Chapter 3: The Grand Autumn Ball

She was going to a grand ball, even the thought of it sounded fancier than anything she had ever been to in her life. The invitation, while small, looked as though it had been hand-written. The ink on the card inside was so fine and precise. The person who had written it out, had taken careful time with each and every word. That alone spoke volumes on what kind of event she would be attending. The locals treated it like it was just another festival or something of that nature, but it felt so much more formal than that.

Charlotte had all of her things spread out on the bedspread. The ball was in just a few hours and she had no idea what kind of outfit she should wear. Something as grandiose as a ball called for something elegant and regal. Both of which were things she did not necessarily own. The best she had to go with was either a vintage, knee-length dress and a button-up blouse and a pencil skirt. They weren’t glamorous by far and she didn’t have the time to do any shopping.

After a debate which lasted at least thirty minutes, Charlotte finally settled on the maroon blouse and black pencil skirt. She did manage to find the time to curl her dark hair into loose, big curls which fell down her back and nearly to her waist. Then after a touch of makeup, she was as formal as she could be for the event and hoped that she wouldn’t stick out too terribly among the locals.

Truthfully, she felt she looked more like she was going to an office party than she did a Grand Ball, but it would have to do for now. Settled in her attire for the evening, Charlotte left the inn with just fifteen minutes to spare before the start time on the invitation. She had to hustle to make her way down the cobblestone road towards the castle in order to make it there in time. Something told her that if she missed the arrival time, she would find it hard to locate Lord Hunt.

By the time she reached the castle entrance, it was already packed full of Willow Creek’s residents. The doors inside had yet to be open, which left all the guests standing and waiting just outside the entrance. The entryway was lit up in a light chatter and the air was light. Even though they hadn’t actually entered the castle yet to enjoy the ball, she could already feel the excitement. Despite this being her first time there, Charlotte even found herself smiling and mingling among the locals.

The only thing that silenced the crowd was the loud clunk and the creek that followed it of an old lock and a pair of heavy doors. In unionison, everyone’s attention was brought to the double doors that led into the castle. Slowly, the doors were pushed open until they came to a stop with booming echo. There, standing in front of either door, was an individual dressed only in black and white. Once the doors opened, the pair of individuals stopped beside them as if waiting to be signaled away.

It wasn’t just moments later though that someone else appeared in the doorway, coming to stand at the center of the entrance. He stood as a symbol of elegance, with his hands folded neatly behind his back and a patient expression plastered across alabaster skin. His eyes were a deep shade of red, almost the color of a rich red wine and his hair fell past his shoulders in perfect waves of shimmering auburn. This man was dressed regally in a perfectly tailored black tailcoat with white trim with a single white rose tucked into his lapel.

There was no doubt in Charlotte’s mind that the man that had come to greet his guests at the door was none other than Lord Hunt himself. She had come across quite a few vampires in the last few years and they all shared something in common. That trait of course was the unnatural fairness of their skin and its flawless appearance. The beauty of the vampire was unmatched by any mortal person. It was as though their skin had just been etched out of marble.

However, Lord Hunt was probably by far the most beautiful and regal vampire she had ever come across. So many had learned to conform to modern styles or created their own, that while they were still beautiful to look at, their style could easily draw in certain types of people. Just like any other person had their own type or style. This man was just simply gorgeous from head to toe. The mystery that surrounded him only made him all the more appealing. It was safe to say that he was certainly her type.

Just as the thought left her mind, those sharp, deep red eyes found her for just a moment. In that brief moment of being locked in his gaze, Charlotte’s breath froze in her lungs. They didn’t keep eye contact for long, but she was certain that in the time they had, she saw a flicker of interest in Lord Hunt’s gaze. Now that was something that had never happened before. Vampires could be smooth talkers but she couldn’t say she had ever legitimately piqued the interest of one before.

“Residents of Willow Creek,” Lord Hunt addressed the crowd as he spoke. His voice was low and smooth. “I welcome you to The Annual Grand Autumn Ball. For tonight, my castle will be open to you and my servants will be happy to aid you, should you need it. So please, won’t you all come in?”

