
Sitting in the cinema, waiting for the movie to start, Eric was thankful that his luck was so unbelievably good. As a movie fan, how exciting is it to be able to see a movie at its premiere?

Such good luck is unbelievable: As early as a few months ago, Eric heard many people talking about this movie: Levi's new work, the film starring De Niro and others; these names all excited him. And from then on, he was also thinking of trying to attend the premiere as much as possible.

Being able to get in close contact with the four leading actors, being able to hear the film crew talking about interesting things about filming, and at the same time hearing the creative ideas of the film, being able to know more about the inside story and ideas of the film, and most importantly, being able to see a movie earlier than others.

However, tickets for the premiere of the film The Departed are not easy to find. It has been sold at a sky-high price. To get a ticket and watch the premiere before others is what everyone hopes for. Money is not enough to buy tickets.

However, Eric, who does not have contacts in the industry, is a particularly lucky person: he participated in the event held by Enigma on the website. The event seemed pretty simple: just answer questions about details from old gangster movies to earn some rewards. This kind of publicity is common. Eric has seen some in other films.

Only, this time was different: as a long-time gangster movie fan, he had seen enough gangster movies, this kind of activity seemed very simple to him, and he did it very well. And after completing these activities, he was fortunate enough to get tickets to the premiere.

Although he knows he could only come here because the film company wanted to make some gimmicks. In a sense, he was still trapped by the film company. However, tickets can be obtained. All his complaints were gone.

It was a lucky day: to hear director Levi talk about the differences between Hong Kong and American gangsters, to hear Liam Neeson's take on the film, and to get De Niro's autograph — it was all perfect. And most importantly, now, he has become the first group of people in the world to watch this movie!

What a perfect day.

And now, it is the most important moment of this perfect day - on the movie screen, the Columbia logo has appeared, and the movie has started.

"Lord, we praise you. Your servants, the souls of the dead, no longer exist in this world..."

At the beginning of the movie, the camera is shown in the solemn church. In the church, the priest is speaking loudly. Unlike other gangster films, the scene of this film is very grand at the beginning. None of the dark features of a gangster movie can be seen at all.


However, amid the silence, a voice broke the peace.

Standing on the church's second floor, De Niro looked downstairs with cold eyes. He said the word with a mocking expression. Behind him is a young man, obviously speaking for young people.

This is like a gangster - Eric saw De Niro's first glance and immediately came to this idea: not because he has acted in enough gangster movies, but because he dared to laugh at the priest in the church. He is like a gangster. A gangster who doesn't even care about death, how can you respect God?

"The church is always teaching you. Squat, stand up, stand up, squat... they wish to dictate your path. But the road is your own choice; what kind of road you choose determines your own future. I don't mean to insult the niggers, but they should know that if they want something, they should fight for it, not wait."

Standing in the church, De Niro, who was talking to young people, looked elegant and calm, but his words did not lead people to be good. Standing in the church, he laughed at the church with the arrogance of this gang boss.

"When I was your age, people said I could be a policeman or a criminal. But when someone points a gun to your head, is there any difference between a policeman and a criminal?"

Judging from the age in the movie, what De Niro said was obviously 30 years ago - if the film shows the year 2000, then 30 years ago was the 70s when the gang struggle was the most intense. What De Niro said seems to bring people back to that era, and what's more, it directly reminds everyone of Taxi Driver - yes, is there really a difference between a criminal and a hero?

That movie was also played by De Niro... Eric felt a little excited - De Niro had already outlined an excellent gangster character in just a few words, and it also aroused people's thoughts.

The movie is definitely interesting.

The camera is aimed at Billy's face in the movie, and when the camera zooms out again, he is already sitting in the police academy listening to lectures, practicing marksmanship, and receiving training.

It turned out that this was the path he had chosen — becoming an undercover agent and sneaking into the police station for the boss of a gangster. And when he got here, it was easy for people to understand.

