Life-Changing Movies

As Spielberg exited, someone else at the event watched the movie screening with a cold and disdainful expression.

Harvey Weinstein's complexion can be said to be as frosty now. In his heart, if the name Nicholas Levi was mentioned before, it just made him feel uncomfortable, but now he has no idea how many words he used to curse him.

Nowadays, Harvey Weinstein's demeanor appears cold and distant. In the past, the mere mention of Nicholas Levi would make him uncomfortable, but now he is filled with anger and curses at the thought of him.

How much hatred does this guy have against himself?

In the past year, he released the film Good Will Hunting which coincided with the screening of The Lives of Others. The latter received overwhelmingly positive reviews, which affected the perception of Good Will Hunting, even in later evaluations. Because of this, Good Will Hunting only received an award for Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars.

The fame of the actors gradually decreased after the movie became popular. For young actors, winning or not winning an Oscar is a significant differentiation. As a result, they are now searching for new films and must focus on their acting abilities. While Matt Damon's performance is satisfactory, there are concerns about Ben Affleck's poor acting skills. Levi's appearance made things difficult for the two individuals who were handpicked to become movie stars, and this displeased Weinstein greatly.

Luckily, he isn't burdened by their struggles. Plus, he earned a substantial amount of money from the film, so there's no need for him to be overly concerned.

He wanted to change his mood this year, thinking that last year's bad luck was over and it was time to start thinking about the future. Unfortunately, before September arrived, the movie Emily dealt him a blow.

From the perspective of an average viewer, watching this movie is simply a matter of enjoying the thrilling scenes and admiring the exceptional filming techniques. However, for someone like Weinstein, who frequently attends various award ceremonies, it is easy to recognize a film's potential upon first viewing.

Novel shooting techniques, gorgeous colors, light music, and an ordinary little woman, although sensitive and fragile, manages her life in an orderly manner by relying on the little cleverness in her life. The lead character is weird and doesn't look like a real-life character, but he also has to admit that all the elements of a romantic comedy are perfectly done in this movie. Initially, he could say that this movie was a bit exaggerated, but through fantasy elements and special effects, this movie turned the sweet and intractable taste into a pot of delicious thick soup.

This movie will make Americans full of praise, and the general public will always express their deep love for this kind of story of little people who get happiness through hard work.

This is a movie that New Yorkers will relish. Taking such beautiful pictures of New York, even Woody Allen has never done it.

This movie will also have a good box office. Weinstein noticed the fascinated look of the women in the venue when they watched the movie. Every woman has some unrealistic romantic fantasies in their heart, and the romance in this movie is sensitive and kind. Things like love will drive women crazy.

The key for things like romantic comedies is not whether the shooting is particularly exquisite but whether it can attract women to watch. A romantic comedy that can attract women to the cinema is a success — you must know that women who watch romantic comedies provide at least two movie tickets per capita...

And outside of the box office. The connotation of this movie is also shocking.

Caring for marginalized groups, romanticism, the true meaning of love, and female psychological exploration can be found with just a cursory look. You can see so many profound things if observed critically.

As a filmmaker, Weinstein has always had a good eye and noticed many details: the film is based on ordinary people, and there is black humor everywhere, including anti-heroes. Anti-sublime, anti-religion, anti-grand narrative, even anti-political and anti-intellectual discourse, in which deconstruction of orthodoxy and irony can be seen everywhere.

And what is even more rare is that these things are perfectly integrated with the bizarre scenes in the movie, and the story is also interlocking. There are too many Easter eggs that echo and compare before and after.

Weinstein doesn't know how long this movie will be analyzed by film critics and how many conclusions will be drawn from it. Still, he knows very well that comparing the content with such a movie is completely self-inflicted.

Even in the movie's costumes, the characters' temperament, and the sets' construction, where classical dramas should easily outperform modern dramas, he doesn't have much confidence.

The brightly colored costumes in the movie absolutely cannot do without the help of the fashion industry. The unique temperament of Winona Ryder in the play is best demonstrated, and the construction of the set is enough to surprise people. The technological means to capture such a beautiful New York are too terrible.

Advancing technology indiscriminately like this is breaking the balance! Romantic comedy, how can you advance technology!

