The Technical Staff

After Levi heard that the facial expression capture technology had been developed, he immediately became interested and wanted to go and have a look.

In fact, Levi also knows that the principle here is not too difficult. Now that there is already motion capture technology, it is technically mature to develop a similar facial expression capture technology. However, Levi knows nothing about technology research and development, and his own team has not been able to develop the corresponding technology.

Now, with the help of Disney, this technology has made a breakthrough, which makes him both surprised and moved.

Surprisingly, he is more confident that many technologies can appear as long as he is willing to work hard and does not have to wait for others to develop them before picking up ready-made ones. And he feels that big companies are worthy of being big companies, and their team level is indeed higher.

Disney only lent himself a team to make a breakthrough in their technology, but their computing team has as many as six such teams. These big companies can become top-level companies in the industry, not all relying on tricks.

"I heard that technology has made a breakthrough, so I came here to take a look. Who is the person in charge sent by Disney? Can you show me our new technology?"

As soon as he entered the technology department, Levi immediately asked questions. He really wants to know. On the one hand, he is very interested in learning what the technology here has achieved. On the other hand, he also wants to know who led the completion of such a technological breakthrough.

Would Disney mind if he poached the corner?

In the crowd, an Asian girl who didn't look very old responded to his questions — this surprised Levi, there were not many women in the technical department, and most of the people here were science talents, but here the person in charge turned out to be a girl?

Levi knows that the Asian population has always had a very outstanding level of learning. Levi is not surprised that such a subject of physical calculation has Asians participating. However, he was surprised that this girl was already one of the persons in charge.

"Liu Lulu," the Asian girl on the opposite side stretched out her hand and gently shook Levi's hand, then quickly withdrew her hand, "I am a staff member sent by Disney. The person in charge is my professor, and he is not here."

It turned out to be the case; Levi nodded. He also knows that most of the scientific computing teams in Hollywood are headed by physics professors hired from universities. Sometimes, it is inevitable that professors will lead students to work together. However, even if this is the case, a person who can be outstanding enough to be brought by the instructor to participate in producing special effects is considered a talent.

"Is this racism or sexism?" Levi's words immediately aroused Liu Lulu's counterattack, although her tone was very flat. But the meaning of the words made Levi overwhelmed.

"Of course not; I just think you are too young and too beautiful. A person like you can be a star; why do you have to learn technology..." Now that he made a slip of the tongue, Levi immediately wanted to make up for it.

Although the girl in front of him is not very beautiful, which girl doesn't like others to praise herself?

"What is the status of Chinese Americans in Hollywood movies? You and I know very well. I have enough brains; I don't need to play buffoons and make money - can the topic about me stop? You are not here to discuss these, are you?"

Liu Lulu's words easily shattered Levi's compliment, and her faint pride in her words made Levi shake his head speechlessly: There was nothing wrong with what this girl said, but her temper was really exciting.

Moreover, these are the first things that come to mind when she hears a compliment... Even if you are a technician, is it necessary to think rationally in the face of such words?

"You're right; I really don't have that much time: tell me about your technological breakthrough."

Levi didn't argue with her; he really didn't come here to argue with her. In fact, Levi has already seen their new equipment: this method of sticking sensor points on the face has never been seen by others, but Levi has tried it many times.

The helmet-like shooting tool, combined with the iron sheet on the head, can capture facial expressions very well, and if combined with the patches on the body, then even skin appearance can be adjusted.

In Levi's memory, this thing was developed by James Cameron's team. Gollum in Lord of the Rings, the gorilla in King Kong, and Caesar in Rise of the Planet are all of this technology — even Levi remembers Blizzard claims to use this technology to shoot Warcraft.

The breakthrough of this technology has many effects - although Liu Lulu's temper is a bit aggressive, it can be heard from the words that it is only because of her not having a good impression of Hollywood.

"Technology has not made a big breakthrough. If you want me to tell you, you came too early. This thing can't be put into use immediately."

However, Liu Lulu's words made Levi stunned again.

"Didn't it mean it's ready for use?" Levi asked, puzzled.

"The machine used to capture facial expressions works on the same principle as motion capture technology. When shooting, they sense subtle changes in facial expressions through the sensor sheet and transmit them to the computer.

I don't know who told you this is already usable. Our technology is still only a preliminary success, and it has not yet reached the scope of standard application - facial capture and motion capture cannot be carried out at the same time; that is to say, it is not possible to rely on one shot when shooting. These two can be done separately, though..."

Liu Lulu immediately began to talk about technology's immaturity, and when it came to these, her interest immediately rose. Levi also understood what she meant, but unlike the girl who thought it was impossible to shoot, he had a different opinion.

"That is to say, when filming now, you have to let Beckinsale talk to the person opposite, act out this scene, and then let her act out the same scene in the air again. Can we make it like this?"

The so-called not being able to shoot in one go, that is to say, the same scene has to be completed twice — obviously, as a technician, Liu Lulu hopes to shoot the scene in one go so that the technology has achieved success.

But for Levi, what's so difficult about taking one more shot?

Liu Lulu stopped talking, frowned, and after thinking for a while, she said, "It is theoretically possible. But, performing in the air? Can this be done?"

Obviously, she is a master of technology, but not an acting talent.

"Trust me, it's ok."

Regarding this result, Levi sighed slightly: It seems that the so-called breakthrough is only a part of the breakthrough, and there is still a long way to go to reach the level in the future.

Although Levi hadn't hoped for a one-step technological explosion, he was still a little disappointed to see such a situation. This progress is not considered significant, and they must continue working hard on this road.

And this also brought about another problem: because the technology of the film was not up to standard, it put a greater test on the acting skills of the actors: it was not an easy job to perform in the air with both voice and emotion.

However, Levi has enough confidence in the actors he chooses.

"Do you have any questions?" Levi turned his head and looked at Beckinsale behind him.

"Problems with the performance?" Beckinsale asked back before shaking her head, "The difficulty has indeed increased, but it's not enough to make it impossible to perform."

"If you don't have any problems, then I will ask many places to redo Shooting." Levi reminded her, "With new technology, all your special effects parts have to be reworked."

"If you don't care about spending money, why should I care about labor?" Beckinsale asked rhetorically.

"Very well then, redo the special effects of Mystique." Levi snapped his fingers and ordered the people around him, "Redo these things with new technology."

"But if it can't be done, we can stop immediately." Behind Levi, Liu Lulu said again, "If the actor's acting skills are not up to standard, then I can't follow your orders."

Regarding the stubbornness of the girl in charge of special effects production, Levi was even more surprised: special effects producers do not have much status in Hollywood, they are a new industry, but the film and television industry is an inherent giant. It's not a wise choice to dare to contradict a producer like this.

However, Levi admires this girl quite a lot: she dares to stick to her own understanding and does not easily compromise on her professional affairs; she is very remarkable.

Levi looked at the young girl again: Not everyone has this kind of perseverance and the spirit of striving for perfection. Based on these, her success is no accident.

"No problem, you are a professional; if you have anything, you can discuss it with the director," Levi answered her, he turned to look at Nolan, and Nolan nodded: He also knows very well that it is better to listen to the opinions of professionals.

"But what if I have a disagreement with the director?" The girl asked persistently, "Can I discuss it with you directly?"

How stubborn... This question made Levi shrug his shoulders, "I believe that director Nolan will give full consideration to the film, and you all have to learn to negotiate and handle things. As for finding me, that's unlikely because, for the next while, I'm going to travel far away; I won't be in North America."

"Far away?" Nolan, who was behind him, said this time in surprise he had never heard of this.

"Yes, far away. I'm going to Asia — I have some business to do over there."


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