared behind the old man, covered his eyes with his hand, and skillfully slit his throat with a dagger. Blood sprayed out, and the old man fell to the ground with a look of shock, dead.

A mature woman with an average appearance cried out in fear, "Please don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything," as she trembled in terror.


A sword pierced through the woman from behind, and she screamed in agony, blood flowing from her mouth as she fell lifelessly to the ground.

A frightened boy hiding in a corner watched the slaughter, his body trembling uncontrollably as he tightly covered his mouth, afraid to make a sound. Making any noise would mean certain death.

But in the end, he was discovered by someone. The boy pleaded in tears, "Please don't kill me, please, I beg you."

The person replied coldly, "Sorry! You killed someone you shouldn't have. His Majesty ordered us to kill everyone, not sparing a single soul."

With those words, the person waved his hidden blade, sending out a cold light that severed the boy's head before he could even react. Blood gushed out from his neck, and his lifeless body fell to the ground.

The battle with the three leaders didn't last long either. The three were captured and then gutted, their bodies hung in front of the stronghold's gate.

The other corpses of the stronghold were also hung on nearby trees, their smell of blood spreading like tidal waves, startling a flock of birds. The surroundings fell into silence, not even insects dared to chirp.

It was only a few days later that people found out what had happened here. The stench of the rotting corpses hanging from the trees made some people's legs weak, and some even collapsed on the ground vomiting.

Some people mustered up the courage to enter the stronghold, where there were still many bodies lying around, and the silence was eerie.

Those who came were scared, looking at the blood spatters and corpses everywhere, and could only imagine the scene of the massacre. Who did this? They exterminated everyone in this stronghold, and no one escaped.

TN: Is it just me or did this novel get a lot more graphic?