Human Will

Susanna, the leader of the Earth Trisolaran organization, was arrested. However, there is another huge problem behind this organization. 

Their other leader, Evans, who holds the technical information donated by the Trisolarans, is hiding on a cruise ship. If you fight them forcefully, all these data will be destroyed.

Therefore, at this time, mankind formulated the String Plan. This was humanity's first attack on Trisolaris and their men. This is also the biggest attack of the entire movie.

Compared with the previous explosion, the disintegration of the ship in this section can be said to be the real highlight of the film. Compared with other methods, this cutting is also the top priority.

The shooting of this section is also the last part that needs to be displayed with special effects.

The human governments showed their high efficiency. In the face of the crisis of destruction, they quickly united and set up an ambush on the Panama Canal. 

Renault, the proposer, and Paul, who studies nanomaterials, also participated in this action. They accompanied these people to the Panama Canal to observe the matter closely.

Renault and Paul were both standing on the bank of the Panama River at this time. Their eyes were staring at the river in front of them, chatting with the officers beside them. 

The officer was lamenting that his honor in serving the United States had become insignificant in the face of the disasters of the Earth, while for the other two, he was not even interested in taking care of this honor.

This is the disaster of the Earth. In the face of the catastrophe of the Earth, what is the honor of human war? Both of their eyes were fixed on the big ship in front of them. The survival of this ship was the key to the situation.

The big ship came over. It didn't seem to be hurt at all, and it drove easily between the two erected pillars. It seems to be unimpeded. What is the role of the nanowires?

Plan failed? This is people's first reaction when they see this scene. But, just when people were slightly disappointed that the special effects in this scene were not good, things changed.

First, there was a flagpole, which seemed to break on its own for no reason and began to float down.

Immediately, the pipe on the ship broke. The water began to flow uncontrollably around the boat. More than anything else, this is the first thing that cannot be kept as a prototype.

Then, there was a creaking sound from the hull, and the large ship began to deviate from the channel, and parts began to be chopped inside. Rush across the deck into the water. It was no longer under control and crashed straight towards the bank of the canal.

The huge force of the ship's hull caused the canal's embankment to be smashed. The Earth parted like a wave, and the entire surface was affected by this force. And this giant ship is also affected by the same majestic power.

The hull, which was barely able to hold on due to the minor damages, suddenly disintegrated at this moment.

Because of inertia, the large ship, which was cut into more than forty pieces, was staggered from top to bottom and rushed forward. In this process, accompanied by harsh friction, the breaking of waves and the Earth, and sporadic explosions, it was extremely shocking for a moment.

This scene is also shocking. The slices cut by the big ship twisted. It is rolled around so that no one can come out again. And the ship itself began to catch fire. This makes this magnificent scene even more colorful.

The soldiers lurking on the shore all rushed out at this time. They rushed towards the big ship, extinguishing the fire, searching for people, and, most importantly, looking for information.

This magnificent scene appeared on the screen. Compared with the previous alien planet scene, this scene looks even more shocking. After all, this is Earth, not virtual space or alien space. 

The appearance of such a scene on the real scene of the Earth will be more shocking to the audience.

And the audience also understood that this war has finally started, and from the beginning of this war, it has been destined to be much more brilliant than human wars.

On the ship, people searched for scientific and technological information the aliens had given to the Earth Trisolaran organization. This information was quickly restored by Earth's scientists. 

On the one hand, Earth's scientists marveled at the greatness of the Trisolaran people's technology. On the other hand, they were also fortunate to find that it would take them three hundred years to reach Earth - which gave humans a buffer time.

The mysteries are revealed one by one, from the initial mystery of suicide to the current alien technology, all are presented to humans layer by layer. However, the answer to this mystery can only make people despair.

At the same time, humans also discovered that they could contact the Trisolarans through Sophon's telepathy. Therefore, humans are also trying to find and communicate with aliens through Sophons. Until now, there are still people who hope to negotiate with aliens.

However, this search process only resulted in a reply from the aliens.

"You are just bugs."

