Multi-party Attack

If you can't think clearly at the moment, you might as well leave it to later. Levi did not come forward himself but asked Alexander to say hello to a certain actor who starred in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 

Levi knew that she had a very good relationship with Mr. Zhang and that Mr. Zhang would be one of the most active in following the trend of domestic movies. If you contact him, everything can be solved.

Levi didn't want to be too attentive, so he didn't go there. For him, this party did not have much meaning other than canvassing votes. After some hasty communication, he also chose to leave.

However, the Golden Globes party is over, but the awards season's excitement has not yet passed. After the Golden Globe Awards results were known, people became more enthusiastic about evaluating the subsequent awards.

"If the Golden Globe Awards do not serve as a benchmark, the subsequent awards from the major trade unions will have too great an impact." 

Suddenly, people were all excited about the awards from the major trade unions focus on. For the various outposts of the Oscars, the Guild Awards and the Golden Globe Awards are the two most important weather vanes and can even be considered much more important than all other awards. Since one of them is unwilling, the other one is naturally crucial.

Therefore, the media talked a lot after the Golden Globe Awards ended.

Suppose the Directors Guild award goes to Soderbergh. In that case, the situation is basically over for Levi: Although Levi's two films were good, he won the Oscar last year, and it would be a significant breakthrough to win it again this year. 

It has been nearly forty years since a director won consecutive Academy Awards for Best Director. It is not easy to break this rule. As long as the union makes a statement and wants to maintain this rule, Levi's situation will be very unfavorable.

Of course, there may be another situation. The Directors Guild awarded the award to Levi: Levi will be nominated for Oscars for four consecutive years. This speed and frequency are completely unique in the world. 

If he is allowed to continue doing this, Oscar might as well reserve a special quota in the future. 

There are many highly prolific directors and many high-quality film directors, but combining the two would be too terrible. 

Therefore, some people estimate that Hollywood might actually give Levi a second award. This award is equivalent to telling him: This is the last time for you; take a few years off!

If only an Oscar could be used to stop Levi from stealing the spotlight every year in the future, these people in Hollywood are definitely happy to do it.

But no matter which case it is, the premise is that the union will really follow the rules without considering any behind-the-scenes influences.

But everyone knows that that is impossible - at last year's Oscars, Levi announced that he would sweep the Oscars this year. Obviously, he has been fully prepared this year and will not give up his career so easily. Destiny is left in the hands of others.

But what will Levi's method be?

Soon, people also found the answer.

Although Levi and Soderbergh can now be said to be on par in terms of directorial battles, in other aspects, Levi has a way to win back the Oscars and the Golden Globes. 

The most significant difference is not that the Golden Globes pay more attention to internationalization but that the Oscars pay more attention to technology, technological development, and internal refinement.

So, this February, the main award is not just a Directors Guild Award.

First, in the Photographers Guild's awards ceremony, Valé Pfister, who photographed Levi's "The Departed," defeated films such as Gladiator, The Patriot, and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," and won.

"In a film that pursues big production and big effects, 'The Departed' uses exquisite shooting techniques to tell us that the difficulty of shooting lies not in the scene, but in the depth." 

The media's evaluation of this is quite good. This is not the first time Levi's film has won this award. Compared with other films of the same year, Levi's film may not have a big scene, but there are many nuanced aspects, and the characters are carefully portrayed through small details. Other films ignore these aspects.

Soon after this award, news came from the Writers Guild: Levi's "The Departed" script defeated "Traffic" at the Writers Guild and won the Best Adapted Screenplay Award.

Unlike the Golden Globes, which value British people more, the Writers Guild doesn't care about anything else. They just select good scripts. Therefore, The Departed still brought him an award.

Of course, it is a pity that he failed to make a double hit - in the competition for best original screenplay, Levi's "Lost in Translation" lost to the musical Almost Famous.

The original did not win the award, but the adaptation did, which seems a bit sad. But Levi didn't seem to care much about it. This is not the first time Levi has won an award from the Writers Guild, but the difference is that this time, Levi ran to receive the award with great interest.

