
After the release of The Departed, the shocking power brought by it is actually, even if the media doesn't say it, people will clearly realize it. After a movie is released, the most intuitive reflection of its evaluation is the box office.

If people were talking about it before the movie was even released, it wouldn't do too badly at the box office. However, even if it was expected, the film's box office situation still seems surprising.

In the first week of the film's release, the box office of the film exceeded 40.3 million US dollars. From the first day of the release, the attendance rate of almost all theatres has surpassed 90%. The audience's expectations and enthusiasm for the film are pretty impressive.

"After the movie, The Departed, was released, it took only three days to explode into a dazzling vitality. Before, Director Levi said that his movie would be a breakthrough movie, but now, it is hard to say which aspect he was talking about. At least the movie has achieved a full breakthrough in terms of box office."

But the reason is actually very easy to understand: what the audience wants to see, apart from the big scenes, is another very important aspect, the stars.

The promotional video of this movie was released early. The few characters and clips that appear in the movie promotional video are all clips of several stars showing their respective charms, which are very yearning clips.

De Niro was originally a leader in gangster movies, and his extremely provocative words in the movie trailer are also heartbreaking. And Brad Pitt and Norton's characters also appeared in the trailer, which is very exciting, not to mention that the film's director is Levi.

For a star, after acting in a movie, as long as it is not too bad, there is no need to worry about the movie's box office. De Niro and others are all top actors. As long as their movies are of decent quality, the audience will buy them.

And this time, the movie was shot by Levi. In the past three years, Levi has proved his level with one film after another. Even the most discerning cinephile must admit that Levi's movies are pretty high quality.

That being the case, before the movie is released, the audience can almost be sure this is a boutique movie starring stars. What reason does the audience have to refuse?

Therefore, once the movie is released, many enthusiastic fans are already waiting for it. A good director paired with a good actor will generate box office appeal, which is not a simple addition.

The effect of good word-of-mouth comes into effect at this time: when a director proves that all of his films are high-quality goods, his new film can be highly anticipated even if it has not yet been released.

Before the movie is released, people rely on the director's names and actors to decide whether to watch it. Once it is released, it depends on what people say after seeing the movie.

Once again, the box office estimation of the movie was raised.

"This is the most successful performance by De Niro in recent years - this kind of gangster full of oppressive and cunning. Anyone who's a fan of his should see this movie, and anyone who isn't will be blown away by him after seeing it."

After the movie ended, the fans of various actors also expressed their opinions.

Different from the past when the only way for fans to know whether the movie was good or bad was through the comments of media magazines. Now the Internet is more and more developed. Various Movie websites have also become popular, promoting more exchanges among movie fans. Many people have already talked about their idols on the website after the movie is over.

Some actors' names guarantee quality: Tom Hanks is a typical example. All the movies he took over are highly successful movies.

De Niro is similar to him. His acting skills and fame have long been recognized. The role of the gangster boss is also a very charismatic character. His seductive words, meticulous thoughts, ruthless style, and vigorous attitude all make this person show his own charm.

And in the end, before dying, the mocking smile that De Niro put on at gunpoint also made his fans go crazy.

Besides De Niro, it was Brad Pitt who attracted the most audience.

Although Brad Pitt was not the one with the best acting skills in the movie lineup, he ranks first when it comes to popularity.

He had a handsome face and was already very popular among the audience; in this movie, he is one of the protagonists and has attracted the most attention from fans.

" If anyone says that Brad Pitt can't act in the future, let them watch this movie. Brad Pitt proved with his best acting skills that he is the best actor, an Oscar-level actor. Every one of Levi's movies can create an Oscar-level person, and this year, this person is none other than Pitt!"

Brad Pitt fans are proud of his performance. Pitt doesn't have as many moments of personality in the movie as De Niro, but his performance is indeed extremely delicate.

He often shows his personal charm with a smile all over his face and uses his own eyes to express the entanglement and loneliness in his heart. The image of a person who doesn't agree with his heart is full of worries but wants to be optimistic; he expresses it vividly, and it can be said that it is simply incomparable.

The phone calls with the gang boss several times and the pretending in front of his fiancée all made people marvel at his acting skills.