Of course, all of this is actually not the main point for him. For Weinstein, the most important thing is that this movie's heroine should be the heroine of his own film, but he decided not to use her.

Who knew that this woman who was vetoed by him actually made such a good movie! If you think about it with your ass, you know how the media will laugh at you for not being discerning!

The storyline of the movie he wants to focus on this year is quite novel, but the background story of the film is indeed a complete British classical drama.

Classical dramas have always been deeply loved by the Oscars.

There are no costume dramas to shoot. For them, British classical dramas are historical dramas. Historical dramas can have gorgeous costumes, lines that show their taste, and a deliberate temperament.

He initially thought this movie might become a strong competitor to Saving Private Ryan this year. No, it's not just him that thought so; Gwyneth thought so too. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come to compete for this opportunity.

When the film was being prepared, the best candidate proposed by the screenwriter was Winona Ryder. He even told himself clearly that the character in this movie was originally written using Winona Ryder as a template, and it was written initially by Ryder's agent, which can be said to be tailor-made for her. The heroine in the movie has a strong androgynous temperament. The screenwriter believes that only Winona Ryder can perform the best.

The script was handed over to him. He did go to Ryder, too. However, Gwyneth Paltrow immediately found him after giving the script to Winona. To be precise, it wasn't her, but the family named Paltrow behind her found himself and asked to provide the role to Gwyneth.

This made Weinstein ignore Winona Ryder. Being able to get in touch with the Paltrow family will be of great benefit to his future - the Paltrow family has been in Hollywood for several generations, and they have a very good relationship network.

This kind of relationship network is usually invisible. Still, they are handy when you need to do things, and having a good relationship with them is definitely a good thing.

As for the script of this movie, was it originally prepared for Winona Ryder? What if Winona called to see if it was ready?

It's no big deal, either. In Weinstein's view, Winona Ryder has already failed three movies in a row; even if she is hired, she may not be able to act well, and she gave him the script.

She doesn't even know who to trust. There is no need to cooperate with such a stupid woman.

And Gwyneth is one of the few American actors who can participate in British dramas. In terms of voice and temperament, she is an actor who can find a rhythm with the British. It is not particularly difficult to perform this classic drama well. And she is not as whining as Winona Ryder, who was unwilling to shoot many of the scenes.

As a member of Paltrow's family, she has been in Hollywood for a long time and has an excellent understanding of the things in the circle. She does not hesitate at all when it is time to show off, which makes Weinstein even more satisfied.

She has done everything she should do for herself. But, now, the best actress he promised is not so easy.

How did this guy act so well that he could perform this play so well? Could it be? Was she really possessed by an angel?

"Thank you for coming, and thank you for your love for the movie. I suddenly feel as happy as Emily to be cheered and applauded by so many people." Standing on the stage, Winona was speaking at this time, "Actually, I had a very bad year. I suffered setbacks in love and never recovered well. Then, my career and friendship were not smooth. All the movies I acted in were messed up. I really thought that my career was over like this."

Winona talked about her thoughts; these thoughts she is absolutely reluctant to be mentioned until the movie is successful.

"Fortunately, I read Emily's script and was moved by the story. The childhood life at the beginning made me think that Emily would become a cynical bad girl when she grew up, but the following content is really touching. She has become sensitive, vulnerable, introverted, and shy, but she is still a good girl full of enthusiasm. Compared with her, I am really far behind."

"In the midst of depression, it is inspiring to see the story of a good girl who is optimistic and positive. You can imagine that when a person whose life is not going well sees an angel who grew up in hardships but is still bright, how much was the impact? This movie changed my life; at least it let me know that my future is in my own hands; whether I am an angel or not depends entirely on myself.

I like this movie. I hope you like it as much as I do. I hope this movie can inspire your life like it did to me. I hope it can make you happy. The movie that can change your life is the best, and this movie is the best. She is worthy of the name of an angel."

Looking at Winona, who spoke with strong confidence and happiness, Weinstein suddenly understood something: Winona Ryder is no longer the Winona she was some time ago; now, She has changed a lot.

And the key to transforming her is this movie, Emily.

Good movies make a difference - and Emily does.


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