
After discussing with Winona about his own film cooperation, Levi handed over the matter to Alexander: Now Enigma Company is considered to be a little bit bigger, and it is working with Winona again, so it is not too much to build a studio. Levi believes that Alexander can handle these difficult things.

The only trouble is that the film needs to be shot in New York, so they have to go to New York to prepare now. As for the affairs of the Enigma company, Levi has to take care of it.

But this time is also the busiest time for the film company. Now is the award season, and the Golden Globe Awards ceremony is the first to bear the brunt. Levi must prepare for this award.

For the American film industry, the most important award in the film industry is the Oscars, and below the Oscars are the Golden Globe Awards and awards from major guilds.

Before the Oscars, various awards were announced, and there could be hundreds of awards in total, which were announced during this period. Some of these awards are local, and some are not professional enough and are not valued by people. For example, the overlap rate between IMDB ratings and Oscars is quite low, so it has very little influence among professionals.

However, some awards have a huge impact. They can significantly affect people's perception of movies. It can be said that they are the factors that finally affect the Oscars, and they are also important weather vanes. The Golden Globe Awards is the first of the major awards to arrive at the end of January. And this award has always been considered one of the most important barometers of the Oscars and has a high overlap rate with the Oscars, and is listed as the most important award along with the Guild Awards.

Generally speaking, with a Golden Globe nomination, it is logical to get an Oscar nomination. Moreover, Oscar winners can usually win the Guild Award and the Golden Globe before winning the Oscar. In Levi's memory, there have not been many male or female leads or directors who won both Oscar and Golden Globe in the same year. In the first ten years of the new century, he could only think of only one person: Nicole Kidman.

Although the Golden Globe Awards are regarded as the weather vane of the Oscars, they are still somewhat different from the Oscars. First of all, this is a comprehensive award. In addition to movies, it also awards TV awards. Secondly, there is no professional voting group for the Golden Globe Awards, so no technical awards will be awarded.

This time, Levi's movies and TV series have all received a lot of attention at the Golden Globe Awards.

For the Golden Globe Awards, the four awards for Best Drama, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Actor all have nominations for The Lives of Others. The Lives of Others was nominated for Best Drama, Levi was nominated for Best Director, and, along with Bob, was nominated for Best Screenwriter. In terms of TV series, CSI also won three nominations for Best Drama Series, Best Actor in a Drama Series, and Best Actress in a Drama Series. It is famous, and the production level is very high, which is enough to win people's favor. And several actors in the movie also performed very well. Hugh Laurie deserved the nomination, and now that her performance is getting better and better, Amy Adams, whose role has gradually increased in the TV series, also won the Best Actress nomination.

Because there are no technical awards, there are only a few nominations for movies at the Golden Globe Awards. In Levi's movie, Theron had no chance to be nominated for Best Actress because of too few roles and too little qualifications. As for supporting roles, there were not many people who could be nominated because of fierce competition. It's the same as the TV drama, so in the end, this movie has a total of four nominations, which is the end.

As for TV drama nominations, the classification is very detailed, so CSI has won three nominations, which means it has won all the nominations.

It can be said that with such a number of nominations, this film can already proudly declare itself a great success. It's just that, for both The Lives of Others and CSI, just being nominated is nothing to be proud of. For this movie, what is more important, is whether it can win awards.

"In any case, Nicholas Levi is already the fastest-rising star in Hollywood this year. A producer who has produced Golden Globe nominations for movies and TV shows at the same time and they may be an award-winning work. He has fully proved his talent and made us look forward to his future achievements and honors. And this time, the Golden Globe, will it not be the beginning of his honor?"

At this time, the media naturally began to publicize. At this time of the year, the media war is the most tragic. They are all supporting their favorite movies and cheering for their favorite works that may win awards. The Lives of Others is also promoting at this time, and this promotion work is also the most important work of Levi before the awards.

But before Levi's public relations had not been carried out much, he suddenly discovered that the media war had quietly affected him: the most bombarded movie that suddenly appeared in the media turned out to be his own movie.

"We were in Germany and interviewed the curator of the German Prison Museum. He told us that there is no record of the Stasi helping people under surveillance in East Germany. 'The Lives of Others' may be a good movie, but it is a pity that his story is fictitious and lacks credibility."

The media war had just begun, and someone gave Levi a rather vicious blow: He doesn't know who sent someone to Germany to interview the curator of the Prison Museum in Germany, and then, using the words of the museum curator, they immediately began promoting the film's false content.

Such comments in the media may be a good story for some politicians: such results can allow them to express their political views better. But for Levi, such a comment is quite sinister: his movie has always been said to be a realistic movie, but such media comments faintly point out that this movie is all made up and would be a shame.

For a realistic movie, the closer it is to reality, the higher the evaluation. After the filming of The Lives of Others was finished, it was always said to be a realistic theme, but now it was suddenly revealed that this movie was not real enough; it was a false story, and such a plot was too much.

"I don't know why Levi wants to beautify a listener. The real situation tells us that none of these people is a good person at all. They are all mechanized and brutal thugs. There is nothing human about it. However, Levi's films beautify such people, and such beautification is unnecessary. We should expose the reality more, rather than artificially contrived beauty."

"Such words are too dark. Everyone knows that the movie itself is a story, not reality. They are investigating reality without considering artistic processing. Such comments are too wicked." Regarding these comments, Michael, who was in charge of Levi's affairs and has been helping him these days, was extremely angry.

He knew very well that this story was written by Levi, not a real source. However, what a movie needs is some artistry. Regardless of the film's artistry, such statements in the media only one-sidedly emphasize the actual situation. This approach seems to be for the better look of the movie, but in fact, it is deliberately looking for trouble. Those who are committed to the pursuit of truth are documentaries, not films. People joke that there are no 100% real movies except the animal world, which is a big truth.

When most movies are filmed, they like to promote more positive and sunny things. Movies that expose darkness give people a depressive feeling throughout. Among them, there are some movies that portray people's good deeds that can inspire people a lot - The Shawshank Redemption is a typical example. If you have to stick to words and check the actual situation, then many movies are fake, and there is no way to shoot them.

If someone said this kind of statement when the movie first came out, then you don't have to care about it. Anyway, a little bit of passion must have been washed away after such a long time. And if it is two months later, no one will care: such nitpicking will not change the classic status of the movie. However, on the eve of the awards, someone made such a statement, which was deliberately sabotaging the movie.

If it were a regular competition, then The Lives of Others would not be afraid of anyone, but it would be too infuriating to use this method.

"The most important thing is not whether these comments are published, but who made these comments. Who is targeting us? I am very interested in this."

For these comments, Levi took a look and threw them away to the side. These comments were not difficult to refute, and even after reading them, he thought of a way. It's just that he also knows that someone suddenly criticized his film in the media and even went to Germany for an interview before saying that his movie was not real.

"I know something about this. If I'm not wrong, it should be Harvey Weinstein."

Weinstein? The name surprised Levi a little. He didn't provoke him; why did he target himself? If the enemy is him, it is difficult to deal with him. This guy is not easy to mess with.


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