Charlize Theron

"Billy, I have to say, you still remember that I am an artist under your banner, which makes me feel quite honored."

Even if she was put on hold by her manager for almost three months without any work, even her savings were practically exhausted, but when she saw her manager, Billy, Charlize Theron couldn't help but sneer at her manager.

Billy turned his head and glanced at his client. This blond girl still had the same arrogant demeanor and temper as when he first met her. It's really strange, he has known her for two years, and he knows the reality of Hollywood, so why didn't he smooth out her edges and corners?

"You don't need to be honored, just as long as you are willing to come to see me. I thought you would never see me again after what happened three months ago. I know you are on a diet, so I won't pour you coffee." Billy sat down at his desk, "This time, I'm looking for you. There is a movie you can audition-this is a really good opportunity."

"Another audition?" Theron heard Billy with a bit of suspicion, and she raised her head, "You don't want me to go to the director's hotel to chat again, do you?"

Theron clearly remembered that the director invited her to the audition three months ago, and he talked about the hotel where he stayed. She remembered last time Billy also said it was an excellent opportunity, which made her somewhat distrust Billy.

"No more—the last time you brought your mother, your mother beat someone up and almost called the police, which made me very embarrassed. I won't take any more risks." Billy pursed his lips, hiding his dissatisfaction, "This is an audition for a very good movie, big investment, good theme, and you are a good fit."

"Sounds fake." Theron still refused to believe it.

"Listen to me before you judge. This movie is very suitable for you. First of all, the salary for this movie is quite good." Billy said. He put the salary first because he knew Theron was about to run out of money. "Secondly, the script of this movie is very good. It's a pretty good story, and what you need to interview is the heroine. There are many scenes that need to show the inner entanglements of the characters. Do you know how rare such scenes are for actors? If you can perform them, it will greatly benefit your acting skills, and it may be a breakthrough." This reason made

Theron, even more suspicious, stared at Billy for a long time before she spoke, "Why did you find me for such a good thing? Don't tell me you're looking for a bigger actor for this kind of movie?"

"The director is a novice, so big names are not willing to accept. And the director made it very clear that top beauties are needed, so you are the only one which is suitable for me." Theron believed Billy's words, and she stretched out her hand to take the script and started to read it.

"Charlie, I know what happened last time. I was a little impatient." Billy was still talking in front of her, "But you also know that after you played in the 'Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest' last time, I never had an opportunity. The last time I contacted the crew of "2 Days in the Valley," but who knows where Dennis Richards found the magazine's favor and easily took the role. You haven't filmed a film for more than a year. Not filming means that there is no way to succeed. I thought you were ready to make some sacrifices..."

"Shut up." Theron raised her head and interrupted his nagging with one sentence.

"I can shut up, but you have to understand that opportunities wait for no one."

Theron ignored him and just flipped through the script by herself. Billy looked at the girl and fell silent for a moment. His patience was worn out little by little, and soon, he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Charlie, this opportunity is already the best opportunity I can find for you. As long as you can pass this interview, you are very likely to become famous in one fell swoop. Do you know how hard I have gone to arrange such an opportunity for you? This opportunity is not easy!"

Of course, it's not easy - Theron herself knows very well. She has been in Hollywood for two years and doesn't have such a good opportunity. The heroine of a heavy-theme movie with an investment of 20 million dollars? It was an unthinkable opportunity for someone who had only starred in retarded horror flicks.

In the past two years, because she is a foreigner, has worked as a model, has a foreign background, a model background, plus blonde hair and a round face, everything written on her profile has only had a negative impact on her, and she has always been affected by it. There has only been contempt, and there has never been such a good opportunity. With such a good opportunity in front of her, it was impossible for her not to be tempted.

It's just that this opportunity seems to come too easily. Although what she had in her hand was only part of the script used by a film company for SAG's interview, from it, she also understood that this was a very thoughtful movie. Such an opportunity is very rare. How could he give it to herself? Billy had been convincing herself to take off her clothes in the movie for two years. Why did he suddenly have a change of heart?

"This is not your style at all." Theron pouted and said.

"You don't know me too well. My original idea was to find you a few movies with a slightly larger scale but absolutely excellent stories for you to act in. Such movies have less competition, and you have a higher chance of appearing in them. It can also leave an impression in the hearts of the audience. But you don't like them. If you can take over and shoot this movie well, you no longer need to take on large-scale movies. It's important to you, and I hope you try this."

Billy really changed his attitude? Theron was still a little unconvinced, "What was the request by the crew?"

"Germans, beautiful women, have certain dancing skills. You meet all of them, don't you?" Billy pointed at the crew's requirements.

"But their crew requires actors to be weak—why do I look weak?"

"Aren't you an actor? I believe you can show it." Billy glanced at Theron, "Whose movie do you think will say 'recruiting an arrogant and strong queen'?"

This teasing made Theron glare at Billy, and Billy fell silent again.

"Then, there is only one problem left." Theron looked at the introduction of the film company but still frowned, "I'm not worried about the film. I'm worried about this company—you won't hide anything, right?"

Independent films have always had a bad reputation. Unspoken rules, scammers, these things have always emerged in an endless stream in independent films. Although when she came to Hollywood, she also hesitated in her heart about whether she should make some sacrifices at critical moments. But she could not bring herself to make sacrifices.

"You can ask, although this producer has never made a movie before, he is making a TV series. CSI, you know? His company participated in the production. He is not short of money, so I think if there is a real shortage of women, there will be other ways to solve it. This film has an investment of 20 million or more, and the protagonist of the film is a famous actor. With such an investment and lineup, I think you can try it. In every way, this movie is worth trying. Go ahead and get yourself a role in this movie. For you, this may be your first step towards success."

Maybe Billy has really changed? Although Theron didn't believe it, she was still a little moved.

Seeing Theron like this, although he was still a little hesitant, he had never believed in the kindness of the agent and gradually changed to thinking that he could not act reasonably; Billy was satisfied.

'Go try it, and when she doesn't succeed, she should understand that good roles are not reserved for people like her. At that time, if I asked her to act in some large-scale dramas, there would be no reason she couldn't say no, right?'

Billy never thought she would pass the audition, and Billy had plans of his own.

As an agent, Billy doesn't care at all about the image damage caused by the large-scale dramas of his own actresses. He is even willing to help directors find those actresses who are eager to stage large-scale dramas in movies. He knows how such an actor needs to be cultivated: few women are willing to act in revealing scenes directly. You have to dampen their vigor and sharpness step by step and convince them that there is no way out if you don't take off your clothes so that they will be obedient. Theron, whom he met two years ago, can be so irritable that she quarrels in the bank, but as long as he does well, he can make her obedient.

This woman embarrassed him three months ago, and he has to get back at her.

Mean? Maybe. But despicableness is also a means of survival. At least he found a chance for them. In Hollywood, no one is cleaner than the other, and his own actions are not the most forced.

"2 Days in the Valley" half a year ago was originally the best opportunity, but it was a pity that Dennis Richards took away the performance opportunity. The idiot director three months ago was too impatient, and the result was someone else taking away the opportunity. However, it doesn't matter. There are plenty of opportunities in Hollywood for a person to recognize himself. Is the heroine of a movie with an investment of 20 million dollars so easy to act? Go dreaming. Obediently losing hope and being obedient is the right choice.

As for what if she passes... that's impossible. He has already made arrangements, and he can be sure that she doesn't even have a one in ten thousand chance.

He can control her destiny.


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV and Danny York.

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