Chapter 12: Lady in the Library

The next afternoon, once Charlotte finished her task of the day, she took to the library as soon as she could. She was eager to find out what all she could learn about Lady Bennett before her next meeting with Lord Hunt. Her hope was that she would be able to find out enough about her that it would open the door to getting to know him a little better. Lord Hunt didn’t want to answer terribly personal questions, but maybe she could find a way around that to get little bits of information like this from him.

The castle’s library was immense. This was something she realized after coming in through the doors. During their tour, they had briefly walked past the doors to the library and so she hadn’t had a chance to gauge how large it was. Now that she was standing in it, she wondered just how long he had been building his collection of books. If he was as old as she was guessing he might be, then she supposed he had several hundred years to build his collection.