
The movie ended, but Levi's original wish to take a break was not fulfilled.

Bob had basically finished writing the script, and after watching a blockbuster movie, his partners were all in high spirits. 

At this time, they were full of energy, and all returned to the company to discuss how to start the movie.

After arriving at the company, Levi immediately saw the script written by Bob. Sure enough, the script was almost completed, and Bob was as meticulous as ever. If asked to prepare the script, he would do his best every time.

Then the next step is naturally preparation.

"There is absolutely no problem with the film's funding. We can get whatever money you want now." After returning to the company, Alexander spoke immediately. 

Anyway, he knew that Levi's movie would not be a blockbuster, and the investment would certainly not be much higher. Moreover, Levi always understood the importance of doing things, so he also behaved very generously.

"That's good, although I know very well that you will regret if I quote too high... Michael, then you have to get into some trouble. This movie shoots the life of the rich, so in terms of setting, decoration, and costumes..."

"I'll pay attention." Michael also spoke.

In the story of The Intouchables, the white man, Philip, is a very wealthy man, and the story also involves some of his taste in music and appreciation of art. 

With these things in mind, it naturally involves artistic issues. For a person who likes art, the decoration at home cannot be hastily set up. These things are also a difficulty in the movie.

In this regard, Levi also hopes that his company can make some progress.

In the past, most of his movies were closer to reality. In addition to paying attention to the color palette of Emily, the costumes and decorations of other movies are relatively less related to art.

However, Levi knew that when he made movies in the future, it's likely that a lot of science fiction scenes would be used. How to design the costumes in these scenes better requires thinking.

From now on, these should be put on the agenda and paid attention to.

Movies are inseparable from fashion and art. People may not notice these things, but they are indeed reflected everywhere, and attention to these details is the key to success.

After assigning them tasks, the next step is the selection of actors. In this regard, Clark and Levi still discuss.

"There are two important actors in this movie. One is the black nurse Driss (Abdel), and the other is the rich white man Philip. Of course, in addition, there are other people, such as Driss's extended family, and there is a girl that Philip likes. 

 But after all, these people are supporting roles, or even passable people, and are not particularly important. What is really important is the casting of these two actors. What do you think about the role of Driss?"

In fact, there is not much to say about this role. There are not many outstanding black actors in Hollywood, and the questions raised by Levi can remind Clark of only those few people. 

"Will Smith? "Clark proposed a name. "He should be able to. He is strong enough, no matter what aspect." 

"No, he's too handsome." Levi shook his head, "This is not a youth idol drama. Someone too handsome is not good for our movie."

If it is a commercial blockbuster, he can let Will Smith star. That is, of course, the best choice. His box office appeal is comparable to that of Denzel Washington, and he has always been the darling of commercial blockbusters. 

But Levi's movie is not a commercial blockbuster; it is just an ordinary feature film about a nurse, and naturally, Levi will not use a handsome person to act. 

Being handsome is often beneficial but not suitable all the time.

Moreover, even if Levi goes to invite him, he may not be willing to come: Will Smith must have been interested in getting all roles for a while, but for him, now, making money is still more important than his interest in becoming famous. 

If you want him to act, the salary will also be very high. Levi doesn't want to spend too much money on this movie, so it's not appropriate to invite him. 

"So, Denzel Washington?" Clark also proposed another idea.

"No, he is too old." Levi shook his head, "And he's also very expensive." 

After the last cooperation, Levi and Washington have developed some friendship, and they will definitely have to shoot a second movie in the future. Therefore, if he is chosen, he may be able to reduce his salary. However, he is a bit too old, making Levi feel bad. 

Moreover, Levi doesn't want to persuade him to cut his salary: after all, he will film the second "Three-Body Problem" in the future. If he convinces him to cut his salary now, what should he do if he proposes a salary increase next time?

But if you don't choose them, there are not many people to choose from. Although it is very taboo to talk about racial discrimination in Hollywood, there are indeed not many famous black actors. 

After all, black people are not the mainstream group of society. There are not many stories about them, so there are not many famous actors in this group. 

