Charlotte could hardly believe the words that came out of her mouth. She pleaded with Lord Hunt not to leave as he indicated that he should. The want to have him stay left her with a mix of feelings. It was true that she wanted to know about him and thus get to know him better. Already, he had indicated he found her to be interesting and although he had not elaborated on what he meant by that too much, it was enough that he treated her differently than the others. That much she had figured out.
Up until this point, she had figured the cause of that was because he wanted to see how far he could push her. While Charlotte still believed that on some level, there was something different in the words he spoke to her just before he chose to take a bite out of her shoulder. She now began to wonder if he wasn’t intrigued by her in the same way she was by him. The desire to get to know her better being there, there was still something stopping him from doing it.