Am I a stepping stone?

"Nick, don't say anything, don't act recklessly. This is a British crew. You know that those people in the UK are not as unrestrained as Americans. Don't get drunk, don't act recklessly, and don't be ashamed." Until the banquet, Bruce still told Levi various points to pay attention to. It's a pity Levi didn't listen to what he was saying but kept observing the venue.

This is an Oscar presentation - Sense and Sensibility, a film nominated for seven Oscars in total, is one of the most popular films at this year's Oscars. Every year for the popular Oscar movies, there will be some gatherings before the Oscars. These gatherings are said to invite various people to introduce their film works and explain the connotation of their films, but in fact, it is more canvassing for votes.

The so-called film promotion meeting is not to introduce the film. The movie has been released for a long time, and it is impossible for anyone here not to have seen it. And if you really need help understanding movies, it's hard to be eligible to be invited to the party. The Oscars are only a month away. At this time, Oscar-nominated films are trying their best to win votes for their movies. Sense and Sensibility received seven nominations, and unless they were extremely unlucky, they would win one or two of those nominations, which was also the purpose of the canvassing by those present. Only at such times can the presence and authority of the critics be seen. Good critics can maximize Oscar voters' influence, making them highly respected here.

Levi had heard of this banquet in his previous life but had never seen it, so he was very interested in it. After seeing it, he realized that the atmosphere here differed from what he had imagined.

According to the novel "The Godfather" description, this scene should be full of explicit words of actresses teasing men around, preparing to play big later. Unfortunately, this is not the world in The Godfather's novels. At least in this world, Levi can't see those scenes. It's similar to the domestic entertainment industry in his memory. Even in Hollywood, people still pretend to be glamorous in front of people. Even if there is something dirty, they won't show it directly.

"Honestly, this place is much more boring than I thought." At the banquet, after meeting several people one after another, Levi also began to complain to Bruce in private.

Of course, he knew many people here were Hollywood's big names. These people had a hard time trying to curry favor with them in their previous life, but now, Levi looked at them and didn't think they were great. After thinking about it all morning, when he saw these people, he also had a very high confidence in his heart: his future could not be comparable to these people. "I know it's boring, but I can do nothing about it. I brought you here to introduce you to friends. The people here are beneficial to you. You will go to the TV circle in the future and create some TV dramas. Reviewers or some investors, building a network of relationships is not bad for you."

Bruce reassured, hoping Levi could get to know more people in the circle, and today was an excellent opportunity. Because others were trying to please Bruce at this time, the process of Bruce introducing Levi to others was also very smooth. During the process, Bruce has been introducing Levi to various people, and to Bruce's satisfaction, Levi has been fine so far.

"Bruce, you don't need to tell me this. I know what to do." Levi smiled, "I will be cautious about these things." "I hope so." Bruce glanced at Levi, "However, going there is not without benefits. Among other things, British actors in Hollywood may gather there. If you are capable enough, you can chat with a beautiful woman, but don't make a fool of yourself."

Is he the type of person who eats and drinks and then hooks up with beautiful women?

Levi didn't say anything, just smiled. He knew that it was more complicated to change his impression in the eyes of others.

After these two days, Levi understood his previous self well. Little Levi is a young literary and artistic youth full of literary thoughts, confident and naive, disdains to join the mainstream, and only thinks about making a big splash. Look at his friends, all of them are indifferent to money, and they all have a lot of ideas regarding literary pursuits. Just look at them, and you will know what he was like before. That's the best review ever. It's no wonder that Bruce is worried about himself like this. There are celebrities here, and offending anyone may make Levi's path much more difficult.

Even if it doesn't offend them, it's not good for Levi not to impress them.

The little Levi, in ​​the past, might refuse to attend such a party that has nothing to do with him, refuse to chat with these unknown people, and refuse to be a good baby according to Bruce's arrangement. But the current Levi is not the past Levi. He knows very well how a good relationship with these people will help his career. The people here only need to publish an article in their magazine. If they write articles such as "Director Levi is worthy of attention," he will get a lot of money when making movies.

It's just that it's too slow for Bruce to lead, introduce and get to know one by one. If it's like being remembered by others, doing something noteworthy is better. 'I should go over and say hello to the director and protagonists of the movie.' Levi was thinking in his heart, but how can they appreciate him?

"Bruce, it's been a long time!"

Levi was still tossing and turning, thinking while Bruce met another friend. The person walking towards him greeted Bruce loudly, but he didn't seem to be aiming at Bruce. After Bruce shook hands, he immediately turned his gaze to Levi and extended his hand, "Nicholas, right? I saw you once before. I heard you were shooting a movie recently. How was it going?"

Levi could see that when this person appeared, Bruce's face immediately became very ugly, and judging from the somewhat joking tone in his speech, Levi was quite sure that this person didn't come here to ask but to find fault. What does this man do?

Levi didn't know how many people knew about his filming, and he didn't know why someone suddenly kicked it up. How could someone be so bored and come here to provoke him? He should be considered harmless in this room, right?

"Nick, do you remember Mr. Harry Molson? The reporter of "Slanderer" magazine, you have read that magazine, right?" Bruce spoke, deliberately slowing down his tone as a reminder to Levi.

"I haven't heard of that magazine. I have serious things to do and don't have time. I just read authoritative magazines." Levi understood quickly and answered immediately.

"You should read it. Sometimes, a lot of the news on it is very entertaining. Mr. Harry Molson and his magazines are very entertaining. They can always report a lot of interesting news. Reading their newspapers is as exciting as watching Jim Carrey's movies."

"If that's the case, I really want to read it."

Levi probably understood what was going on. In Hollywood, even professional magazines are divided into various types. One is "Variety," "Hollywood Newsletter," "Premiere," and other magazines, which focus on quality rather than rumors and reports on movie-related matters. Some are magazines, such as "Vanity Fair," which report fashion information and celebrity news. The other ones are "Slanderer" and "Rumor," which mostly write gossip and unconfirmed rumors. These magazines don't have much to do with him, but this person named Harry does. It was obviously aimed at Bruce, who wanted to humiliate Bruce with his worthless brother's failed film career.

It's just that Bruce doesn't seem to be tolerant. Comparing a magazine to a Jim Carrey movie may look like a compliment, but it is undoubtedly ridiculing their news, many of which are jokes.

Levi noticed that their voices had already attracted people's attention. The top managers of the two large media started to ridicule each other; for many people, it was all good fun. Levi noticed the eyes around him, and he was even more puzzled: What was this person thinking? Such a banquet is not a place to vent anger.

Levi and Bruce's words made Harry's face a little ugly. The "Slanderer" magazine is not big; it mainly relies on selling celebrity gossip. It is common for such a magazine to be ridiculed. It's just that Harry doesn't seem to want to admit it. "You don't have enough time?" Harry's first words came out slowly in a low voice, and then his voice became higher, "But I heard that you just attempted suicide and you were discharged from the hospital not long ago. Did something happen? Career failure, emotional problems, or childhood psychological shadow or something?"

Levi was surprised. However, he suddenly realized something. Why is it directed at me again? If you want to grab attention, you are not the only one. Is anyone else coming here, perhaps with similar thoughts? Among the people present, the most low-key, a rich second-generation, is himself.

Unexpectedly, someone used himself as a stepping stone.


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