Possibility of Joint Venture

In September, a major event will happen in the United States, that is, 9/11.

Levi feels he's accomplished a lot since coming to the United States, but he knows his ability can only change Hollywood at best and the entertainment industry at most.

As for the economy, he was able to make a fortune by taking advantage of the tide of the times, but for politics, he had no influence at all. What is going to happen will happen, and Levi doesn't think anything will change.

Levi did not want to stay in the United States when this incident happened. The reason was simple: he knew very well that when this happened, people from all walks of life in the American entertainment industry would be required to speak out immediately. 

In the face of this situation, everyone has to stand up and express their love for the United States - the entertainment industry in the United States is not very politicized. 

But, when significant events happen, they have to come forward. And if you don't do this, the consequences will be ugly. 

In Levi's memory, Gwyneth had done this before, scolding the U.S. government after 9/11. As a result, she quickly became the number one most-hated actress in the United States.

Levi doesn't like to stand up, but he also doesn't want to be hated by others, so his way is to stay away from them.

This is why Levi avoids September - anyway, September is a good time for vacation. Levi was clearly warned by the Oscars this year that he should not always be in the limelight, so no one could find anything wrong with him going on vacation.

Stay in Europe for a month or two, wait until things calm down, and then return.

However, the vacation has to be in September. Before that, he still had some things to take care of.

"Since all the stocks have been sold, let's take advantage of the fact that some stocks have dropped to the lowest price and buy them in large quantities. I don't know much about how to run stocks, but you are all experts. You can handle these things for me. That's it."

First, he asked his private equity manager in New York to manage his stocks - in fact, his stock operations were not complex. They believe the Internet will collapse soon and let their private equity managers do the operation. For these private equity managers, these things are what they are good at, and it is not difficult.

The collapse of the Internet bubble began last year, and many small Internet companies were the first to fail. Levi bought stocks of AOL. It had just merged with Warner Bros., and its total assets had risen to US$350 billion. It's when the limelight is at its peak; they have persisted until now without any decline.

However, no matter their persistence, people cannot say they are optimistic about it. It was during this wave that Levi sold all his stocks — his stocks were not very large to begin with. 

The private equity managers have also done an excellent job since last year. The stock was properly sold, so everything was dealt with without causing any trouble. He didn't attract much attention during the dot-com bubble.

After selling out, Levi also began to buy Apple stock, which was at an all-time low. After this is done, Levi will not only be able to earn a large amount of assets, but he will also be able to hold a large amount of Apple stocks. 

From now on, he will no longer have to worry about money issues.

Levi was not a stock professional and couldn't remember the names of too many stocks. 

But he still remembered the name Apple well. As long as you buy stocks destined not to lose money, everything will be no problem. This is the truth. He knows it very well.

Of course, he also took care of his Google shares, by the way - due to constant dilution, his shares had declined sharply. After he got the money, he also took care of it. Like Apple, this is a business that will not lose money, and he feels quite assured about it.

These things do not require much energy. 


After completing all these tasks, Levi welcomed his guests into his company.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Yimou. When I contacted Ms. Zhang Ziyi some time ago, I originally expected to go to China to visit you after a while. But I didn't expect you to come to Hollywood to visit me before I went."

The guest who visited Levi had a somewhat angular face. At this moment, sitting in the Enigma Company, he looked a little embarrassed. He took the tea handed over by Levi, thanked him awkwardly, and then raised his head again.

"Mr. Levi, thank you very much for inviting me to the United States to discuss film cooperation with me... I have read your cooperation plan, and you are willing to give a lot of help to Chinese films. I have to say thank you, but I don't quite understand why you would want to help the development of Chinese films?" 

It wasn't until he sat in the Enigma Company and saw Levi that Director Zhang believed he had not been deceived.

During this time in China, his life was not very good.

Director Zhang has always believed he is a well-deserved boss in the Chinese film industry. His achievements are unmatched by anyone in the Chinese film industry. There is absolutely no problem in saying that he is a representative of a country's film industry.

