
When Hugh Jackman was thinking about the pursuit of this movie, he was also preparing for the re-shooting of the scene. The lens language of the movie is, of course, very important, and another crucial part of the movie, the performance of the actors in the film, is also very important and is one of the key components.

Jackman knew that his performance had to improve a lot because he had already realized his gap on this day.

When the filming had just started, he found that it was difficult for him to adapt to the low shooting angle of the film: when the actors performed, they needed to adjust their standing posture and the elevation angle of their faces. If you want to show your best side, it is more troublesome. If the camera position is low, then he needs to adjust a lot. In the beginning, it also gave him a headache.

How can we solve this problem? It was also a headache for him at first. But soon, he discovered that Spacey's adjustment in front of the movie camera was very easy. For Levi's arrangement, he did a good job.

"When you shoot, you mainly shoot the front part first. Especially to let you show the part of Wiesler who was relatively indifferent at the beginning, and the later part that shows warmth is to be shot later. You don't need to reveal this part and show any identifiable expression, but it requires you to show gentle emotions with subtlety. And the shock, touch, and change in the middle, we put it in the final stage of shooting because this aspect requires you to change the most." Spacey now needs his performances to be much less than his current showing. His filming of another film, "L.A. Confidential," has just been completed. Although the filming of the movie has started now, he is still somewhat not in the mindset. So, now they are shooting easier-to-shoot scenes to complete to give him time to adjust.

However, even if he only shoots some simple parts, Spacey's performance is still shocking.

In many of his scenes, there is no change in posture, just sitting in front of the wiretapping machine, listening to the sound with a microphone. According to the changes in what he heard, his expression slightly adjusted. In front of the camera, those little adjustments are all he needs to show.

Compared with these subtle expression adjustments, Jackman can use body movements and lines to express his acting skills, which can be said to be much more difficult. So many close-ups of the face were shot from very unorthodox angles. Jackman asked himself that if he were acting by himself, then he would definitely not be able to adapt.

However, when Spacey sat on the seat, Jackman discovered that Spacey performed these seemingly tricky tasks flawlessly.

Jackman knew that the other party was a top actor, and he was also at the scene when the other party was performing, and he had been observing the other party. In the scene, the rear shot, the shot from the oblique side, plus a frontal shot, the three shots are shot from different angles, and after a brief adjustment, Spacey quickly adapted to this shooting from various angles.

This surprised Jackman at the time. When he asked Spacey for advice, Spacey immediately told him the reason, "Shooting from such an angle is not uncommon in movies: you can go and see Japanese film director Yasujiro Ozu's movies. Many of his films have angles like this. If you don't know how to express angles in front of movies, watch his movies and see how the actors express angles, and you can learn."

Works by Yasujiro Ozu? Jackman only knows that the director's works are always surprisingly heavy, but he rarely notices the skillful use of shooting angles in his films. After hearing Spacey talk about his experience, he immediately went to his film work. He watched not only the works of Yasujiro Ozu but also some other Japanese works. He immediately discovered that sure enough, during the performance, some shots of the Japanese were all shot from the bottom to the top—and also this is the reason why Yasujiro Ozu's works are thick and heavy. This slight elevation angle creates a magical effect.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect Japan to make movies like this." With enough references, Jackman began to learn the skills of acting, and in private, he mentioned to Russell Crowe, who introduced himself to the crew. Knowing this, Crowe just smiled when he heard about it, "Japanese people are different from other people. Other people's faces are at the same height and angle because people are used to sitting on chairs to watch movies. Many things in Japan were filmed for people sitting on the tatami mats."

The height of tatami mats is completely different from the height of chairs. Because of the habit of sitting on tatami mats in Japan, a completely different shooting method has naturally been developed. These things seem very simple, and it makes sense when you say it, but before that, Jackman had never thought of it, and he didn't know until it was used now.

Spacey knew, Crowe knew, but he didn't know—after Jackman figured it out, he also became more aware of his gap. Sometimes, the gap in acting skills is not just a question of acting skills but also a question of the actor's knowledge. He has seen many movies and understands many principles. When making movies, he is naturally able to meet the director's requirements with ease. If you don't learn these things, your acting skills will never improve. He still has a long way to go compared with Spacey and Crowe.

Sitting in the corner, Jackman thought to himself how to adjust his posture to produce better results. After silently simulating two or three times psychologically, he stood up again and smiled at Levi, who was looking at him.

"Don't worry; there will never be any problems next time." Hugh Jackman said, "Do you want me to try it now?"

Levi nodded and asked him to give it a try.

In this movie, Levi didn't ask much of Jackman. At least, Hugh Jackman was still very satisfied with his arrangement.

As an actor, he realized that his acting skills were actually relatively poor. Because he is young and inexperienced, his acting skills cannot be compared with Spacey's. If it is another movie, he and Spacey are the two main protagonists of the film, then the two must have a rivalry scene. However, with the help of the special structural level created by Levi, whenever he plays, Spacey will not appear on the scene. The two of them did not have a dialogue with each other throughout the whole movie, and they did not communicate with each other. This is very effective in concealing the difference in their acting skills.

Every year, he doesn't know how many actors, in the process of playing with good actors, their acting skills are overshadowed by the better actor's acting skills. Jackman was also very worried. If he and Spacey played against each other, there might be such a possibility of being blown up. Levi didn't let him play with Spacey. This shooting technique may be a bit of a test for him, but the director's arrangement is also of great benefit to his performance and future.

"Don't try too hard; you have performed very well." Seeing Jackman's performance has improved a lot in another interpretation, Levi did not forget to encourage him. His ability is really not enough, but this problem can be corrected by tempering. And he apologized as soon as he was pointed out that he had made a mistake. This kind of attitude is enough to satisfy people.

As long as he is willing to act obediently, then he can become a good actor: Levi knows very well that acting skills are not born but honed. The more you put your heart into filming and honing, the faster your acting skills will improve. If you think it all depends on your talent and do not try to improve constantly, even the best talent is in vain.

In his previous life, he had seen a lot of actors who had exceptional acting skills at a young age, but once they became famous, they began to put all their energy into making money, acting in popcorn movies, that didn't help their acting skills at all. No matter how many years have passed, their acting skills are still at the same level as when they first debuted.

Jackman is very attentive to honing his acting skills. In Levi's memory, he has been on the road of commercial films since he played Wolverine in the future, but now, he did not choose the same path but took another one. Levi thought this could be more helpful for improving his acting skills. Compared with others, he is still the most relaxed one among actors.

The real trouble is Theron.

Spacey's scenes don't need to worry too much. Although Jackman's filming was a bit different, he worked hard enough, and because his opponents in the opposite scenes were relatively poor, he performed relatively well. What is depressing is that Theron's foundation is not much better than that of Jackman. She has only acted in one movie, and her acting skills are worse than Hugh Jackman, who has been honing in Broadway for many years. What's more troublesome is that her role is different from Dreyman's. Dreyman's role is very simple. Most of them are scenes with no more than three people, and the actors in the scenes are not particularly outstanding actors. The difference between Theron and Jackman is that her several scenes include two group scenes and a scene with Spacey; these scenes are quite important to her.

"Charlize, I asked you to prepare. Are you ready for the part of playing with Dryman?"

While Jackman was preparing, Levi found Theron and asked her a question.

"I can cry, but you make me act desperate and struggling, but I still can't do it." Theron said distressedly.

Sure enough... this is the most worrying part.


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, haze2343, and Scott DePaepe.

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