The Trisolarans, whose intentions had been clearly exposed to humans, responded to the Earthlings with an extremely arrogant attitude. Aliens with far higher technology than Earth have no interest in talking to Earthlings.

In the face of aliens with higher technological levels, the so-called technological level of human beings is really not enough, and aliens have blocked the possibility of developing higher-level technologies. 

Under such circumstances, if you want to defeat the aliens, it is almost impossible. The aliens are not interested in talking to the Earthlings either: they are not stupid aliens who come to our door to be slaughtered. This is a real interstellar war.

Compared with the horror of aliens coming directly, the horror of being a lamb waiting to be slaughtered for three hundred years is even more unacceptable to humans.

And compared to ordinary humans, physicists are even more unable to accept this matter.

Paul is an example of someone who was completely desperate because of this. For scientists, the situation is hell. 

They clearly know that there are more advanced civilizations in the universe, and they also know that with the advancement of science and technology, the questions about this world will be further revealed. 

However, because of the intervention of aliens, they are unable to explore the truth, which makes these scientists extremely confused and uncomfortable. 

For them, what they lose is not only the possibility of destruction but also the loss of ideals and pursuits.

Paul was also one of these people. In his own home, he began to drink alcohol and no longer had a restful look on his face. He looked like a tramp, completely mired in decadence.

However, this decadence did not last long.

Renault found Paul again.

While cutting the ship, the two of them established a friendship. 

The United Nations brought in physicists from various countries to try to discuss a way to fight aliens. This time, they found Renault and ordered him to get Paul. 

However, looking at Paul's appearance, it was obvious that he was not able to go out and do things.

Regarding his situation, Renault simply expressed it.

"Come with me, and I'll take you to see bugs."

Renault drove to the countryside, and what he saw in the countryside were bugs.

This is a locust plague. Insects are overwhelming in the farmland, gnawing at the grain in the fields. These tiny things seemed to have unparalleled power, wreaking havoc in the fields, but no one could control them.

Paul's memories seem to have been awakened: locusts have always been quite terrifying creatures in human memory. They were once one of the most powerful disasters affecting human life.

These seemingly small creatures are not easy to deal with.

"See, these are bugs." Renault said softly, "They are inconspicuous and have little power as if they can be crushed by raising your hand. However, they are numerous and cannot be eliminated. They exist forever. This world won't be wiped out."

Renault's words were very simple, but his meaning was very clear. Paul also understood his words, and there was life in his eyes.

Human beings may be as small as insects, but they are not so easy to eliminate. Even if human technology is very backward, maybe humans are not far behind aliens. 

However, compared to relying on technology to fight aliens, for humans, the spirit of never giving up is more important. 

Renault himself is the best example. He is just a policeman who does not understand science. However, facing aliens, he has made far more contributions than these scientists.

As long as humans still have these resistances, the outcome will still be uncertain in three hundred years.

The camera shifted again, this time focusing on the United Nations building. Only this time, inside the building, what these people are doing is no longer boring mediation of international disputes day after day.

Now, this is the command headquarters for humans to fight against aliens.

Individual figures are flashing here, and they are all talking about the methods humans have come up with now. 

Rely on the power of the media to stabilize people's emotions; establish the International Space Station to observe physical data in places in the universe that Sophons cannot take care of; use the information transmitted by the Trisolarans to build spaceships to resist or escape; search for remaining remnant members of the Earth Trisolaran Organization on the Earth, in order to obtain more information. 

Human beings' will to resist has not faded, and all human resistance is gathered here.

Right here, people are working hard, giving speeches, and inspiring the world.

"At this moment, human beings are facing a huge crisis that has never been seen in history. Aliens are coveting our home on Earth, and our species is facing the crisis of destruction. Survival or destruction is a question. But for human beings, there is always only one answer to this question!"

The camera zoomed out, and the entire United Nations building was reflected in the shot. At this moment, the sun sets, and the sky is covered with red clouds. And the fate of humanity, just like the setting sun on the horizon, faces the crisis of sunset.

The camera zoomed out again, capturing the entire Earth. No one knows what the future fate of this planet will be.

The movie is here, too, ending its run.


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Marcelo Maia


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Scott DePaepe

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