
Theron has never felt that others would see through her secrets in an instant. Since she came to Hollywood two years back, she has never mentioned to anyone what kind of family her family is, and she has never mentioned to anyone how her mother raised her by herself. She has encountered a lot of unfair treatment in Hollywood, but she has an assertive nature and has never mentioned those encounters to anyone. She thinks that these things are buried deep in her heart, and no one knows. Yes, but now Levi actually said all of these as if all of her inner world was exposed at once.

What could be more terrifying than having all your secrets exposed? Theron stared at Levi, trying to find out how he knew her secret.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm just analyzing it myself." Levi found that Theron in front of him suddenly looked like a cat, the hair all over her body exploded in an instant, and her eyes were full of vigilance. He also knew that his words should be softer. Annoyed, he stretched out his hand and patted Theron's shoulder to calm down her nervousness.

"How did you analyze it? My family situation, how did you analyze it?" Theron ignored Levi's reassurance. She shook her shoulders, shook off Levi's hand, just stared at Levi, and continued asking him.

Although some of the things he knew were indeed the bits and pieces of information he knew in his previous life, some things were indeed his analysis: after all, he is also a director. If you don't know the cause of your personality and how to analyze it, you are a failure.

Levi sighed and said: "Since I met you, you have mentioned your mother many times, but you have never mentioned your father. You brought your mother with you when you came to Hollywood, which also proves your attachment to your mother. Your character is very strong. It's not like the character a girl should have at all. This kind of rebellious psychology is also unique to children from single-parent families. Besides, your extremely proud temperament is also a protective color to cover up your inner fragility, panic, and inferiority complex..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything." Theron interrupted Levi, and she stared at Levi without saying a word. After a long time, she sighed leisurely.

Just a few hours ago, she thought that Levi didn't understand her at all, it was difficult for him to understand her, and he might not agree with her, but just a few hours later, those thoughts seemed too funny. In front of him, she was actually seen so thoroughly, even those things that she wanted not to mention to anyone, he could see clearly.

Her own character, her temper, her choice, her policy of doing things, and the characteristics of her behavior, she usually does not notice these things. Her inferiority complex, dependent mentality, and her rebellious psychology, these things have a negative impact on her. However, Levi noticed all of them and even connected them all.

Theron discovered for the first time that anger and joy could come together. On the one hand, she is angry at others for prying on her privacy, but on the other hand, she feels sincerely happy that someone can know everything about her. She buried her head in her arms, not knowing how to look up to Levi or even to herself.

At this time, Levi was also a little annoyed: he knew that he was a little too hasty because the filming of the movie had not been very smooth, and he was also a little anxious. He wanted Theron to act in the movie too much and even asked about some sensitive topics that should not be mentioned. No one likes the privacy of their own home to be exposed. Even the best actors cannot touch these private matters. This is his own mistake, and he should not have done so.

"Charlize, I'm sorry. There are some things I know you don't want others to know. I didn't mean to pry into your privacy; it's just..."

"I know you're doing it for my own good." Hearing Levi's explanation, Theron raised her head. She didn't pay attention to her eyes which were a little blurry, and she didn't notice her face was also haggard like never before in acting, "It's just, I don't really want to mention my father, my family, don't talk about these anymore, okay?"

"Understood, everyone's family has some problems. Of course, people don't want to be discussed by others." Levi nodded, "Actually, I just want to talk about the shooting of the movie and tell you what emotions you should think about... "

"These words can't be mentioned casually, and what kind of suffering have you experienced?"

"Well, this is my mistake," Levi also admitted his fault quite readily and didn't go to argue with Theron, "I just want you to perform better... Haven't you noticed that you are already expressing your pain quite well now? The way you look now is much better than when you were acting." Levi found even if Theron has a unique temper, she is still a girl after all. There is no point in arguing with women, so he simply changed the subject.

Sure enough, his words made Theron give a soft ah, stand up, and run to where the dressing table was. In the mirror, she found that there were noticeable tear stains on her face, and her current look was very different from when she was performing.

This is the expression that a person in real pain should have had—Theron understands a little bit: it is difficult for me to act out those despair and pain, but when she thinks of her father, she can really feel that kind of emotion.

What Levi did was indeed for her own good. He wanted to channel out her own feelings so that she could act better in this movie. It's just that the method he used was too extreme. He didn't know what she had experienced, so he treated her like this.

This time, it was definitely his mistake.

"Come with me. I need to touch up my makeup." Glaring at Levi, Theron pulled him and walked towards his RV.

"You don't need to touch up your makeup, right? You can take a break today, and it won't be too late to act tomorrow." Levi spoke again behind her, "Maybe I was too impatient, and I used this method to draw out your sadness. There is something wrong with emotions. Forget about this matter, and then take a good rest. Can we try another way to let you experience sad emotions tomorrow?"

"Retouching makeup is to make myself look good. Besides, I don't need to change the method. Why should I experience a different kind of sadness? I'm already very sad. Besides, I won't forget your fault so easily." Theron replied angrily and stubbornly walked into his RV to touch up her makeup, "Didn't you say that I am rebellious? I just rebel against you. I know how difficult it is to succeed. I have encountered too many obstacles since I was a child, not to mention my parents. I wanted to learn to dance but broke my leg. I wanted to be an actor, but I had no opportunity. I lived as a model in Hollywood for two full years. Do you know what it's like?"

"Modeling isn't such a difficult time, and there are quite a few people who have been models and then acted." Levi shrugged.

"Where is it so easy? This kind of thing may be possible for someone like Barrymore. Even if she has taken photos for Playboy, she doesn't have to worry about the future. When she celebrates her birthday, Spielberg can send her a note with the edited video to cover herself up and then come back to act in the movie. What do I have? I have nothing." Theron was talking.

Anyway, her secret had been revealed. Theron found that for a long time, she needed to maintain her proud demeanor in front of others, but now that her disguise has been torn, it is easier to speak. She seldom let her emotions out like this, but in front of Levi, she suddenly felt that the previous concealment was so boring she might as well vent all these emotions. After finally meeting someone who understands her, why does she have to hide it?

Some petty tempers and petty jealousies that have never been told to others can only be said in front of such a person who can fully see all her secrets, right? She doesn't want others to think that she is a little woman with a lot of thoughts, and she doesn't want to make people feel that she is jealous of other Hollywood actors. However, in front of Levi, why should she care about it? Anyway, he can see through herself.

Levi just listened to her complaints but didn't say much. He could see that Theron's emotions were out of control, so he just patted her on the back lightly, "You don't have a good father or a good godfather, but you have me, and I will help you in the future. You will definitely be better than anyone."

"Can I trust you?" Theron turned his head and looked at Levi. This time, her expression was more serious than ever before.

"Of course, you can trust me anytime and anything." Levi replied immediately, and he also answered without hesitation.

"So, now, how about it?" Theron stood up, walked to the door, and gently locked the entrance to the RV. Her face was flushed, but she still summoned up all her courage, "You already know all the secrets I hide in my heart. Are you interested in getting to know me better?"


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, haze2343, Scott DePaepe, and Dario Cameruccio.

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