Chapter 1795

Returning to Great Qin, Zhao Fu went to another place, which was also a research site responsible for studying the alchemist.

This alchemist was not an ordinary member of the alchemist race. He was the one whom Zhao Fu had caught last time, the canine monster that had consumed countless members of its own kind and philosopher's stones to form into a person.

Zhao Fu had asked Mu Minxian about this, and it was not a common occurrence in the world of alchemy because the conditions for forming such a being were very difficult.

Surprised by this, Zhao Fu had thought that such things were more common in the world of alchemy and had become very interested in this type of creature because they had achieved a kind of immortality.

No matter if you cut off its head, pierced its body with a large hole, or split it in half, or even burned it with fire, froze it with ice, it displayed a very strong vitality. Unless you blasted it into pieces, it was impossible to kill it. It was fortunate that there were not many of these alchemical creatures; otherwise, it would be challenging for Great Qin to withstand an attack by an army of them.

Zhao Fu also wanted to understand the reason behind this. If he succeeded in his research, it would undoubtedly be helpful to Great Qin.

Arriving at the research facility, a ten-meter tall, slender-muscled, fanged, and black-eyed person was locked in an iron cage. This was the alchemist.

Now, the alchemist was curled up in a corner, with a face full of fear, no longer as ferocious and violent as before because Great Qin had performed countless cruel experiments on him. Although he could not die, he suffered immense pain.

At this time, he saw Zhao Fu, the person who had caught him, with a face full of anger and immediately went into a frenzy, roaring and striking the iron cage, trying to break free and kill Zhao Fu because all of this was caused by Zhao Fu.

But the iron cage was incredibly sturdy, and no matter how hard he hit it with his fists, it remained undamaged.

The researchers nearby quickly took several darts and threw them forcefully, and the darts quickly struck the alchemist's body, causing him to quickly lose his strength and fall to the ground.

"Please forgive us, Your Majesty!" the many researchers said nervously, bowing to Zhao Fu, as it was clear that they had offended him by letting the alchemist act so aggressively.

Zhao Fu didn't mind and asked, "How is your research going now? And what about those darts? How did they hit the alchemist and make him lose his combat ability?"

A fair-skinned middle-aged man stepped forward and reported, "Your Majesty! We have made some progress and understand the cause of the alchemist's formation. Also, the darts were coated with a potent paralytic poison specifically designed for the alchemist."

Hearing that there was progress, Zhao Fu smiled slightly and said, "Then please tell me more."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "This alchemy giant is an advanced alchemical creature created by alchemical power, not through reproduction or other methods."

"This advanced alchemical creature itself possesses a strong taboo power and is not completely bound by the rules of the world. When fully unleashed, its power can become extremely terrifying. In the past, several soldiers with much higher cultivation than it were injured because of this."

Zhao Fu was also surprised. It seemed that this alchemy giant was indeed extraordinary.

The middle-aged man continued, "The difficulty of forming an alchemy giant is also very high. It not only requires the same bloodline and strength, but also the freshest flesh. Even if these conditions are met, it is not necessarily possible to create an alchemy giant."

"Because the core of forming an alchemy giant is actually the philosopher's stone, a powerful philosopher's stone is needed to resonate with the philosopher's stone of other creatures, which will generate an alchemical life array that gathers countless flesh and blood, and thus the alchemy giant is created."

"Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for philosopher's stones to resonate with other philosopher's stones, as it is a random occurrence and cannot be controlled."

"But if one can master the method of resonance, then one can mass-produce this alchemy giant. Our subordinates are also conducting research in this area, but we have not made much progress so far."

When Zhao Fu heard the phrase "mass-produce," he was excited. If he could mass-produce alchemy giants, he could form a very terrifying army. Even without other powers, their immortality alone would be very scary.

Moreover, these alchemy giants were much stronger than people of the same rank, so their power would be unimaginable. They would definitely become one of the powerful weapons of Great Qin in the future.

However, the method of resonance was probably not easy to research.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You guys continue your research! When you have any progress, report to me as soon as possible."

The middle-aged man obediently nodded.

Zhao Fu turned and left with a smile, planning to go to the next research site. The alchemy giant in the iron cage still stared at him angrily.

After a while, Zhao Fu arrived at another research site. This research site was very large, with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, and there was a huge mechanical turtle at its center, which was the war sacred beast that had been sealed before.

Although Zhao Fu already knew how to control the war sacred beast, it was relatively simple. He only needed to wipe out an alchemy family, occupy the fusion material of the family and its nest, and he should be able to control the war sacred beast.

However, now Great Qin is very passive in the alchemy world, and it can be said to be suppressed by the alchemy world, unable to expand at all. It doesn't have the ability to destroy any alchemy family.

Zhao Fu wanted to study these holy beasts, while searching for a way to control them, he also studied their weaknesses.

The power that the war holy beasts burst out was still very troublesome. Great Qin now has the ability to restrain them, that is, using disaster beads. But the number of disaster beads is not so many, and maybe the alchemy clan will be prepared next time.

It is necessary to find out the weaknesses and give a heavy blow to the alchemy world's holy beasts in the next war.

Because Mu Minxian is a member of the clan and understands these things better, she is also here to help with the research.

When Zhao Fu arrived here, many busy researchers stopped and bowed in unison.

Mu Minxian also came to Zhao Fu and respectfully said, "Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu smiled and asked, "How is the research on the war holy beasts now? Can Great Qin also manufacture war holy beasts?"

Mu Minxian answered with a serious expression, "Your Majesty, I am sorry to disappoint you. This involves the core secret of the alchemy world, and there has been no progress in the research on holy beasts."