With white gloved hands, Lord Hunt motioned to the open doors to his castle before he turned to lead the crowd inside. The chatter picked up again as soon as he disappeared back inside and once everyone started moving for the door. Charlotte was trying her best to weave through the crowd. She wanted to get closer to Lord Hunt and at least get an idea of which direction he went off in.

The castle itself was beautiful on the inside. Wonderfully decorated in dark marble and stone, with deep red accents hanging along the walls. The corridors were lit with candle-like lights, mounted along the walls. Perhaps the only update to the original layout of the castle, aside from plumbing, she assumed. Still, the lights flickered the way a flame might against the stone walls. Charlotte was so enamored by it, that she gradually began to slow down from the rest of the crowd.

Although she was eager to follow them all into the ballroom for the festivities and another chance to locate Lord Hunt, she couldn’t help but take in the beautiful piece of history she had been given the chance to see. Soon enough, she was left wondering by herself through the grand hall. On the left and right side of the hall was a pair of curved stairs, leading up to the second level. The crowd had headed towards the end of the entrance hall and towards another pair of open doors. That was what she assumed to be the ballroom, the main setting of The Grand Ball.

“Are you enjoying your visit thus far?” Lord Hunt’s voice came from behind her.

Charlotte jumped before she spun around to find him standing at the base of the left staircase. This time, his hands were folded neatly in front of him and a small smile pulled at the corners of his lips. Once again, Charlotte found that little spark in those deep wine-colored eyes. She was sure she saw it this time and she wasn’t sure if she should feel uncomfortable by it or relieved that she might have an advantage here.

“Your home is very lovely, inside and out. At least what I’ve seen of it so far,” Charlotte replied.

“You are not from Willow Creek.” It was not a question, but rather a statement he said aloud.

Charlotte gave a slow nod. “Yes, that’s right. I’m a historian. I travel to research older towns like Willow Creek and learn about their origins. My name’s Charlotte Barnes.”

Those deep red eyes glossed over her after she introduced herself. Instead of answering right away, he came slowly towards her then circled around her once. The careful sound of each of his steps unnerved Charlotte. She wasn’t sure if he was viewing her as something to prey off of or if he was curious about who she was and why she had appeared there out of the blue. Regardless of how nervous it made her, she kept her ground and waited for his response.

Lord Hunt stopped in front of her, his gaze still locked on her. His slow steps now brought him closer to her, which once again had her holding her breath. Standing in front of him, he was at least half a foot taller than she was and his build was lean, despite his slender appearance. Charlotte had to resist the urge to reach forward and touch him, a feeling that suddenly washed over her as he drew nearer to her.

“I am Rodrick Hunt, Lord of this castle. Tell me, Miss Barnes, what is it you want from me? Surely you did not come to this event just to explore the castle, alone?” Lord Hunt questioned her slowly with careful words. The timber of his voice coming out as more of a purr.

“I…” Charlotte was left mesmerized while she stared blankly up at him. Their eyes locked and they stood less than a foot away from each other. She was finding it hard to think, let alone breathe. Still she was having to push away intrusive thoughts. “I… That’s right, I wanted to know more about you. Your history.”

Lord Hunt scoffed, finally tearing his gaze away from her. “Then you should go on and enjoy the ball, Miss Barnes.” Just like that, he was turning away from her and heading back towards the staircase.

“Wh-What? Wait! Lord Hunt, please. I just need a little bit of your time!” Charlotte called after him.

“As I said,” Lord Hunt responded, glancing back over his shoulder at her. He motioned towards the open doors at the end of the entrance hall. “Enjoy the ball, Miss Barnes.”

Charlotte was left gawking after him while he quietly ascended the stairs without another word to her. After that display, she had no idea what to think of him. Lord Hunt, at first, seemed to be like any other vampire master or lord. Interested in the very sensual part of being a contracted servant. But he had so abruptly gotten cold and dismissive of her, that she wasn’t sure what to make of it. There was certainly something he was hiding and one way or another, Charlotte was going to get to the bottom of it.