Girl’s Ambition

Naomi's unhappiness was well covered up by her smile. 

In Levi's case, she didn't want to show too many worries. They were still talking about the movie and other details of the film.

Levi had nothing to hide from Naomi and directly told her his plan - in his plan, it would be best to prepare in June and July and start shooting in August. In this case, it would be just in time to release the movie in December.

Naomi immediately agreed with this plan: Obviously, this time arrangement is still very good.

After this question, Naomi had no new questions. After she asked clearly about the movie, she didn't stay any longer. 

After sending her out of the door, looking back, Scarlett on the sofa had caught the look in Levi's eyes.

"You seem a little embarrassed she knows about our affairs?" Scarlett looked at Levi's expression with a mocking smile on her face, "Are you afraid of her?" 

"Why am I afraid of her? I just don't want others to know that I'm with you. You're too young. I always feel guilty when I'm with you." 

"I'm an adult. I have independent judgment, and I know what's best for me. I don't care about other people's comments." Scarlett shrugged with a slightly dissatisfied look on her face.

Looking at Scarlett, who looked quite proud, Levi shook his head gently: This girl's temper is really beyond imagination.

In fact, when Levi first approached her, he really just wanted her to play a role - in Levi's memory, this role was originally played by Kristen Dunst. For her, while preparing for the filming of Spider-Man, it was naturally impossible to star in this movie. 

Levi happened to have promised to let Scarlett star in his movie, so he sent someone to ask her to see if she was willing to star.

Unexpectedly, Scarlett received Levi's letter and immediately rushed to France. After arriving in France, she also showed a strong interest in Levi while agreeing to the movie and kept pestering him with questions. The whole process was not so much a discussion about the movie as a conversation.

Levi was quite surprised by this young girl's initiative. Of course, he had no reason to reject a girl's advances.

And this girl's temperament also gave Levi some deeper understanding.

Unlike Naomi, who already has a lot of experience and is quite familiar with this circle, Scarlett does not have the composure and experience of being in the world. She lacks the understanding, kindness, and gentleness.

However, The young girl's aura of a newborn calf and her enthusiasm for thinking she is smart is also quite interesting.

Seeing the girl taking off the guilt for him, Levi didn't say anything else. He reached out and again took the girl's delicate body into his arms.

"Actually, if you really feel it's a pity, you can get her back. I don't care..." Looking at Levi's expression, Scarlett spoke again. 

Her words were quite provocative, but of course, Levi would not really do what she said.

"Stop talking nonsense. We have nothing to do with each other."

"Do you really want me to believe that she came to your room to see you in the middle of the night just to discuss a movie? I am young, but I am not a fool." Scarlett curled her lips — Dismissive of Levi's statement.

"If someone thinks you are a fool, he must be a fool."

Levi had some guesses about Naomi's thoughts, which indeed made him a little regretful. However, he is not a fool. Where is the time to regret for another woman when he is holding one woman?

"If you really think I'm not a fool, then you should trust me more." Scarlett also whispered in Levi's ear.

"What do you want?" Levi asked.

This girl really has a lot of brains - this kind of brain is rare among girls her age.

"I don't ask for anything else. I just hope that when I am performing in the movie, you can respect me as much as you respect her." Scarlett said, "I heard someone say that when you are on the set, you can only respect the most important person. 

  Only good actors will be given some discounts and care, allowing them room to perform freely. 

  I think I am also a very good actor, and I also hope to receive this kind of care." Scarlett's voice was gentle; however, what she said made Levi feel a little funny.

This girl is indeed very ambitious: she took the initiative to get closer to him, and from the beginning, it was not just for a supporting role in a movie. 

Obviously, she hoped even more that he could help her grow and help her become a real top actor.

What she did was pretty much what he remembered. However, in his memory, she found Woody Allen for cooperation, and now, she has found himself.

"Performing on your own is not a simple matter. Can you really do it?" Levi felt that her request was negotiable.

"You can help me. For example, in this movie, the two most important parts for me are to show the mental confusion after taking drugs, and the other is to show the character's blind worship and following of celebrities. My character will also quote several different famous quotes in the movie. Can I choose them myself?" 

"Are you just trying to get more lines, or do you think it would be better if you picked it yourself?" Levi asked.

"I feel that if I choose it myself, I can choose words that are more suitable for me and more heartfelt. In this way, when I express myself, I can be more adaptable to myself... 

  I am not doing it for lines; if Just for the sake of lines, I will use other methods to ask you to add lines."

Sure enough, she is really smart.

"Scarlett, I can promise you can look for the quotes, but I also want to remind you that this kind of quote is not easy to find. You are an ambitious girl, which is good, but excessive ambition can also affect your own progress. Don't ask for too much all at once; it will not be good for you."

In any case, it is always a good thing to be ambitious. Levi is not afraid of the ambitions of the actors around him and even hopes that they will be more ambitious. 

Only ambitious people can work harder to make a good movie. For Levi, isn't her ambition a good thing?


Throughout May, if there is anything that is a big event in the film industry, then it will definitely be the Cannes Film Festival. However, if there is anything that can attract the attention of all Hollywood, then it will definitely be the summer vacation schedule that starts in May.

This May, Shrek is the first shot of summer. This animated film caused a sensation as soon as it was released, and its amazing box office numbers made people look forward to the entire summer schedule.

Shrek, The Mummy 2, Pearl Harbor, Jurassic Park 3, Planet of the Apes, Speed 2, Tomb Raider... This summer, the market is flooded with these movies.

A wave of commercial movies seems to be sweeping the world at a rapid pace. It appears that all of a sudden, everyone in Hollywood is rich, and they have plenty of money to invest in blockbusters. 

And it seems that movie fans all over the world suddenly have money, can afford tickets, and can afford to spend money.

The film market was sluggish two years ago due to the economic crisis. At that time, if a movie could have a North American box office of 200 million US dollars, it would almost certainly be the North American box office champion. 

However, judging this year's market trend, 200 million is obviously nothing, and it may be almost enough to be in the top five. Even the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, which will be released in the winter, are both estimated to exceed 300 million.

The tide of commercial films is always exciting - to be able to see so many well-produced big movies, everyone must be happy with the thriving development trend of the film industry. 

However, this trend of blindly pursuing large-scale productions has also diluted the atmosphere of the Cannes Film Festival. It has inevitably made some pessimistic comments among those attending the film festival.

"Movies need connotation. If you don't pursue connotation and only know how to shoot movies with big scenes, it will not be of much benefit to the development of movies." 

This argument from the Cannes Film Festival is not surprising - the three major film festivals originally just focused on artistry rather than commerce.

In this case, there is not much wrong in itself - there is really not much benefit in shooting blockbusters blindly.

However, this is something that is difficult for American journalists attending the film festival to accept.

In the United States, they are all promoting that this year is a prosperous year for movies, and the crazy rise in box office sales makes people seem to see a better future. 

However, looking back, the Europeans here are saying that American movies lack a future - this statement is naturally frustrating.

And while people were arguing, a piece of news came out in Cannes.

Levi, one of the judges of this film festival, seems to have been influenced by the atmosphere of the film festival during the Cannes Film Festival and is now starting a new film.

"I'm not ready for the filming yet. It may take a while to prepare. However, after the filming of this movie is completed, it should be satisfying." 

Levi's words immediately made the American media find its backbone. When they look back at the Cannes reviews, they are all quite confident.

In Levi's movies, one dares not say anything else, but the artistry is enough to make a bunch of Europeans stunned.

"We don't know what an art film is? This is really ridiculous. Now, let Director Levi tell you what a true art film is!"


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