Chapter 1782

If it were an ordinary noble in Great Qin, they would definitely fear Great Qin's laws. Hearing about Great Qin's laws, they would consider them before doing anything, because even though they may be nobles in Great Qin, the laws of Great Qin do not give them any preferential treatment.

It can be said that Great Qin's laws are a protective barrier for ordinary people, but if faced with some truly terrifying individuals in Great Qin, ordinary laws are useless against them because their status in Great Qin is extremely terrifying. Unless they report directly to the Great Qin Emperor, there will be no punishment.

The person in front of them was so unafraid of Great Qin's laws, coupled with his noble demeanor, it was obvious that they belonged to that kind of terrifying individual.

And with the opponent's strength, they could easily kill them.

The mature woman thought for a moment, although a little unwilling, she spoke politely, "Ask me anything you want! I'll try to answer you."

Seeing her attitude, Zhao Fu was satisfied and showed a slight smile. "The first question, why are you here? Is it because Great Qin is not treating you well, or is there some other reason? And also, if you are a sect, it seems that Great Qin has also shown favor towards you."

The mature woman calmly replied, "Six years ago, there were constant wars and people were suffering. They were all people who had suffered from war, so I brought them here to escape the war."

"At that time, this was still a desolate mountain. The cherry blossom forest here now is the result of our six years of effort, and after staying for so long, we don't want to leave."

"And we are not a sect, just a group of women who want to enter the Buddhist order to escape the mundane world. We don't want anyone to disturb us or interfere with us."

Zhao Fu also understood. Previously, Zhao Fu thought that these people were afraid of Great Qin, so they hid in this desolate mountain forest.

"You have been staying here all this time, but you seem to know a lot about the outside world. What do you think of Great Qin? Does Great Qin have any shortcomings?"

The mature woman couldn't help but sneer, "You are a high official of the court, how could I dare to say that Great Qin has faults? If I say so, I'm afraid that tomorrow me and my disciples will be stripped and publicly displayed."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu seemed to sense that the mature woman really had some grievances against Great Qin, and he asked with some concern, "Then tell me, what exactly has Great Qin done wrong? Rest assured, no matter what you say, I won't hurt you, and I can guarantee that no one in Great Qin will dare to hurt you."

A mature woman looked at Zhao Fu with some disbelief and said, "Your arrogance is too much! Even Li Si and Bai Qi in the court dare not speak like this. Be careful that your words reach the ears of your majesty. With your majesty's cruel and violent personality, you will die a miserable death."

Zhao Fu could tell that this woman had opinions of him, but currently, everyone in Great Qin admired and praised his accomplishments and abilities.

As for being cruel and violent, Zhao Fu could admit that he was sometimes like that.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu spoke up, "Don't worry about that. Tell me, what are you dissatisfied with in Great Qin?"

The mature woman glanced at Zhao Fu and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? I won't believe your words, and we'll end up dead."

Zhao Fu smiled and looked at the woman in front of him, extending a hand and directly grabbing her throat, lifting her up.

The mature woman immediately felt suffocated, her face turning red as she struggled to get up. She grabbed Zhao Fu's hand with both hands, trying to break free, but her strength was no match for Zhao Fu's.

The other women were shocked, not expecting Zhao Fu to suddenly attack. They hurriedly came forward with tears in their eyes and said, "Sir! Please, don't kill our master. She has taken care of us for six years and protected us for six years. We'll tell you everything you want to know, and we'll agree to any of your requests."

Zhao Fu let go of his hand, and the mature woman fell to the ground, gasping for breath. She stared at Zhao Fu angrily for a while before saying, "Your people from Great Qin really are always so dominant and domineering."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "If you listen obediently, you won't have to endure this."

The mature woman glared at Zhao Fu angrily and said, "I hope you keep your promise. I admit that Great Qin has contributed greatly to the human world and that the people can live such comfortable lives because of Great Qin's protection."

"But I can't forget that you attacked our city, the bloody killings, and my father died in your hands. My mother and the one I loved were also taken away by you to serve your lustful emperor."

"I know that not only can I not save them, I cannot resist Great Qin either. Even if I dare to express this idea, I will be seen as a rebel and killed.

"After I found out that they were doing well and met my disciples, they were only thirteen or fourteen years old at the time. Their parents and relatives were killed when Great Qin attacked the city. I took them and hid from the war and Great Qin. But your Great Qin has already unified the world and become one of the empires that dominate this area.

"We all know that revenge is impossible. In the end, we can only submit to Great Qin and plan to spend the rest of our lives here."

Zhao Fu seemed to be lost in thought after hearing this. Great Qin's path to unification was built on countless bodies. There could be many people like these women, and Great Qin had to strengthen its management.

However, it was precisely because Great Qin was strong and could provide them with a stable life without worry or fear that they finally submitted to Great Qin. Except for those who harbored special hatred towards Great Qin, they would not do anything rebellious.

This was a bit dangerous. They were like hidden cancer cells. Although Great Qin seemed to have nothing to worry about now, they would harm Great Qin once something happened.

It seemed that he had to take some measures when he returned, find those who were harmful to Great Qin, and eliminate them without giving them any chance. Ye Yexiao could be responsible for this matter and assassinate them directly once they were found.

And they also had to strengthen ideological control. Perhaps the older generation remembered what Great Qin had done, but they would grow old and die, and the younger generation would forget.

They were living so well now, and it was impossible for them to let their children do foolish things. Of course, to be on the safe side, they also had to strengthen management and eliminate these hidden dangers.

Great Qin was under such high pressure, and it was estimated that it would continue for a long time. Only in this way could Great Qin be stable internally and confront external threats.

After coming out of his thoughts, Zhao Fu looked at the mature woman on the ground and said with a smile, "You can rest assured that as long as you submit to Great Qin, I will not harm you. Although I am cruel and violent, that is only towards those who do not submit or are enemies, not the people of Great Qin."

The few women and the mature woman felt strange after hearing Zhao Fu's words.