Berlin Film Festival

"Nick, congratulations, you have achieved a lot in this Golden Globe Awards."

"This cannot be regarded as my achievement. Kevin's acting skills have been accumulated for thirty years, and the script is written by Bob. These awards are not my credit."

The Golden Globe Awards ceremony was completed, and at the party after the Golden Globe Awards, Levi held a wine glass in his hand and greeted the people who came and went.

This time, his earnings were not particularly good in the Golden Globe Awards. The film category won four nominations for The Lives of Others, and in the end, he only won two awards for best actor and best screenwriter in the drama category. And the best director was undisputedly embraced by the Titanic. As for the three nominations in the TV category, all of them failed. The two seasons of the TV series that have just been released are still too immature to get any honors.

It's just that although Levi has not won many awards, he is still already in the limelight. In terms of TV dramas, people don't really care about them. Anyway, there are many seasons of TV dramas. Who cares whether the awards are won once or twice? As for the movie category, the Golden Globe Awards are still the weather vane of the Oscars in a greater sense. Winning two awards means that the movie is one of the hottest movies of the year. For him, the first work has already been nominated for four Golden Globe Awards and won two awards. What is there to be dissatisfied with?

It was a pretty perfect awards show for Levi — even more so if it weren't for the bad news he got at the party.

"Nick, I heard that our film has been selected as the opening film of the Berlin Film Festival?" Spacey asked Levi at the party: "Are you planning to leave in a few days? Going to Germany?"

"Yes, our film was selected as the opening film. Good news to celebrate, isn't it?" Levi raised his glass, the two drank it down, and Kevin Spacey handed the glass to the waiter beside him. He said again, "Then,

don't you participate in the award presentations of the Directors' Guild and Screenwriters' Guild?"

"I don't think I would get anything there, so I won't go." Levi's attitude amused Kevin Spacey: of course, he understood Levi's thoughts.

For the directors union, the question now is how to give the award to James Cameron. No matter in terms of scale or technology, the filming of the big boat is enough to make all directors look up. Although the filming technique of The Lives of Others can be used as a shooting teaching material, it is not as shocking as the big boat. Even if Levi goes to participate in the award presentation, he would just be showing support for others.

As for the screenwriters union, it's another situation: Ben Affleck's sudden speech offended almost all the film critics and caused the film to receive serious contempt during various award evaluations. Usually, film critics group seems only to know how to make mistakes and find troubles, but their significance is highlighted when it comes to awards. Many film critics are judges for various awards, especially for literary work awards such as the Screenwriters Guild, and their share is substantial. With Ben Affleck offending them and his film's biggest antagonist suddenly self-defeating, what's there to worry about? The Screenwriters Guild's awards distinguish between adapted and original scripts. Excluding Good Will Hunting, there is no competitor. Competing with comedy scripts, victory is assured.

Since there is no need to worry about these two, Levi needs to worry about the Berlin Film Festival. The Berlin Film Festival opens on February 11, just a few days after the Golden Globe Awards. After the award ceremony in the United States, Levi also needs to consider leaving immediately to receive the award in Germany.

Unlike Americans, The Lives of Others is now an extremely hot topic in Germany. The Berlin Film Festival for Germans appreciates political films the most. All political films have the possibility of bonus points there. Moreover, Levi filmed a German story. The Germans attach great importance to this film. Usually, as soon as the film was announced to participate in the film festival, they had already stated that this film would be the opening film. In the eyes of the Germans, this film deserves great honor.

Levi had already notified Spacey of these things, and now hearing him mention them again, Levi also had some bad premonition in his heart.

"About your going to Berlin, I think I have to say sorry. You also know that the Screen Actors Guild Awards are just a few days away, and I won't be able to leave for a while..." Kevin Spacey came to Levi to explain that he couldn't go to Berlin. Unlike Levi, who doesn't care about the Directors' Guild Awards, he still cares much about the Screen Actors' Guild Awards.

He has now won the Golden Globe Award, and if he can make another victory at the Directors Guild Award, then he may beat Jack Nicholson to win the Oscar. However, because he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor last year, many people in the media now believe that winning the Oscar for two consecutive years is not in line with Kevin Spacey's skill, and he is also under a lot of pressure. That's why he mentioned that he might have to miss his appointment at the Berlin Film Festival.

Hearing his words, Levi felt a little regretful, but he also knew that it would be a bit embarrassing for an actor to give up the attractiveness of the Oscars and go to Berlin to participate in the Golden Bear Awards.

Awards season is here, and everyone is busy working on their careers.

"Since you don't want to go, then don't go." Levi can only accept this, "It's better to prepare for the Oscar. Kevin, I sincerely hope that you can win this year's Oscar."

"I also sincerely hope so." Kevin Spacey smiled and took another glass of wine, "At the same time, I also sincerely hope that The Lives of Others can win the Golden Bear Award."

This blessing made Levi laugh, "For this, I have no doubts."


The current stay in Germany is like living by herself. Just like Kevin Spacey, she should not have come to attend the Berlin Film Festival.

In a hotel in Berlin, Theron prepared her dress in the mirror, and after repeatedly looking in the mirror to ensure she had no problems, she turned around and was ready to leave the room.

It is already the third day in Berlin. Except at the opening ceremony, when she accompanied Levi on the red carpet, in the past few days, she didn't even know that he was there. After this guy arrived in Europe, he seemed to be in a hurry. In the past few days, he has not been seen.

On the first day, he was busy meeting with the French soundtrack composer Yann Tiersen he had found. In The Lives of Others, he used the soundtrack of the soundtrack master Hans Zimmer, and the film's soundtrack was not criticized, but in Levi's opinion, it was still not good enough. In preparation for his new movie, he worked harder to prepare for it. He specially asked the French avant-garde musician Yann Tiersen to score the film. The two discussed this for a long time. It took a day to be finalized.

The next day, he was busy meeting with publishers in Europe. Now that The Lives of Others has participated in the Berlin Film Festival, it will also be screened in Europe. On the European side, especially the Germans, attach great importance to this film. They are also discussing dubbing the film, releasing it in Germany, purchasing copyrights, and filming the original German version with Levi.

It wasn't until the third day that he remembered to ask her out for a walk. But when the appointed time came, he didn't come on time.

Why is he always so busy? This attitude made Theron quite resentful; why was he always so busy?

However, when she walked downstairs to the hotel and saw Levi, her dissatisfaction was replaced by new curiosity.

Levi stood there, chatting with someone. And standing opposite Levi is an Asian. "Let's stop this discussion now. The person you were waiting for has come." The person opposite saw Theron and stopped the conversation. He bowed slightly to Theron, then turned around and walked out.

"Who is that person?" Theron looked at the back of the person.

"One of this year's film festival judges is Leslie Cheung from Hong Kong. He is a very good actor."

"Actor from Hong Kong? In my impression, only stupid Kung Fu movies..." Theron shrugged. "Do you know that person?"

"I've heard of him, but this is the first time I've seen him in person." Levi smiled and looked away, "Hong Kong is not only silly Kung Fu movies; some Hong Kong movies are still very good and worth watching."

Moreover, he has long been coveting the film industry in Hong Kong, wanting to find an opportunity to start digging for treasures from there.


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