
After finally finalizing the contract, the group of friends was extremely relaxed that night. They stayed in the bar until late at night before returning home and resting peacefully.

However, after others left one after another, Alexander held Levi. He still has some things that need to be discussed with Levi.

"Nick, there is something I want to tell you. Shouldn't our company allocate some shares to Bob and the others?" The question Alexander asked, Levi, has also been thinking about it these days. Although several people have been working together in this company, the funds for the establishment belong to Levi and Alexander. According to the original agreement, Levi accounted for 60%, and Alexander accounted for 40%. Although the others work in the company, they are all employees. Although they are friends, they are just part-time workers.

It's just that, these days, what they have done is not just the work that they should do as part-time workers: when the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, they did not leave the company, but all stayed, and together with Levi and Alexander, they thought about how to revive it. It is very rare for company employees to do this. It would be too unreasonable to let them only get one salary.

A few days ago, no one talked about this: the company was in negative equity at that time, there was no money at all, and a company that might go bankrupt at any time; what's the use of having shares? However, the company has made a fortune from negative assets to tens of millions. Now that the company has made money, Alexander is thinking about how to divide the money.

"We will take out 10% of the dividends, and Michael, Bob, Clark, and Jack will get 5%. In this way, we both can have tens of millions of dividends yearly; their income can also be in the millions. They have been working hard with us, and this amount of money is not too much."

Alexander said that 20% of the dividends are distributed to four people, which is not too much. It is also very good for individuals to get 5% as a reward for their perseverance with the company during these days.

Of course, this is not all their income. For example, Bob is now the chief screenwriter. Not counting the company's dividends to him, he can also have a lot of screenwriting income. Not to mention 30,000 US dollars per episode, according to the stakes won by the screenwriters guild, the screenwriters have at least 3% of the right to share videotapes and CDs in the TV series. Even if the dividend is not counted, he can still earn millions. Although Clark and Michael do not have such a high income, they still have a producer assistant job on the set. Those with professional titles have a lot of income, and if they are really short of money, they can make some quick money by being the director of one or two episodes. It is common for American dramas to change directors, and Levi is okay with letting them do the filming.

It's just that no matter how much money there is, it's what they earned by themselves from work as compensation by the production company, not as dividends from Enigma Company. There is a difference between the money they earn by themselves and the company's compensation for them.

"It's cheaper for Jack, he didn't do anything, and he still got a dividend." Levi thought for a while and nodded.

"In the future, we will also score points for him when he does work. We are not just doing this job. We should take a long-term view. Our company will have many places to make money in the future." Levi was slightly surprised but didn't expect Alexander to have such big ambitions. However, what he said was not wrong: the shares were initially distributed to them not because of their contribution but because of their perseverance.

Some money can be saved, and some money cannot be saved. Since they all work together, it is also appropriate to divide the money. "I have no objection; you can figure it out."

Alexander also nodded slightly. Obviously, he also expected Levi's quick acceptance. Alexander was more sensitive to the company's financial issues than the rest. "So, it's settled. We now have a loan of 30 million, and we keep 10 million for the company to spend: after all, we have to find a lawyer to handle legal affairs and an accountant to do the books. I don't need a business secretary for the time being, but some equipment in the company needs to be purchased, manpower also needs to be increased, and you also want to buy scripts, all of which need money. We will divide the remaining 20 million. Well, this way, they can all have an income of one million and buy something they want."

CBS has ordered a whole season of TV dramas, so the amount is a hundred million. Even if the part invested by CBS is offset by CBS equipment and venues, plus the money distributed by the entertainment company, it is still 60 million. 60 million, it is reasonable to wait until a year later to get it, but now a few people don't want to live such a poor life anymore, and the entertainment company just gave them a loan because of this.

Behind the entertainment company is the bank, and they like loans like the Enigma company. And although Enigma Company paid a part of the interest in exchange for quick money in hand - this is good for everyone.

"You spend the borrowed money happily."

"I'm a Jew—don't people always say that we Jews are a people who are used to borrowing money and only think about how to repay the debt?" Alexander laughed, "If you have money and don't spend it, can you still save it? If you put it in the bank, it's other people's money. If you have money, spend it to your heart's content." Levi also laughed, and he nodded, agreeing with Alexander's opinion.

In fact, it would be a bit shortsighted for Levi to say that he is considering dividing the money now instead of making the company bigger. Levi thinks keeping all the money, investing it further, and getting more of it is the right thing to do. However, Levi also noticed they were excited when they heard a loan was obtained. It is too harsh to expect them to have money in their hands and not spend it. As for investment, it is enough to suggest, but it is not good to force them to do it.

"Then it's settled. Now, I'm a millionaire too. For the dividends! For the millionaires! Cheers!" Alexander laughed. According to their discussion, Alexander can also get six million in dividends; the money is not a small amount.

"You deserve it." Levi said, "In this company, you contribute more than anyone else and deserve it."

Among the people in Enigma Company, the person who knows the least about professional things is Alexander. He rarely even went to the crew when filming the TV drama but kept in touch with investors and TV networks. Usually, he seldom shows up, but as the boss of this company, he does not do badly at all. Whether attracting investment or finding a channel for broadcasting, this is not easy as Enigma Company is a very small production company. Although Alexander did not participate in the TV series production, it is not wrong to say that he is a hero.

"If it weren't for the good TV series, I wouldn't be able to make any money...Why bother talking about this? Now that we are making money, why should we care whose credit it is? Just divide the bills. Come on, for the income, cheers!"

"I knew for a long time that it was right for me to come to Los Angeles. Before I met you, some friends persuaded me, saying that I didn't understand or know anything and that when I came to Los Angeles, I would only spend my money and nothing would be left. But I always say that movies are a powerful industry. Compared with other industries, this industry makes money the fastest. I don't have a professional vision, but I have a business mind. One day, I will make big money. Now, let's drink to my dream."

After three glasses of wine, Alexander became slightly excited and started talking about his dream. If Clark and the others were all there, they would definitely laugh when they heard that his dream was to make money. Pursuits like making money may look a bit too vulgar to them; however, Levi just raised his glass and drank with him again.

There is nothing ridiculous about dreaming of making money. This is the most straightforward and realistic dream. Levi doesn't like to talk about dreams all the time, but Levi has no objection to drinking and celebrating with those who have realized their dreams.

"Then, you can directly distribute the six million, right? Have you figured out how to use it?" Levi asked.

"Think about it. First, I want to buy a house. Then, I want to buy a car. I want a good car worth 200,000 dollars. Then..." Alexander was at a loss for words and didn't think about how to use the money. "And then, I'll go to Las Vegas and spend 1 million—I've always dreamed that one day I can spend a lot of money in Vegas. Buy some good wine, book two top personal escorts, and enjoy for a few days. It should be... Let's talk about it later. Anyway, I have money now, so I can spend it however I want." Alexander laughed, "What about you, Nick? How are you going to spend your money? What do you want to buy? A villa or a sports car?"

"I want to hire a private equity manager and invest my money," Levi said simply. "Isn't investing this money in Internet stocks a good idea? Now Internet stocks happen to be booming."

Alexander was a little surprised, "Invest all the money? I've heard some sayings, and people say that now although the technology stocks are very hot, they are just bubbles, just like housing prices in the 1980s, which may collapse at any time. Many Internet companies do not make money themselves. Once they collapse, it will be an avalanche. If you have money and don't know how to spend it, why don't you gamble with me?"

"Don't worry; I can't lose in this game." Levi patted his head, "Look, Alexander, I'm going to make a lot of money."


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