However, this time, Ang Lee's movie greatly exceeded his expectations. Director Zhang could hardly believe that a martial arts film won the Best Foreign Language Film award.

It's just a martial arts movie — who doesn't know how to make such low-level things as martial arts movies? How could something like this be well received?

Since then, he has always hoped to find an opportunity and get a movie to be released in the United States - since Americans can love martial arts films directed by Hong Kong and Taiwan directors, why should he not succeed?

At this time, he received an invitation from Levi to cooperate.

In fact, working with Enigma Company is not very in line with Director Zhang's ideas. 

In his opinion, what he needs more is not a production company but a distribution company - as long as a distribution company is willing to distribute his movies in the United States, how difficult can it be to produce an Oscar-qualified film?

He has this kind of confidence as a great director who has been famous for many years.

However, finding a publisher in the United States is not easy. Americans are not philanthropists; they are all businessmen, represented by Weinstein, who negotiated movies with him. It was just to buy movies from him cheaply and make a lot of money.

Director Zhang doesn't care about money. As long as he can succeed, money is not an issue. 

However, he is also a person who has been around for many years. He can tell clearly whether someone is a liar or a collaborator. These people defrauded him of his money. Will they help promote his movie? He couldn't believe it.

At this time, Ms. Zhang, who was on the promotion tour of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the United States, called him and said that Levi had shown a strong interest in Chinese movies, which surprised Director Zhang.

Levi is a top-notch director; there is no need to say this. And beyond that, his identity is also the boss of a prominent Hollywood production company. 

Although his company does not distribute, it has produced several movies. And it has always taken the high-quality route. 

He expressed concern about Chinese films and hoped to cooperate. Moreover, the cooperation he talked about was not just a general discussion of letting the country take the works and then distribute them.

He wanted to establish a film company to shoot Chinese movies using American Technology.

Of course, there is still a long way to go: Domestic film companies have not yet been approved for joint ventures. 

However, with Director Zhang's connections, he can promote it. Once it is done, with the level of Enigma Company, they can completely change the domestic environment, whether it is investment or production.

This is not a bad thing. Director Zhang is very clear that the domestic film situation can indeed be changed. The domestic film production industry is relatively backward. 

It was not until the 1990s that domestic films began to be promoted. Technically speaking, filming in the 1990s can't even catch up with Hong Kong's Technology. The gap is quite large regarding actors' income and film investment. 

These things can all be changed.

What's more, the United States has now entered the era of blockbusters. Their movies have significant investments and good shooting, and the gap between them and domestic films is getting wider and wider. 

It is not possible to continue like this.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Director Zhang has some expectations for Levi's invitation: he wants to know what Levi wants to do. 

"What I look forward to is to help the Chinese film industry take off and develop rapidly. We all understand that the box office of a country's film often depends on its domestic film production level. 

  If the country's film production level is average, then its box office will not be very good. I believe that if it can promote the development of China's film industry, then China's film industry will also enable the progress of China's box office market. 

  Judging from China's population, opening the market is not bad for the American film industry - what I want to do is inherently mutually beneficial."

Levi's explanation allowed Director Zhang to ease some of his doubts. Levi's purpose is still to make money for himself, so his statement is more reliable.

If he can really set up a joint venture film company, it will definitely be much easier for his films to enter the Chinese market in the future.

"So, you found me and hoped I could help you mobilize the upper management and get them to approve your entry into the Chinese market?" Director Zhang asked a question after listening to Levi's words.

The State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television still does not allow foreign funds to enter the Chinese film industry. To make this happen, a prominent and influential director is needed. Director Zhang believes that he can definitely do it.

"No, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that if you want to stimulate the Chinese market, you need real Chinese movies. I hope to be able to shoot a truly Chinese blockbuster to activate the Chinese domestic market completely. In this regard, I believe you are the best candidate."

This sentence made Director Zhang puff up his chest: He felt a sense of pride upon receiving the compliment - even foreigners know he is still the boss in the domestic film industry.


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