
Although he said that he was not optimistic about Chinese actors coming to the United States to develop, Levi still told Director Zhang that if there were Chinese actors who were willing to come to the United States to develop and enjoy the same fun of competing for jobs as American actors, he would definitely help. There is no need for him to be too strict about this.

Director Zhang also expressed satisfaction with this and said that after returning, he would think carefully about what he would shoot. Now, Levi has opened a door for him. What he wants to shoot is his own business.

After seeing off Director Zhang, Alexander was also by Levi's side and asked, "Why should we be so spineless when cooperating with China? We have technological advantages and financial advantages. We are better than them in all aspects. 

  But we cannot get the right to speak when we cooperate with them. What is the purpose of such cooperation?"

From Alexander's point of view, this cooperation seems to be a bit of a loss. Levi provided technology and funds to help Director Zhang shoot the movie, but he only got a company with 49 percent shares. 

Such a cooperation cannot be said to be making money.

Alexander is also a shareholder of the company and still has the right to question Levi's actions. He didn't understand what on earth Levi was thinking that he had to help Chinese movies.

In this regard, Levi just sighed, "Alex, let me ask you, what kind of company is our company?"

"A film company," Alexander said, confused.

"It's a film production company." Levi emphasized the word production, "Our company is only responsible for production, not distribution, right?"

"That's right." 

"We are only responsible for production, so we are making movies. To be successful, there must be something that others cannot do. Why should we stand out among the production companies? This is our opportunity!"

Levi knows that his company is only a production company, not a distribution company. He also knows he does not have enough capital to compete with the Hollywood giants on the publicity channel. If he overestimates his ability and wants to make money on the distribution channel, those media giants will soon teach him.

Levi has a good relationship with Colombia, so he knows very well how much Sony has paid for tuition to gain a foothold in the United States.

Moreover, he also knew how another seemingly great company, DreamWorks, a company formed by real top Hollywood figures, was acquired in just a few years.

After seeing them, Levi didn't think he had the ability to engage in distribution. Hollywood has its own rules, and it's hard to get along if you break them.

Of course, if he doesn't care about any face, just like the Weinstein brothers, he will circle around major film festivals, defraud foreigners, buy foreign films at low prices, screen them in North America, and make some leftovers. 

In such cases, the giants won't take him seriously. But as long as you dare to think about getting bigger, you have to be careful about being merged - this is not the only time Weinstein encountered such a thing.

Because the restrictions in this area were too great, he simply gave up on distribution.

However, if you give up distribution, you must have your own uniqueness in production to survive. 

There are hundreds of production companies in Hollywood, but only about thirty truly important production companies exist. Most of them are small and broken companies that are established today and will be useless tomorrow. 

Levi also thinks about how to make his company bigger.

Relying on the director and talent, you can make it big and develop for a while, but if you want to maintain it further, you still have to have something that others can't match.

In terms of special effects, Levi is already ahead of the curve, but he doesn't think special effects alone are enough to make his company uncompetitive. 

Coupled with Chinese movies and being able to shoot blockbusters with unique styles, he thinks it might be a good way out.

"If we can form an alliance with China, then who else can do it except us to shoot war-style blockbusters in the future? 

  China is different from us, and if someone wants to shoot blockbusters there, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television attitude cannot be ignored. 

  It seems that we have lost some profits by cooperating with them. However, as long as we maintain this cooperation, we can have a unique film genre in Hollywood that others cannot compete with. 

  I believe this will be our most profitable film genre."

There are more and more blockbusters, but only a few war blockbusters have large-scale participation. This type of movie itself is difficult to shoot, but if it is shot well, it can also be amazing.

This explanation made Alexander understand, and he quickly thought of something, "Also, it's the Chinese market." 

"These are inevitable; there is no need to say it, right?"

China's market, the unique blockbuster Film types, coupled with the convenience of making movies by yourself - with these three benefits in hand, making less money is no longer a problem. 

As for the issue of the right to speak...

"Believe me, as long as the film industry in the United States exceeds that of China, no matter how small our shares are, they will not dare to confront and argue with us on many issues. What you are worried about won't happen."

Levi is well aware of the ethics of the Chinese entertainment industry. For them, shares are not the only consideration. In this regard, Alexander is simply overly worried.

After all, Levi's identity is still a businessman. Even if he wants to help the  Chinese movies, he will never sacrifice his own career for this. Since he wants to do something, he must find a mutually beneficial operation method. 

This is his basic idea of doing things. And this is not difficult to do.

"How come we haven't thought of this idea of turning China into the backing of our company?" Alexander also sighed in admiration after hearing Levi's explanation.

"Because your eyes are only focused on money..." Levi complained, "If you look wider, you can see more things." 

"So, you are going to go there in a few days. You must also have ideas about Europe in this regard?" Alexander suddenly spoke after listening to Levi's words.

Levi nodded, "Yes, but it's different from China's idea. If China develops well, it can become a source of income for our film company in the future.

  But it will be difficult for Europe. They neither have the population nor intention to create blockbuster movies. However, Europe is also a good place, and some things over there are worth starting with." 


When May came, Levi set foot on European soil, just as he thought. However, what was different from his initial expectation was that he came here not just for tourism and vacation but for accepting the invitation of the Cannes Film Festival Organizing Committee to serve as the jury.

"It's amazing that I have never won the Palme d'Or myself, but now I am standing here discussing who should win the Palme d'Or, among others. Why do they think I know who deserves the Palme d'Or?"

Standing at the Cannes Film Festival, Levi was joking with the people around him. 

Beside him, Jodie Foster, the chairman of the jury, just smiled at his words, "I've never won the Palme d'Or before, right? I'm still the chairman." 

Levi could only smile bitterly at the words of the jury chairman.

As one of the most valued international awards, Cannes invited several famous people to participate in the awards event every year when this award is awarded. 

This year, Jodie Foster became the chairman of the jury, and Levi was also selected for the jury. These two people who have never won the Palme d'Or themselves are now going to judge.

This kind of system amused Levi. 'I never thought I would be so dismissive of the three major film festivals, but I would also be here to criticize others who should win the award.'

However, this also made him lament that he had no leisure time: after becoming famous, something would always come to him. Levi is now beginning to understand that being a great director requires other tasks.

He could shirk it if it were a talk show or media interview. However, inviting him to be a judge at the film festival gave him enough face. He had no reason to evade it.

But even so, he still didn't like this job very much.

"Actually, it's not that difficult." Jodie Foster knew Levi had never participated in an award review, "It doesn't matter whether you have won this award or not. What matters is that you are famous. So, You can just go and see which movie you like and give your own opinion. Is this a big deal for a great director like you?" 

"But the problem is that I'm afraid that what I say will not meet the requirements of Cannes. To be honest, I don't pay much attention to Cannes. 

  I only know that people call this award a gimmick concentration camp, saying that the people who come here are all gimmicks. Man, I don't know what you should pay attention to about this award and how to award it. 

  It will all depend on you when the time comes. I don't have time to watch more than a dozen movies in a row in just ten days."

Although Jodie Foster explained the work of the judges, Levi did not pay much attention to these things.

"You said that because you have other things to do?" Jodie Foster was not surprised by Levi's attitude: not everyone is very interested in taking the work of judging seriously. "It seems that your mind is not on judging at all."

"Of course." Levi nodded, "This is the Cannes Film Festival; of course, there are many things to do." 

"You just said this is a gimmick concentration camp."

"That's right... so, now that I'm here, if I don't buy some gimmicks to go back, how can I be worthy of myself?"


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