In addition to these two box office superstars, there is also an old black star, Morgan Freeman. 

Under these people, they lack a layer of second-tier actors with a large number of white actors.

Of course, in addition to these familiar names, there are also famous actors such as Jamie Foxx, but most of them are actors with a comedy background. In terms of performance style, there's too much difference.

"If they can't do it, then I propose someone. How about Cuba Gooding Jr.?"

Clark was a little silent, but Michael gave a new name.

This name made Levi's eyes light up: Compared with the two superstars, this man's age, salary, and image are all considered appropriate.

"This man is very good." Clark also nodded, "Compared to those others, it is more suitable."

Cuba Gooding Jr. is actually a comedian, but he has also acted in many dramas. It's just that there are not many roles for black people, and he himself lacks enough handsomeness and righteousness, so although he is capable, he is not famous. 

He may not be as good as those two people, but in this movie, he is more suitable than those people.

"Then, I will contact him." Clark immediately agreed to this role, "What about Philip?"

"Who do you think is the most suitable?" Levi asked back.

"Dustin Hoffman is the most suitable." Clark thought for a moment and said, "This character is older, so of course, he needs an older actor. Nicholson is a little too neurotic, and Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are both too temperamental to look like a physically and mentally exhausted disabled person. The most suitable person is, of course, Dustin Hoffman."

Unlike black people, there are too many white actors.

"But I don't think we can hire him." Levi spread his hands and said.

This fact made Clark slightly discouraged.

Indeed, Dustin Hoffman can be said to be a truly successful actor. He has enough honor and status, as well as enough money and power. As for what kind of scenes to play, he can choose by himself without having to beg any director. 

For such a disabled person with almost no action in the whole movie, and all the scenes are focused on the character's face, he may not be willing to take on the role.

"Do you have a suitable candidate in mind?" Clark asked.

"Well, how about Jeff Bridges?"

Clark thought for a while, and the actor's name made him nod slightly. Compared to Dustin Hoffman and others, Jeff Bridges' salary is certainly much cheaper.

Compared with the four talented actors, Jeff Bridges can be said to be the unlucky one. He has been acting all his life but has not won many awards in his old age. He was paid much less, and after a lifetime of acting, his acting skills are trustworthy.

However, there is a question here, which is also relatively important.

"Jeff Bridges seems to be taller than Cuba Gooding Jr., right?" Clark thought of a question.

Of the two people, the white Philip is rich, and the black Driss is a caregiver. The identity of these two people also determines that if the black man looks thinner than the white man when filming the movie, it will affect the perception.

Cuba Gooding Jr. is not very tall, and Dustin Hoffman is very short. He works well with Cuba Godin Jr. If Jeff Bridges were replaced, he would be even taller than Cuba Gooding Jr.; this is not good.

But Levi just smiled at this.

"Clark, have you forgotten? We are photographing a disabled person." Levi shrugged and said, "A disabled person spends most of his time in a wheelchair. 

 If our makeup is good enough and the camera location is appropriately set up, we can completely capture his shortness and helplessness and Driss' tallness. This movie will not show the height contrast of two people appearing at the same time." 

The height problem of the actors has always been an issue that needs attention when filming. Some actors are relatively short; they can rely on fruit boxes to enhance their height, but they can't do so when they need to rely on their stature to reflect their characters, and that's the real trouble.

However, sometimes, different shooting angles can solve this problem well. Some moderate upward shots can make the image look quite tall. In some scenes that require comparison, the scenes can be very different if the shooting angles are different.

In fact, this shooting technique is more common in news photos. 

When reporters want to show the gap between developed countries and backward countries, they like to take pictures of the buildings of developed countries from above to show the extraordinariness of developed countries.

This method is not suitable for scenes that require contrasting the height of the characters. However, for this movie, where one party is paralyzed in a wheelchair, he can use this shooting method to his heart's content.

In other aspects, others can help, but for shooting issues, Levi would not leave it to others. 

Be serious where you should be serious; this is what Levi pays the most attention to.


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