Emmy Awards


Although Alexander was talking about two topics, Levi was first interested in the Emmy he was talking about after hearing what Levi said. As the most significant award in the T.V. category, although the influence of the Emmy Awards is far less than that of the film awards, it is still an award. Levi has never attended any awards ceremony in this life and is very interested.

"Of course, CSI is so popular this year, how could it not be nominated for the Emmys? The nominations have been announced for a long time. Haven't you seen it?" Levi shrugged: Who has time to stare at T.V. awards? He's been busy with movies all the time.

In this regard, Alexander could only helplessly explain to him: Although the Emmy Award is also an award that is said to be linked to art, this award is very important for ratings. As the new darling of this year's ratings, CSI is one of the top three phenomenal T.V. dramas in the United States. Naturally, it has also received a lot of nominations.

The nomination for the best drama series, CSI, is naturally indispensable, the nomination of the best actor, Hugh Laurie, also successfully got, and for the remaining few roles, Marg Helgenberger won the best actress nomination. It's just a pity that although Amy Adams was well-received, she seemed to be too young to be nominated. Still, the remaining two nominations are quite surprising: one is Quentin Tarantino was directly nominated for best director for directing the two-hour special of the last episode of the movie, and the other, for the episode of the buffalo case written by Levi himself, won the best screenplay nomination.

"Five nominations is not a small number." When he saw the number of nominations, Levi also felt a little pity: five nominations are quite a lot, but compared to CSI's status as a popular drama, it is still not enough. In the field of T.V. dramas, the record for the most Emmy nominations was created by E.R. That T.V. series won eight nominations at once, setting a record. This time, CSI only received five nominations, which is quite a gap.

"Why not give a nomination for Best Supporting Actress? Amy's performance is quite good." For such a nomination, Levi frowned.

The Emmy Award is an award for T.V. dramas. The evaluation of this award is quite frustrating. It is not based on ratings or artistry. In many cases, cakes are divided according to the qualifications of T.V. drama producers and performers.

In this year's Best Supporting Actress nominations, a total of five people, E.R. occupied four places, but CSI did not get one. This distribution method is quite biased, and it clearly tells people that the Emmy Awards are still awards based on seniority.

When he heard that his T.V. series had been nominated for an Emmy Award, Levi was quite excited, but now looking at the other nominated T.V. series and the way of nomination, his excitement has passed.

This is simply for Levi to accompany him to the awards ceremony. Who likes to watch other people win awards?

"Already five nominations, that's a lot. Why do you have to be the best at everything? Your T.V. series has already made enough money, so do you have to have a good reputation?" By Levi's side, Theron said softly, "Compared to that, it is more important for you to prepare a little bit to participate in the awards."

"What's so good about participating in the award ceremony? I think getting this kind of award is very difficult for my T.V. series." In this regard, Levi was also a little helpless and could only shrug slightly.

Compared with those big producers and production companies, Enigma Company is still a bit small, and CSI only played the first season, which was like winning an award. Getting an award is a bit too difficult.

"It's better for you to listen to Miss Theron's words. You should really prepare to attend the Emmy Awards. The movie is about to be released. Even if you don't want to go, at least think about the promotion of the movie." Alexander reminded, which reminded Levi, "You just said that the issue of the release... what is the issue?"

"It's about the film's release date and theatrical arrangement. Universal's plan is to let this film be released in early December-their idea is December 5th or December 12th. If it is later, on December 19th, it will hit the release of Titanic. That movie has a lot of investment, and the theaters are also biased toward it. It is not easy to arrange for your movie to be released at that time. And if it is later, even if Titanic isn't going to keep dominating the market, and there's Jack Nicholson's As Good As It Gets, so your movie has to be on December 5th, before Titanic, so that the box office is more favorable."

"Understood, in order to avoid that big boat." Levi nodded - even if the movie hadn't been released yet, the whole Hollywood had paid attention to it for a long time, and no film company would be so stupid as to let your own movie compete with that movie.

"If you agree, try to finish the film by October. Universal said to contact the test screening and contact the media to comment on the film. This process may take a month or so, so you have to hurry up.

"There is no problem with this; it will definitely be completed by then." Levi agreed immediately: It is only the beginning of September, and the film itself does not have much post-production work to do, and one month is enough to complete the film's post-production work.

Although the investment in this film is not too large, it is not too bad. Levi spent more than half a year in advance to prepare so that the announcement and release were fully in place and the film's post-production sound effects and other configurations would be completed as well. With these preparations, it will take another month to complete the post-production, and the release will not be a problem.

"The other thing is the number of theaters. They have contacted about 1,500 theaters to release at the same time, and they may make adjustments at that time. Of course, if the movie has a good performance, you can also ask for additional screens immediately. You can rest assured about this."

1500? Levi is also very satisfied with this amount.

During the early filming process of the film, Levi did not keep excessive secrecy but publicized that his film was related to some East German systems. These things have caused his film to attract the attention of Germany during the filming process, and there are many people who pay attention to it now. Moreover, the starring role of this movie is Kevin Spacey, who just won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor last year. His performance in "L.A. Confidential" released this summer, is also extremely eye-catching. Therefore, at the beginning of this movie release, Levi got a good number of 1,500 theaters opening simultaneously.

This scale is considered a small and medium production scale in the United States. Compared with the 4,000 productions of some commercial films, there is no way to compare it.

Universal has done a very kind job in this regard. Of course, it has something to do with Levi's support from CBS: If it weren't for this approach, the distribution company would at most arrange a partial screening in more than a dozen movie theaters and see the effect before talking about the next step. It is basically impossible to directly arrange thousands of screens like this.

Thousands of movie theaters, plus a month of publicity preparations, also gave Levi some expectations for the movie's box office. In his memory, the box office of this film was relatively poor: because the original film was a German film, and the director refused to use dubbing in other languages ​​in order to pursue artistry and only allowed the original German soundtrack, which made the film, which was popular in Germany, can't open the outside market at all.

Levi also admitted that the original soundtrack of a movie is very important to the movie. For example, in his memory, in the movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Caesar yells "No," which is quite shocking, but if it is dubbed in Japanese, Caesar yells "Ami," which would be very awkward...

However, movies have to take care of the audience, and some unnecessary insistence will indeed damage the spread of movies. When the film was released in the United States, only 20 theaters were willing to show it, and the screening time was only three days. With such a screening method, it is no wonder that the box office can't do well.

But now Levi's movie has stars participating, an English soundtrack, and the distribution company is responsible for it. How much will the movie's box office be?

"In addition, according to the agreement, Kevin Spacey agreed to participate in a talk show to promote the film, and Universal will be responsible for contacting him. If you want to participate in the film's promotional activities, You can also participate."

This time, Levi thought for a while, "Forget it. I won't play along."

"Could it be that you have been resting all this time?" Alexander also agreed that Levi didn't want to participate in the announcement event. Feeling a little strange, "You don't want to go to the Emmy Awards, and you don't want to participate in the announcement. What are your plans?"

"I haven't directed a movie before, but if you look at the Emmy Awards arrangement, it's the consequences of not being famous and having no status! If you really want to promote it, wait until after the movie is released—by that time, I won't be begging the media to promote me!" Levi curled his lips, "Besides, during this time, I really want to take more time to enjoy life."

Looking at Theron, Alexander seemed to understand what Levi meant, and he sighed: 'It appears that I still have to keep busy this time.'


Thanks and kudos for my patreons Cherif Doghri, Abdishakur Hasan, Adam LV, Danny York, haze2343, Scott DePaepe, and Dario Cameruccio.

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