The camera switches quickly, and Billy's life in the police academy is also quickly presented to the audience. And the last shot is fixed on the football field, and Billy is shouting loudly and directing. Obviously, his movements are recognized at a glance: he is the team's quarterback.

Everyone knows the importance of the quarterback on a football team. Billy being able to hold this position in the police academy also shows his mind and his popularity. After leaving the gang boss's side, Billy's charisma as a leader was obviously revealed, and this undercover agent was quite successful.

Immediately afterward, the camera panned up again, aiming at an office in the police academy.

Here, another interview is also going on.

Following the knock on the door, the camera pans into the room. The two people in the room quickly cleared the table. The documents on the table were put into the desk by them. Although these two people don't look like important figures, everyone knows one of the two cops was Liam Neeson.

This is also a hugely important part of the scene - Eric realized it immediately.

The door was pushed open. A thin young man walked in. After he saluted, another policeman in the room had already asked questions.

"Colin, you came in once just now. How many folders are there on my desk just now?"

The policeman sitting next to Liam Neeson asked a question.

The folders they packed up just now? Eric found himself not remembering details.

"When I came in just now, there were six file folders on the table, four yellow ones on the left, one white one, and one red one on the right," Colin spoke. He won a lot of favors. It's not easy to remember everything you just saw. Especially for the police, it is essential to have such qualities.

"What do you think of me?"

At this moment, the seemingly lazy Liam Neeson spoke.

This question seems very simple. But it can also be said to be tricky to answer. What should I say about this kind of nonsensical question?

Colin hesitated momentarily but still spoke, "I'm not sure, but I think you must have been in a hurry when you went out this morning, and you didn't wear the same pair of socks."

He finished speaking. Only then did Eric notice: this shot is of Liam Neeson's whole body, and indeed. The socks on Liam Neeson's two feet are not the same color.

Why didn't I notice it myself? While Eric blamed himself, he also admired in his heart.

In a simple dialogue, the image of an excellent police officer is clearly seen.

"Go out." Another policeman said, and after the young man walked out the door, he spoke to Liam Neeson, "Did you see it? I said it. He is the most suitable undercover agent."

With this sentence, the following shot came. It was Colin carrying his own bag and walking farther and farther alone.

It's that simple, the two undercover agents have already appeared in front of people. And this plot also made everyone excited.

The undercover gangster who broke into the police, and the undercover police who broke into the gang, the gangster, the police inspector - what kind of movie will be intertwined with the identities of these people?

Looks like this is an interesting story!

The two undercover agents have already begun to infiltrate each other. When Eric was thinking about this, as the accompanying music accelerated, a quick edited shot also reflected the change in the identities of the two.

The popular policeman in the police force, the hooligan who rubs shoulders with others in the gang; the policeman who broke into the house, and the hooligan who fled in embarrassment; It shows the different identities of the two people and what is black and humorous is that after the two people finished their own things, they each held their phones and called their superiors - black and white are completely reversed here.

"I really can't bear it..." On the phone, Colin complained about his job.

Unlike Colin's frequent complaints to his boss, Billy finished the phone call softly, in a low voice, for fear that others would hear. However, the camera turned to the mirror beside him, and from the mirror, there was a tangled look on his face.

The time of this shot is also not very long, but this is already the first time that their inner selves have been shown.

At the end of the shot, Colin, who was arrested and imprisoned for taking photos, and Billy, who was promoted to take photos, two sets of pictures with completely different meanings are flashed back and forth quickly by the camera.

The identities of the two people are completely different, but for the audience who knows the truth, it is another matter. This scene also makes people feel a little funny, but when it thinks of those words at the beginning of the movie, it makes people feel like they can't stop laughing.

The police and criminals are so confused. At the same time that this story started to be wonderful, a kind of deep pressure has also been produced. Will this pair of undercover agents be exposed? What fate will they meet? This has also become something that everyone is curious about.

Whether it's the theme or the story of the movie, at this moment, all of them have attracted attention.

And at this moment, the movie's title finally appeared on the screen. The hollow font, black background, and white border seem to be a hint, even the movie's name.

"The Departed."


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