The Rise to Glory of Tariq Omari, a compelling story that follows the journey of a young and ambitious football coach, on his quest to become a legendary figure in the football world. Born in a remote village to a struggling family, Tariq has always had a burning passion for the game, and dreams of one day making it to the top.
He travels back to a time to his past where opportunity and access to a system capable of propelling him to greater heights making it the icing to the cake.
However, Tariq's journey is far from easy. As he climbs the ladder of success, he faces numerous setbacks and challenges. But through it all, Tariq never loses sight of his ultimate goal, and remains committed to becoming the best coach he can be.
From a nobody born in an ordinary family with only his mother and grandmother that he vows to protect of them, he is from a remote place, he is their future, he relentlessly pursues his goal of becoming a legendary coach.
I have been waiting for a football manager story for so long, I gave you 5 star review, I hope u keep up and don't drop the story.
Dear Author I am a massive football fan and would like you to continue this story even if you need money I will give it to you so please keep going. I hope that you don't drop this story. From Danke
No obvious mistakes, refreshing to see a new sports novel on this platform, I want more.