As the last person in the movie, he has a lot of room to play. Therefore, after watching the movie, his fans have decided that with his acting skills, he has absolutely no problem challenging for an Oscar this year.

Immediately after watching a movie, it is the basic quality of being a fan to say that your idol can win an Oscar. This is what Pitt's fans do, but this time, they have encountered some troubles in their approach.

Norton fans were unhappy with their attitude.

"Obviously, Colin's role is more important than William's, and it is more in line with the protagonist's identity. Edward's performance is even better, Brad Pitt still has some traces of acting in some parts of the performance, and Norton has completely integrated into the role. In the movie, his performance is obviously better."

Norton fans naturally watched Norton. In their view, Norton is better than Brad Pitt. Norton is an actor who pays attention to the details of performance.

In the movie, he also designed a lot of actions for his character. For example, he asked to add a smoking scene. When performing, he paid more attention to the changes in eyes and communication. These aspects are his strengths; in the movie, he is better than Pitt.

So, in the eyes of Norton's fans, Norton's performance is significantly better - it's just a pity that Norton is not as handsome as Pitt. So the support is not high.

In the movie, Norton had more roles, and Brad Pitt was the one who lived to the end. Therefore, more people think Brad Pitt should be regarded as the protagonist — he is the real person who lost himself.

These two arguments have also caused fans to quarrel endlessly. Even fans know the movie is a two-hero movie. Originally, these two people are the protagonists, but who is the most important?

Which character more expresses the director's thoughts? This is also the focus of the discussion.

Of course, no matter who the three parties are discussing, they all admit at least one thing: Liam Neeson's acting skills are very good, which can be said to be impeccable in the movie. One of the two poles from the very beginning is a police captain who dares to confront the gang boss head-on.

Later, he developed into a clue character, and after his death, the two undercover agents had psychological changes because of his death, and they joined forces to kill the gang boss. His majestic side and his kind side are all convincing.

"Only Liam Neeson can compete head-on with De Niro without losing. Only Liam Neeson can completely overwhelm the opponent when he is on the same stage as Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. In Levi's movies, there are often golden supporting roles. This time, he picked the right person for the right character."

Although it is difficult for people to tell who the protagonist of the movie is clearly, it can be seen at a glance who the supporting role is. Liam Neeson played perfectly in this supporting role, which no one can deny.

The actors' performance in the movie not only determines the film's level but also whether their fans like to watch it. Sometimes, a film with nothing else to offer has audiences buying it because the lead actor is charismatic.

And a movie can create multiple charming characters and let these characters compete with each other and set off each other, which is naturally more exciting.

The Departed has four stars, and surprisingly, the narrative structure of the whole movie makes the roles of the four people in the film not too important.

Everyone has their own brilliant side, everyone can be said to be full of charm, and their fans will naturally flock to the cinema to watch their idol's performance.

Commercial blockbusters like to use stars because of this: the diehards of these actors are people willing to pay for tickets to see their idols perform.

Apart from the scenes, what can drive the box office is the star. When a movie has many fans watching it, it will naturally have an astonishingly good box office.

When the first week ended, the film's box office score was close to 41 million, which shows how popular the film is with the audience.

A movie without too many fights, explosions, and action scenes can have such a box office; it is simply incredible.

This figure can be ranked among the top three in this year's movies - The X-Men's box office exceeded 50 million in the first week, and Paramount's Mission: Impossible 2 has an impressive record of 57 million at the box office.

And such a result has also made many people discuss whether this movie may challenge the box office performance of another blockbuster, Gladiator, this year.

The Gladiator movie is the most invested movie ever produced by DreamWorks since its inception. With an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, it has carried the greatest hope of DreamWorks and Universal since it blossomed.

Now, its hot release period has passed, and it has achieved a good box office of more than 180 million in the United States and a box office of more than 400 million worldwide.

Although such results cannot be compared with Titanic, it is absolutely satisfactory.

However, that movie only had a box office of 34 million in its first week of release, which is slightly lower than The Departed.

If the box office of this movie exceeds 40 million from the first week, then, in the following days, will it perform miracles again and surpass Gladiator?

For a while, this has become one of the focuses of people's attention.


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