"I'm very happy that everyone recognized this script and recognized my contribution to the script. Being able to participate in the adaptation of this script is something that makes me extremely proud, and I am also very happy to be recognized." 

Others are confused by Levi's words; however, Levi himself knew why: The Screenwriters Guild's script application award review requires everyone's specific contribution to be clearly stated. Who is responsible for the main plot, who is responsible for the dialogue, and who is responsible for polishing these are all divided into divisions of labor. 

When previous screenplays won awards, Levi was responsible for the main storyline, and he knew in his heart that it was not up to his level. But this time, he was in charge of translation and polishing, and he was pretty sure that was his own credit.

However, obviously, no one thinks so. Most people believe Levi doesn't even care that he didn't get the original script award and thinks this is for publicity, so he keeps participating in various activities.

This is the kind of movie that can be seen at all the Union Awards, and it's repeated with an annoying frequency during awards season. However, people painfully discovered that it was almost impossible to stop him.

Soon, The Departed won again in the awards issued by the Editors Guild: the large number of cross-over and parallel montages was the most serious consideration for the shooting quality. In this regard, The Departed did its part.

Immediately afterward, Levi also won an award from the Film Sound Editors Association: this award is mainly for dialogue, sound effects, and soundtrack. Levi's movies are also undisputedly excellent in this aspect.

For a movie, director, actor, screenwriter, photography, and editing can be said to be the main aspects. As for several important awards, Levi got almost all of them.

Maybe these don't reflect the director's ability. But being able to find better teammates should be considered an achievement in itself.

What's more, Levi's achievements this time, in the eyes of some people, are more than that: for example, the Sound Mixer's Union Award was awarded to The Grudge - the way this movie uses sound effects to create a depressing atmosphere made them benefit a lot. 

In terms of costume design and stunt actors, both were awarded to X-Men. It is well deserved as the most outstanding special effects blockbuster of the year.

Clearly, Levi's films also benefited from Levi's work.

Here, people can also see the difference between Levi and Soderbergh: Although the movies they shot all look good at first glance, the most terrifying thing about anything is detailed scrutiny. Soderbergh's films are almost impossible to win in any of the detailed distinctions made by various unions. How could the result of such a combination be higher than Levi's films?

Public opinion gradually began to tilt towards Levi's side: the influence of these details made the media begin to realize who was the better director.

Getting every detail right is the most difficult thing.

At this time, another vital award has arrived: the SAG Screen Actors Guild Awards have begun.

The Best Actor award was unexpectedly awarded to The Departed actor Brad Pitt, while the Best Supporting Actress award was awarded to Charlize Theron. What was even more unexpected was that the Best Supporting Actor award was also awarded to Liam Neeson.

This result can be said to make many things clear.

First of all, the two male actors in The Departed, the one who will be nominated this time will definitely be Brad Pitt - although he doesn't know how Pitt did it, everyone can see it. 

This time, Pitt had obviously negotiated an offensive and defensive alliance with Norton, and this time, he pushed Pitt to win the award first. As for Norton, his chances are uncertain in Fight Club, which may be released next year and is expected by many.

Both Liam Neeson and Robert De Niro performed very well in The Departed, but some people think that their performances did not break through their previous images too much. 

These two were not even nominated at the Golden Globe Awards, but now Liam Neeson has won the Screen Actors Guild Award, which is no less important than the Golden Globe Award. 

With this award, the competition for Best Supporting Actor has suddenly become confusing.

The Best Actress award is, not surprisingly, Julia Roberts, and the Best Supporting Actress award, no surprise, is Charlize Theron. However, if Julia Roberts' Best Actress award is the result of ten years of hard work, Charlize Theron's Best Supporting Actress award is the result of Levi's strong support.

Who would have thought three of the four SAG awards would be occupied by two films by the same director in one year? Isn't such a director the best director who can make so many actors succeed?


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