Everything is Ready

Using Spacey to tell Theron how to act in a play is what Levi had already thought about before. Theron is an actor with great potential, but the potential is not ability. Now she just stepped into the show business circle not long ago, and she doesn't have a systematic understanding of how to act and how to prepare. It is also the fastest way to tell her what to do through an old actor.

While making a good movie, guiding actors to act is also essential for a director. Very few good directors don't know how to let actors act. Levi hopes that he can help Spacey, and he also hopes that he can help Theron take the first step to success.

Of course, this is also Theron's own determination. If it were replaced by another person, he would be shocked to see such an arduous preparation process, then Levi's thoughts would be in vain. Fortunately, Theron did not disappoint Levi. This woman with a somewhat stubborn temper was indeed aroused with a greater desire for knowledge.

That's good. In this way, she will be more obedient in the movie, and she will be able to make the movie better.

This can also be regarded as Levi's consideration for his own future: make friends with good actors and have a better relationships. There are greater possibilities. Levi has always been envious of Kubrick's style of using stars like Jack Nicholson when he was shooting movies. If he has the opportunity in the future, he would like to try it.

However, that's for the future. In this play, it's good that she can play her role well.

Spacey's agreement was a big step forward for the film. At this time, Clark has already finalized candidates for other roles. Clark found Bob Gunton to play the role of Minister of Culture in the film. This actor has participated in many movies, and since he was born in 1945, he is in his early 50s, and his grade is quite suitable. The corners of his eyes are slightly drooping. After makeup, he can be said to be just right to play a corrupt official. For the role of director, Clark chose David Thewlis to play. Levi also has some impressions of this British actor. He is now considered a little famous. He has filmed a lot of subdivisions. It is just right to play this role with more scenes.

And the one with more roles is the playwright's reporter friend - the part of Jack has already been booked, so Levi didn't say anything more.

Except for Jack, the salaries of these two actors are not low. Fortunately, Kevin Spacey decided to shoot Levi's movie, which made Levi's movie find the backbone at once, and he also generously agreed to use these two. Being able to have heavyweight actors join is not a bad thing for the future development of the film. Moreover, Kevin Spacey not only agreed to appear in the movie but also took the initiative to cut his salary when he sent his agent to sign the contract. In terms of compensation, he said quite generously that his salary would be 5 million. It was much less than initially envisioned.

"I don't need a lot of money...You keep the money and find better actors to play with me. This is what I want."

Levi also admired this: some good actors are willing to make sacrifices for the film, not just the salary. Levi also heard that the "L.A. Confidential" he is filming now has suspenseful content. In order to prevent people from knowing the murderer prematurely, the director arranged the starring Spacey in the cast list very far back—Space didn't have any objection to this. This kind of handling made Levi admire the director's careful arrangement, and at the same time, he also admired Spacey's approach.

However, it is precisely because of the filming of this film that Spacey also made his own request. L.A. Confidential hasn't finished yet, so even if he joins the crew, he has to wait until the film is finished. Moreover, when the movie is released in June, he may also need to participate in some promotional activities, so he also proposed that he would not leave Los Angeles until at least August.

"There is no problem with this." Levi's time was only available in May. "We can start shooting the interior part of the scene in May. After the indoor scene is finished, we will go to Germany to shoot the exterior scene." This answer made Spacey quite satisfied, and after he agreed, he immediately recommended a new candidate to Levi to shoot this movie.

He recommended the actor of Dryman-except for the playwright Redman, other roles in the film were also discussed. As for this role, Levi hoped to find a better actor than in the original work: the actor's performance in the original work was a bit too restrained, and it was not stylish enough. There are some shortcomings, which also make Levi dissatisfied. Since he is shooting, he also hopes that there will be someone who is more attractive and can show the changes in the characters.

This role can also be regarded as the protagonist, and Levi naturally looked for it more seriously, and Spacey recommended him when he couldn't find anyone for Levi.

"I originally wanted to recommend Russell Crowe to play this movie. We worked very well on the L.A. Confidential movie. I am very satisfied. I really want to make another movie with him. It's just that he doesn't want to be with me all the time. He refused to have the same group of people act in the film, so he refused. He just recommended another person to you."

Spacey's words made Levi feel a little regretful: If there were really two famous movie stars and one popular actress, this lineup would have been solid.

"The actor he recommended is also an Australian who is now acting on Broadway. The character in your film is a playwright, so I think the actor you need should preferably be someone who has some stage skills. This actor has been acting for a long time. He has come into contact with enough playwrights, so he should have a good understanding of this kind of person's character and characteristics. This person is said to be a very good-tempered person, very obedient, and honest. He should be able to make a good movie."

Hollywood actors like to recommend their compatriots when acting, and Levi knows this too. Russell Crowe recommended an Australian actor, and Levi was not surprised and immediately agreed to his interview. However, after seeing the real person, Levi was a little surprised.

"Hello, my name is Hugh Jackman, and I am from Australia."

The person introduced was quite suitable in appearance: he was wearing a gray T-shirt and a blue coat, He has long wavy hair and shaved shoulders, but he has a clean shaved beard, and he can't help but wear a pair of rimless glasses on his face and also hang a pair of sunglasses on his T-shirt, which definitely looks artistic enough.

But the problem is that the actor's name is Hugh Jackman.

"I am currently participating in musicals on Broadway and basically have no experience in filming. I came to audition after hearing Crowe's recommendation. My dress? I read the script and thought about what kind of temperament I should create. I think it's a good dress and is appropriate."

After being asked the question, Hugh Jackman answered frankly.

"It looks good, but is it really suitable for him to act in such a scene?" The only troublesome thing Levi sees him is always making up his mind, and steel claws pop out of his hand suddenly, "Is it a bit strong?"

"I can't see it... Besides, don't you want the actor to have a sense of strength? This actor is very suitable. I was worried that he had danced a lot on Broadway; would he have a feminine temperament? Look at him now. It's okay. There's nothing to worry about."

"Your worry is really unnecessary. I guarantee that he is absolutely not feminine." After hearing Clark's worry, Levi was silent for a while before speaking.

Although he was uncomfortable, Levi also knew that he could play this role very well. Levi hopes that this character will be a person who can show a chic temperament without going too far, and song and dance actors are very good at body language because of their own performances. They are all pursuing a sense of coordination, can always maintain a sense of beauty, and can indeed show this temperament.

It's just that maybe others don't feel it, but Levi always thinks of Wolverine... An actor has a classic role, and it's hard for people to forget.

However, Levi believes he can overcome those problems: Who doesn't have one or two classic images of a good actor? If they all take care of their image, they don't have to mess with themselves as the director.

By the end of April, people had almost been found. These actors can be said to be better than the original actors, but he doesn't know what will be the effect of having Kevin Spacey, Hugh Jackman, and Charlize Theron act together.

[A/N: The appearance of a literary film is very different from that of Wolverine. His personal temperament is also closer to literary films, and even because of his background in musicals, he pays attention to his image and was suspected of being gay.]

The actors have been found, the rest of the film is almost ready, and at this time, Leslie also brings good news.

"We have contacted the distributor for you——Universal is willing to distribute your movie on our behalf." Recently, May is approaching, and it is the day of the T.V. series renewal. CBS is eager to negotiate the renewal of the T.V. series, and the person working for Levi at the time worked harder, "You don't have to worry about this aspect!"


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, and haze2343.

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